Patricia Ellsberg – The Emergence Process Teaching Intensive
What You’ll Discover in This 24-Week Training
Each LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to permanently sustain your Emergence and catalyze it in others.
Each week Patricia Ellsberg, along with Senior Emergence Facilitators, will support you to break through to your highest potential and live more fully as your Essential Self. For each of the 10 Steps, two weeks will be devoted to delving in deeply. The first week you will dive deeply into the content and the second week you will have an opportunity to share the teachings in a small group, lead an attunement and small group discussion and receive feedback from fellow students in your circle. There will be time for you to share your experience of each step, and your successes and challenges.
You will also receive guidance on how to share each step with others and invited to engage in regular practice teaching sessions and lead Emergence Circles. Additional practice sessions will be offered throughout the course for those who want to receive more guidance from Patricia and the Facilitation Team.
You will be encouraged to find an “Emergence Process partner” or participate in an Emergence Circle, and meet at least once to discuss each step. You’ll be supported in finding these partners among either the participants in the course or from your own circle of friends and can meet virtually or in person.
You will also have access to a dynamic online community to discuss and practice the teachings with fellow participants. Senior Emergence Facilitators will be available to offer individual advice and support.
The program runs April 9 – September 17, 2015. Main course sessions will air live on Thursdays, 5pm -7pm Pacific and 7pm- 9pm Eastern time. Additional, “Global Cafe” and Certification Track calls will be announced. However, even if you cannot make the live calls, you can still get the full benefit of this training.
We have incorporated invaluable feedback from Patricia’s students and graduates to create the most powerful online format for transformational learning and practice at the Shift Network. It includes:
- Longer, more in-depth teachings and lectures
- Expanded one-on-one and Q&A sessions with Patricia
- In-depth instruction into the nuances of the key practices and tools
- Improved community building/support formats
- Highlights from Barbara Marx Hubbard’s teachings around Emergence
- Plus much more
This one-of-kind, in-depth training is a rare opportunity to work with this transformative process at a much deeper level, and suffuse virtually every area of your life with the gifts of greater consciousness, presence, and depth.
If you are truly ready to dive deep into your Emergence and are called to embody and express your potential more fully, this 24-week advanced program with Patricia Ellsberg is the perfect training for you.
The following sessions will include Patricia’s expert facilitation to deepen you into each step, along with teachings about the guided facilitation practices so you can share the steps and processes with others The first week you will explore the content, and the second week will emphasize facilitation skills.
Sessions 1 and 2: Step 1 – Entering the Inner Sanctuary (April 9 and 16)
Clarify and set your intention for this course. Explore how you want to grow and evolve over the next six months.
- Create an Inner Sanctuary, a place of peace and inspiration where you leave behind the concerns and pressures of daily life.
- Set aside time each day for peaceful contemplation inside your sanctuary with a journal beside you.
- Discover and deepen your connection to your Essential Self as you recall times of inspiration and guidance.
- Identify and integrate the specific qualities of your Essence that you most love – such as joy, peace, security, love, wholeness and wisdom.
- Strengthen your relationship with your own inner guidance by asking questions of and receiving answers from your Essential Self.
- Share and discuss with others in the course your experience of Essence, and what your heart desires for your own Emergence.
Session 3: Step 2 – Contemplating the Glory of the Beloved, Part One (April 23)
Spend as much time as you can in your Inner Sanctuary in Essential Self contemplation.
- Become the director of your attention – instead of focusing on current problems and concerns, practice directing your attention to the Beloved presence within.
- Learn the discipline of relaxation – whenever you feel tense or pressured, learn to relax, stop, breathe, smile, and return to Essence.
- Become intimate with your Essential Self – continue to contemplate the qualities of your Essence you most love and affirm these qualities within yourself.
- Explore and envision how you can more fully incorporate these qualities into your life.
- Deepen your experience of establishing and maintaining resonance in an Emergence Circle.
- Strengthen your connection to Essence.
Session 4: Establishing and Maintaining a Resonant Field in Emergence Circles
(April 30)
This week our guest speaker will be Joanne Brem, a distinguished executive coach (see bio) who and specializes in bringing resonance to corporate meetings.
In this session you will learn how to:
- Establish and sustain a collective resonant field while leading a group
- Speak as Essence.
- Discern when someone speaks more from ego than Essence and guide them back to speaking as their Essential Self.
- Increase awareness of when a group drops out of resonance and how to regain it.
- Honor sacred silence.
- Trust the process.
Session 5: Step 2 – Contemplating the Glory of the Beloved, Part Two with emphasis on facilitation (May 7)
This session will emphasize facilitation.
- Spend as much time as you can in your Inner Sanctuary in Essential Self contemplation.
- Become the director of your attention – instead of focusing on current problems and concerns, practice directing your attention to the Beloved presence within.
- Learn the discipline of relaxation – whenever you feel tense or pressured, learn to relax, stop, breathe, smile, and return to Essence.
- Become intimate with your Essential Self – continue to contemplate the qualities of your Essence you most love and affirm these qualities within yourself.
- Explore and envision how you can more fully incorporate these qualities into your life.
- Deepen your experience of establishing and maintaining resonance in an Emergence Circle.
- Strengthen your connection to Essence.
Sessions 6: Step 3 – Incarnating Your Essential Self, Part One (May 14)
- Imagine the Essential Self is incarnating, entering your body/mind and transforming it.
- Put this purpose first – as much as you can, make your life a continuous process of placing your attention on the presence of your Essential Self.
- Lift the local selves into a higher vibration by loving them and dissolving their sense of separation from Essence.
- Allow yourself to feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure and compulsions.
Session 7: Creating and Leading Emergence Circles and Guided Meditations (May 21)
In this session with guest speaker Carolyn Anderson, co-author of The Co-Creators Handbook (see bio), you will learn and practice how to:
- Create and form an Emergence Circle.
- Facilitate a Circle.
- Lead attunements.
- Lead deep guided meditations.
- Deepen your ability to speak and others speak and help as Essence in Emergence Circles.
Session 8: Step 3 – Incarnating Your Essential Self, Part Two with emphasis on facilitation (May 28)
- Imagine the Essential Self is incarnating, entering your body/mind and transforming it.
- Put this purpose first – as much as you can, make your life a continuous process of placing your attention on the presence of your Essential Self.
- Lift the local selves into a higher vibration by loving them and dissolving their sense of separation from Essence.
- Allow yourself to feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure and compulsions.
Sessions 9 and 10: Step 4 – Inviting the Beloved to Take Dominion (June 4 and 11)
- Prepare for the Beloved to take dominion by taking a moral inventory to deliberately release what no longer serves you.
- Prepare your inner sanctuary for a special event.
- Express your passionate desire for a complete union of the Human and Divine within you.
- Be introduced to a deeply transformative process for healing “sacred wounds”: The Almaas. Process – a core training for Emergence developed by eminent spiritual leader, A. H. Almaas, the founder of the Diamond Approach.
- Share your experiences with Inviting the Beloved to Take Dominion… your successes, challenges, insights and comments.
Sessions 11 and 12: Step 5 – Experiencing the Bliss of Uniting the Human and Divine (June 18 and 25)
- Form a deeper chamber within your inner sanctuary, the “Rose Chamber of Union of the Human and Divine”.
- Explore your Essential Self as a radiant presence emanating light.
- Experience your wounded local selves becoming facets of your Essential Self rather than fragmented negative aspects of your personality.
- Be guided by your Compass of Joy.
- Be in resonance with and affirm the highest in others.
- Transmit bliss and fall in love with others at the Essence level.
- Share your experiences of the Bliss of Union, your insights, your challenges and your successes.
Sessions 13 and 14: Step 6 – Shifting Your Identity as You Enter “Childhood
(July 2 and 9)
- Shift the “I” of your identity to your Essential Self.
- Recognize you are the guide who’s been guiding; the voice you’ve been hearing; the Beloved you have loved.
- Deepen your ability to speak and write as the voice of your Essential Self with grace and ease
- Experience an “inner smile” and practice “initiatory love”.
- Practice and embody powerful affirmations, such as I AM love; I AM wisdom; I AM power; I AM the Beloved.
- Move into causal consciousness.
- Cultivate greater receptivity to the larger design.
Sessions 15 and 16: Step 7 – Transferring Authority (July 16 and 23)
- Examine your attitude toward authority in your life.
- Develop your own authentic power.
- Transfer authority and responsibility to your Essential Self.
- Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father while strengthening the inner masculine and feminine aspects of your being.
- Become a loving parent to yourself and forgive your own unskillful behavior as you do with a child.
- Speak with the power of who you truly are.
Sessions 17 and 18: Step 8 – Educating Your Local Selves (July 30 and August 6)
- Deepen your work with the Almaas Process – the practice through which the ego becomes a guide to Essence and learn to trust the guidance of this new identity.
- Be introduced to RAIN, another profound process for dealing with difficult experiences or aspects of yourself.
- Create an expanded Inner Sanctuary and enter a “Sunlit Garden of Co-creation”.
- Develop the practice of creating “heaven within” yourself.
- Stop trying to figure out or solve anything and experience the problems of your local self being dissolved, not solved.
- Move from local, linear time to non-local, non-linear time, the pure awareness of the present.
- Experience self-evolution through self-elevation.
Sessions 19 and 20: Step 9 – Repatterning Your Life and Creating the New
(August 13 and 20)
- Take a deeper moral inventory, looking further at “What do I want to let go of that is no longer serving me?”.
- Allow your life to re-pattern itself.
- Become aware of self-doubts and limiting beliefs.
- Develop new beliefs and strategies that will empower you.
- Discern and nurture what is new that is emerging.
- Experience ease of effort replacing overwhelm and discover greater flow in your work and life, seamlessly blending being and doing.
- Realize you are fully “response-able” – you can respond to every need that arises as your Essential Self.
- Presence your own Essence as your true nature.
Session 21: Review, Reflection and Discussion (August 27)
This session will be an important time for integration, discussion and review prior to our entering our final step in the Emergence Process – Youth. We will have time for laser coaching, individual reflections and questions and deep facilitation practice.
Sessions 22 and 23: Step 10 – Fulfilling the Promise and Entering Youth
(September 3 and 10)
With guest speaker, Karen Wilhelm Buckley, a Consultant and Executive Coach developing wise leaders and organizations (see bio) who grow resonance and love while putting their personal mission into effective action.
Nurture your “vocational arousal” as the expression of the unique impulse of evolution within you. Become clear about what you are passionate about creating. Commit to taking steps to manifest your vision. Find allies and create a team that supports you in bringing your vision into form. Learn to foster resonance as you co-create with others. Experience you are one with the Essence that pervades the whole Universe.
Session 24: Going Beyond Emergence – Next Steps for You (September 17)

The Emergence Process Advanced Bonus Collection
In addition to Patricia Ellsberg’s transformative 24-week intensive, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will complement the intensive, deepening your understanding and practices.
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