Linda Backman – The Soul Evolution Intensive
Here’s a glimpse at what you’ll discover as you explore your soul’s journey in this powerful new intensive:
- Indicators in your first 5-10 years of life that define who you are as a soul — and why you are here now
- The reasons you were born into your particular birth family
- How to discover indicators of your past lives in elements of your current life, including your karma (imbalances or missteps) and dharma (you soul’s overriding intention)
- Your purposeful relationships and health issues and what they tell you about your past lives
- What steps you can take to let go of past life trauma and to carry forward past life accomplishments
- How to recognize when a guide or guiding force is communicating with you in your everyday life
- How a loved one, who has passed, can serve as a guide and how to feel and sense their presence
- Insights into whether you’re an Earth-based or Interplanetary Soul
- There is an afterlife in the higher realm that has been “mapped” through 10,000 or more regressions
- Your passions and how to expand them to understand why you are here now
- How to recognize the source of your dis-ease, which holds you back from life’s progress
- And so much more…
What You’ll Discover in These 6 Months
Course sessions are on Tuesday at 5:00pm Pacific.
In this 6-month transformational intensive, Linda will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to explore your soul’s evolution and apply your discoveries to living a more intuitively guided, fulfilling and awakened life this time around.
This comprehensive program is a rare opportunity to work with a renowned psychologist and regression therapist at a deep level. In addition to Linda’s powerful teachings, one session each module will focus on a guided experiential exercise and provide time for participants to process what arises.
Each module will be comprised of two or more weekly sessions and will build on the teachings of the previous weeks, moving forward when Linda feels participants have had enough opportunity to fully explore and draw from the material.
Module 1: Why and How Your Soul Evolves as Revealed in Your Life Line & Through Intuition (July 18 & 25)

Life is a continuous cycle, beginning at birth, ending upon death — and reviewed between lives in the spiritual realm. You life starts anew with each incarnation, propelled by your soul’s innate desire and inclination to progress in wisdom from one lifetime to the next.
Your incarnate soul is a fragment, a sliver, of the totality of your divine energy or higher self. The aspect of soul that is “you” comes from — and remains connected to — the celestial realm during your life on Earth. Then, upon your physical death, the holographic portion of your soul that arrived before birth takes its leave and returns to the spiritual realm. Incarnations come and go, while your soul consciousness is eternal.
You are also an intuitive being, this innate skill being visual, emotion-based, physical, auditory and/or cognitive. As you examine the key events on your Life Line, you’ll start to realize what you’ve intended to release and to learn in your life today, enhancing your soul’s evolution.
During these weeks, you’ll explore:
- What a soul is and how various spiritual traditions define it
- Your intuitive capabilities, whether they are visual, emotion-based, physical, auditory, and/or cognitive, and how you can deepen and regularly use them
- How to track the key events on your Life Line and what they reveal about the intentions and learning you need in your life today
- How to balance and integrate your perspectives on life, based on religious and spiritual beliefs about what the soul is
- Indicators in your first 5-10 years of life that define who you are as a soul — and why you are here now
- The reasons you were born into your particular birth family
- Practice intuition (using all sensory modalities) to seek guidance about the first signs in your current life of your life intention.
Module 2: Reincarnation Past Lives Resolved & Embraced Today (August 1, 8 & 22)

Your soul travels a gradual journey from one life to the next to evolve as an individual and as a collective. Throughout your lives, you may need to traverse challenging mountains to reach your goals — sometimes falling short, other times achieving your desires. Yet, some of your lives may be more like a Sunday afternoon drive, with gentle intentions and pleasant outcomes. The point is: Incarnation is a requirement of the higher realm to “grow” as a soul, affecting soul advancement and the wisdom of ALL.
By “mending” your soul through reincarnation, the “seam” of your ongoing soul evolution will be tightly woven through the knowledge and release of who you’ve been as well as your chosen actions. Relationships and health issues shed light on our past life events, including what we need to heal today. Through ongoing balance and healing of what has come before, we evolve as a soul.
During these weeks, you’ll discover:
- The essential nature of reincarnation and your higher self
- How life on Earth evolved from the time of Homo sapiens until now
- How to discover indicators of your past lives in elements of your current life, including your karma (imbalances or missteps) and dharma (you soul’s overriding intention)
- How to recognize unresolved past life and current life circumstances
- How to embrace past life and current life accomplishments
- Your purposeful relationships and health issues and what they tell you about your past lives
- What steps you can take to let go of past life trauma and to carry forward past life accomplishments
- A guided intuitive practice to help you discover past life elements that have surfaced in your life today.
Module 3: Guidance Intuiting Guides, Guardian Angels, Loved Ones & Your Higher Self (August 29, September 5 & 12)

Each of us, as a soul, has a “team” of spiritual guides. One of the members of this team is our primary soul guide. Many attribute their “sense of direction” to guidance they perceive through a guardian angel, an animal, a loved one, or simply a power or force. Our higher self, or our soul energy that remains in the divine realm when we are incarnate, can and often does serve as guidance. Widows and widowers have reported through Gallup Poll research that they feel the essence of and support from their spouse.
We are never alone and always supported. The key is learning to trust and use our intuition to receive input from the higher realm. Guides provide us with options, yet never force a decision. They may also lead us to a life circumstance they believe we need or to a tough decision to help our soul evolve.
During these weeks, you’ll discover:
- How to recognize when a guide or guiding force is communicating with you in your everyday life
- The possibility that you can have a group who serves as your guides
- How a loved one, who has passed, can serve as a guide and how to feel and sense their presence
- How much influence guides can have on you
- How to regularly use a spiritual practice to deepen your bond with a guide
- How soul evolution, guides and the higher realm are interconnected with humanity’s evolution
- A guided intuitive experience to ask your guide a specific question about the meaning of an event on your Life Line.
Module 4: The Afterlife & Your Soul’s Home Base
Is It Earth or Interplanetary? (September 26, October 3 & 10)

I die and sense my soul flowing easily out of my body.
— A Past Life Regression Client
Soul Regression hypnotherapists, through years of experience, have seen dramatically similar experiences in their clients releasing or ending a past life. Universally, there’s a spontaneity and felt-release described, as well as a feeling of certainty as this process of their core essence transitioning out of the physical body occurs. It’s as though the soul has a map or is on autopilot.
When needed, each of us is chaperoned across this bridge from the mortal to the spiritual, where we return to the energy of our higher self and the souls in our Soul Pod, with whom we repetitively incarnate.
In the time between lives, we return to our soul’s home base — tied to Earth or the Interplanetary — to evaluate the circumstances and results of our most recent life, relative to karma and dharma.
During these weeks, you’ll discover:
- That when you die, you return to the energy of your higher self at your Earth-based or Interplanetary homebase
- How you evolve between lives
- Insights into whether you’re an Earth-based or Interplanetary Soul
- Who the members of your Soul Pod are
- There is an afterlife in the higher realm that has been “mapped” through 10,000 or more regressions
- Souls can communicate with their loved ones who remain in body
- Soul evolution occurs primarily when you are incarnate, rather than between lives
- Your homebase includes the higher selves of your soul pod
- A guided intuitive experience to connect with your higher self and recognize your homebase, either Earth-based or Interplanetary, and your Soul Pod.
Module 5: Your Pre-birth Life Plan Intentions & Free Will (October 17, 24 & November 7)

There is a simple, yet complex, truth about soul evolution: your soul has an overarching intention that carries over from one lifetime to the next. And, each life has a separate blueprint that expands and enhances your soul progress.
The farther up the ladder of soul development you climb, the more you have in the creation of your life blueprint. And, at the same time, each incarnation becomes more complex and challenging. Just as when you’re a sixth grader versus a second grader, you have greater ability to work independently on increasingly complicated projects.
Also, in each incarnation, you’re a composite of three aspects: your soul energy, the perpetual foundation that remains unchanged from life to life; your life blueprint, rewritten from one life to the next to further your soul’s progress; and a chosen body with a specific human personality, to which you are attached and supportive of, and which is designed intentionally to help you achieve the agreed-upon goals of your life blueprint this time around.
During these weeks, you’ll discover:
- How and why you create a pre-birth plan
- What aspects of your life are pre-planned
- How to discern if circumstances in your life today are karmic or simply random
- That life is blessed and challenging moments are purposeful — and how to discover such events
- How to be aware of your life purpose
- That you have free will and learn how to recall such moments
- There are “choice points” during your life that offer opportunities to frame your life plan
- A guided intuitive experience to accept pre-birth intentions and honor your free will choices in your Life Line.
Module 6: Your Soul Archetype Your Immortal Core Essence & Orientation (November 14 & 21)

All souls have a unique archetypal energy, unchanging throughout all lifetimes and purposeful for the sake of individual soul evolution and humanity’s transformation. There are seven equally important archetypal soul rays (or types) — beginning with the essential divine energy of self-determination to advance a culture and build on one another toward self-sustainment.
Your soul archetype is determined at the outset of your soul’s nascence and it has a flavor — distinct, ageless and fixed. As a baby soul on the brink of your first incarnation, the selection of your soul archetype is set in stone through discussion and decision with your spiritual guides. A myriad of factors leads to your soul style or nature.
In this module, you’ll learn the value and purpose of the seven soul rays or energies, and you’ll receive guidance in discovering which “flavor” serves as the essence of your soul through all your lives.
During these weeks, you’ll discover:
- Your soul archetype is determined at the outset of your incarnations
- Your soul has an unchanging archetype, lifetime to lifetime
- Each archetypal energy builds on and augments the previous ones
- Your soul archetype can be left-brained linear or right-brained emotional and both head and heart are essential
- The purpose and benefit of each of the seven archetypes — building from one to seven
- The characteristics of your own soul archetype
- How to interrelate with others whose archetype is different than yours
- How each archetype will assist in humanity’s progress
- A guided intuitive experience to determine your soul archetype and how this energy serves your soul evolution
Module 7: Soul & Humanity’s Evolution Essential Action to Serve Your Life Purpose (December 5, 12 & 19)

You’re here now with purpose. As an aspect of divine energy, your life is not simply about creating pleasure and abundance. Each of us has the opportunity, whether small or large, to create a positive impact on society’s need to progress toward unity consciousness.
Reincarnation explains how our past life karma or misdeeds, and our dharma or accomplishments, show up in life today to be embraced and healed. Our lives are not intended to be consistently smooth and lacking challenge. Our soul’s evolution arises from warm and fuzzy life events as well as distressing times.
Also, the significant people who come into our lives are partners on the road to transformation, and as we expand through each poignant life experience, our individual soul advances, and for the greater whole of humanity to transform, we are to be active participants in life.
During these final weeks, you’ll discover:
- Who you are at the center of your being and how to embrace and evolve this core essence
- Your passions and how to expand them to understand why you are here now
- How to balance your emotion-based, right brain with your cognitive-linear, left brain approaches to life
- How to recognize the source of your dis-ease, which holds you back from life’s progress
- Ways to take charge of your current life and make decisions in alignment with your thoughts, feelings and passions
- How to step up to be an active participant in causes that you’re passionate about
- A guided intuitive experience to receive guidance about literal, active steps you can take to enhance your soul evolution and that of humanity — and be of greater service in the world.
The Soul Evolution Bonus Collection
In addition to Linda’s transformative 6-month virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and materials. These bonuses complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
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