Sabrina Chaw – Taking Flight in Your Third Act
What You’ll Discover in These 8 Weeks
Course sessions are on Mondays at 10:00am Pacific.
In this 8-week life-enhancing program, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the love and metamorphosis at the core of Sabrina’s teachings… in immense depth and in exciting and experiential ways…
This course will feature pre-recorded teachings with Sabrina which will include seven profound rites of passage as well as immersive ceremonies with Sabrina and your sister souls who will share your path to sovereignty and freedom. Each broadcast of Sabrina’s teaching sessions will be followed by a LIVE Q&A session with Sabrina and the sessions will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you can embody yourself as the Great Manifester of your life…
Module 1: Setting the Stage
Creating the Foundation for an Extraordinary Journey (October 1)

We begin by creating the foundation of trust, depth, and wisdom in supporting you as you start your journey. These foundational keys are essential in holding and uplifting you as you courageously step through the thresholds in your flight. You’ll explore a new lens of what aging is, and create the vows necessary to yourself in embarking on this spiritual journey of the heart. This is where your individual spark is ignited, and the flames of our collective fire come together in truth and connection.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Establish a sacred container of collective safety, trust, and remarkable support
- Stand in your power, as you declare and live your intention in journeying through the 5 Gateways
- Learn how to pass through each threshold feeling empowered, complete, and ready for the next
- Be inspired, as you reframe a path of aging that is in alignment with your deeper truth
- Weave a web of deep sisterhood that will embrace you, love you, and imbue you in your journey
Module 2: The Raven’s Gateway
Facing the Shadow & Untying the Cords (October 8)

As we stand at the threshold of manifesting our intentions and dreams, we face our shadow: the persistent critic, the toxic agreements we have with others and society, and the unconscious beliefs that tie a cord around our hearts. Here’s where you excavate these obstacles, face them with a full and open heart, and transform them into energy that serves you, not binds you.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Identify the key beliefs regarding your age and yourself that sabotage your flight
- Discover the insidious toxic ties you have with others and set them free
- Learn to deal with the persistent critic that followed you in your First and Second Acts, and finally put them in their place in your Third Act
- Be the Goddess who has compassion and understanding for what limits you, but also the Goddess who has the feminine wisdom to transform your limits
Module 3: The Nightingale’s Gateway
Reshaping & Strengthening Your Heart’s Compass (October 15)

As seasoned women, we know that we must create a vision through our feminine wisdom. The path to your feminine wisdom is through your senses and emotions. The path to your senses and emotions is through your longing… your longing for what you most desire in your deepest heart. Over the years, you might have ignored or suppressed these desires for various reasons. Now is the time to know what they are… feel them deeply… express them boldly… and recognize all the places in your life where your longing is met, so that daily miracles occur. Here’s where the courage of your heart learns to lead the way — in ways you never imagined.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Access the core of what you most deeply desire and envision for your life
- Create incisive clarity in your vision and express it boldly
- Embody the courage of your deepest longing and truth, so that remaining doubts and fears fall away with love
- Imprint your North Star into your heart so that daily miracles occur wherever you are
- Learn to live wide open with love for yourself and others, so that confidence, a force of nature, lives in you
Module 4: The Falcon’s Gateway (Part 1)
Awakening Your Inner Allies (October 22)

The Universe conspires on your behalf because you have the inner resources you need to be in alignment with HER. These resources, called Inner Allies, are the Divine (your spiritual ally), your body (your instinctual ally), and your energy (your life force ally). All these work together to create the life that is yours to live. Learn how to cultivate a deep relationship with your Inner Allies, so that you live your life in deep knowing that you are on the right path not only for yourself, but for the world.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Create an eternal connection with the Beloved that guides you deeply with each breath
- Ensure that your body temple gets what she needs to be the instinctual communicator she is
- Know how to magnify your life force energy to unleash your spontaneity, creativity, and resiliency
- Explore embodied practices to connect all three of your allies
Module 5: The Falcon’s Gateway (Part 2)
Galvanizing Your Outer Allies (October 29)

Not only do you have the Inner Allies you need to source from your deepest core, it’s also important to work with your Outer Allies to create the life you desire. These allies are your soul tribe (your chosen family and community of support who know you in your deepest core), your ancestry (the powerful lineage from where your gifts began), and the environment in which you live (Gaia, and your connection to her). Creating a solid structure of loved ones, and recognizing your gifted heritage, and nurturing your relationship to Gaia are keys to knowing your divine place on this earth and to manifesting your purpose.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Learn how to create a soul tribe that has your back, empowers you, loves you, and supports you throughout your life
- Discover and connect with your ancestral “grandmother” (it could be a grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, etc.) who was born to be your lineage soul mentor
- Recognize the gifts of your immediate surroundings, even if they’re not optimal, and use them to let your feminine flow flourish
- Practice a meditation to connect both your Inner and Outer Allies and live powerfully each day
Module 6: The Owl’s Gateway
Harvesting What You Have Known With What You Have Grown (November 5)

In our Third Act, we recognize that our state of doing is matched by our state of being. At this threshold, you gather your life’s experiences and lessons into embodied wisdom so that your actions turn into manifestations because they are in alignment with your soul’s heart. As a result, you transform fear into discernment, doubt into trust, and scarcity into joyous gratitude.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Recognize the Avatar of You that you have created from the moment you were born up to the present day, and celebrate all the wisdom you have harvested
- Create an intentional life full of possibilities while letting inspiration, not expectation, guide you
- Learn to take on challenges boldly and unabashedly
- Make peace with any fear around death and use HER as a vehicle for surrender
- Discover a devotion in higher service to yourself and to the world
Module 7: The Phoenix’s Gateway
Resurrection & Rebirth (November 12)

At this threshold, you recognize that all you have lived and loved is a crucible of your spirit. This is where the alchemical magic of all the previous thresholds turns into gold, where you are ready to take on the highest calling of your life, and take flight. Clarity gives you sight, your allies give you wings, and your soul’s heart opens you to wherever you want to go.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Cultivate unwavering faith in who you are today
- Embrace change, and marvel in what is changeless
- Transform the notion of time as an enemy — to one of remarkable awe
- Shift from living in limitations to living in what is limitless
- Step away from fear, and step into love
Module 8: The Great Ceremony
The Initiation of Reclaiming Yourself & Arriving Home (November 26)

You have arrived. Your Third Act is full of amazing possibilities and hope, and you have a myriad of sisters on this path with you, to witness you, support you, hold you, and love you through the final rite of passage of this journey. This is a celebration of what you have let go, what you are committed to bringing forth now, and who you have become. Let yourself be received and seen. Declare yourself as the Source of your deepest heart and wisdom, and the Great Manifester of your life.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Create a Life Map of what you want to create and how you’re going to get there
- Be celebrated as you declare who you have become and where you want to go
- Gather loving support and phenomenal wisdom for your Life Map
- Step into your new Avatar, and declare her boldly
- Imprint your new sense of home in your heart and the reclaiming of yourself in your soul
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