
Andy Harrington – Power to Achieve
Over the years this event has helped thousands of people to realise their potential to create an incredible life fortified with financial independence… true and lasting love… vibrant health and self confidence.
The people in the video learnt how to attain their goals easier, faster and more enjoyably than they ever thought possible.
Imagine if you could rekindle the passion within you to enjoy a deeper and more satisfying relationship… perhaps to meet your soul mate… or ignite the passion with your partner.
Imagine having the certainty of knowing that you can generate an income that means you’ll never have to worry about money ever again and be comfortable for the rest of your life!Well, I am here to tell you that is exactly what this event is designed to do…Would you like to be in the next group of people I have worked with who are now themselves multi-million pound business owners?So let me tell you…“How At 27 This Former Down and OutDrug Addict Turned His Life Around And Built A Business From Scratch That Has Now Pulled In £46,000,000”At Age 27 I Was Flat Broke, Lonely, And Heavily Addicted To Class ‘A’ DrugsI had no compelling future and my life was slowly going nowhere.
But one day I had a MASSIVE wake-up call. I took a look at the no-hopers I’d been hanging out with and realised the horrifying truth…I had become one of them!“In that moment, something shifted inside of me. I got angry and furious that I’d sank to such a low. I vowed to immediately do something about it.”
The first thing I did was cut ALL contact with this peer group. I knew deep down I needed to get around successful people so I could find out what they were doing differently, and then do the same.
It became a new addiction to replace the old disempowering one!I read every self-development book I could get his hands on to feed my mind with positivity. But funnily enough, it was just one simple statement that changed my life…Makes sense, right?
There’s no point copying poor (or average) people if you want to be rich!Within just 2 WEEKS of ditching my old peer group, I had quit using drugs forever…Within a few months I had quit my £1,500 a month job working for Churchill Insurance to start my business.
Like most businesses, I had to borrow money to get started, so I set about creating a rather ambitious business plan (I projected I’d pull in £1million in year 1) and took it to my bank manager.
He was smug and full of reasons why that was way too ambitious and almost laughed me out of his office.
But, I was committed.
So I went to another bank… And another… And another…Eventually after being politely shown the door on no less than 7 separate occasions, I realised that for all my enthusiasm, it was unlikely anyone was going to lend me the money for my business.
So, like all successful people, I changed my approach and went to the Abbey National and told them I needed to borrow £10,000 to buy a car!
What happened over the next 5 years is remarkable by any standards as my first business generated revenue of over £21,000,000 in the first 5 years! (It’s now pulled in over £46,000,000 and still going strong)All of this brings me back to why I’m talking to you today…So – Could YOU Be Next?
Do You Want To Discover the Proven Strategies That Could Make You £100,000 In Personal Income Within The Next 12 Months?
This is a very real, tangible, and measurable result I’m suggesting here.
I’m talking about SEEING different results with your own eyes. I’m talking about looking at your bank balance over the next 12 month’s and seeing a HUGE increase.
If you’re truly excited about seeing THESE kind of results faster than an average person believes is possible – then I think you should attend the brand *new*: Power to Achieve event
Over 3 days you’ll be taken on a powerful journey… firstly, I will help you to create the psychology of a winner and then I’ll share the latest proven strategies for generating MASSIVE amounts of wealth.
I promise you, this isn’t like ANY event you’ll have attended before.
You’ll discover some of the life-changing secrets that the selected people who have already attended my live training’s have used to awaken their capacity to create the lives they deserve.
PLUS, I’ll be revealing some exciting *brand new* concepts that I’ve NEVER shared before!So WHY is this event unique?Please understand this event is NOT an easy sit back take notes theory based seminar, if that’s what you are looking for, please click away now, this event is not for you.
Because just learning theory isn’t enough…Knowledge Is NOT PowerKnowledge is only potential power. Let me prove it to you…Do you know someone who appears to be less skilled than you are, but still has more money than you do? (Annoying isn’t it But the reason that’s even possible is that the secret to wealth is to combine the awesome powers of SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE and ACTION!
So that’s why in this event not only will you gain specialist training in the formula for success, you will also be actively engaged in the process of breaking through to new levels of inner strength and condition yourself so that success becomes an unconscious habit and a guiding force in your life.
That way the changes you make will be lasting and permanent as you find it easy to follow the daily rituals that become your formula for success.
But maybe the greatest benefit of all is that for 3 days you’re totally immersed and focused on the sole task of creating your life the way you want it, overcoming the fears that have stopped you and making powerful new decisions to shape your destiny.
Let me ask you a question…When was the last time you spent 3 days with NO interruptions?The answer for many is never – and that’s why deciding to attend this event will be one of the most important choices you ever make. The Power to Achieve Weekend is the perfect time and place to design the next 10 years of your life.
CONTENTDVD 1 – The Psychology of Success CD 2 – The Formula for SuccessCD 3 – The Power to WinCD 4 – Believing is SeeingCD 5 – Why You Do What You DoCD 6 – Awaken the Hero WithinCD 7 – Speak and Grow RichCD 8 – The Tools of TransformationCD 9 – Neuro-Financial-ConditioningCD 10 – Discover Your PatternCD 11 – The Re-Patterning ProcessCD 12 – Go For It!First video is actually sales pitching, where Andy talks about this product and pretty good sells it from the platform. So if you want to know more about product – go just into cd #1 (video one).
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