- Faculty:
- Mitch Hauschildt
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 6 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Aug 09, 2019
- Properly assessing via movement screening
- Causes loss of function
- Lack of optimal neurodevelopment
- Trauma
- Learned behaviors
- Commonly undervalued progressions
- Quickly identify mobility and stability restrictions
- 4 simple movements for a successful evaluation
- Multiplanar approach to movement dysfunction
- Simple documentation process to simplify corrective strategies
- Optimize motor control, joint centration, and overall stability
- Improve local tissue quality and control
- Integrate local strategies into global movement patterns
- Targeted interventions based on what is identified in screening
- Spectrum: ADLs –> sport activities
- Interplay between structure and function
- Evaluation of common movement patterns:
- Straight leg raise
- Rotational Push up
- Lunge with split leg stance
- Squat with rotation
- Reverse patterning
- Reactive neuromuscular training
- Conscious loading
- Resisted exercise
- Movement over muscles
- Progressive overload
- How to mix simplicity with complexit
- Incorporating specificity for each patient
Mitch Hauschildt – Screen, Steer, Move: Quickly Identify and Correct Faulty Movement Patterns
The key to improving movement quality starts with a high-quality screening tool. If you don’t understand a person’s dysfunction, you will never be able to give them appropriate interventions.
But, screening is just the beginning. Bringing 20 years of movement analysis experience to the program, Mitch Hauschildt, will provide insight for how to screen and enhance movement quality.
This step-by-step process will result in improved clinical outcomes and increased performance in your client population.
You’ll learn exactly why, how, and when to screen your clients and patients and how to correct their faulty movement patterns.
Identify and correct the core issue faster – watch Mitch Hauschildt for Screen, Steer, Move!
Manual – Screen, Steer, Move (15.3 MB) | 82 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Functional Movement Demands Quality
SCREEN: Evaluating movement
STEER: Goals of Corrective Exercise
MOVE: Corrective Strategies You’ll Use Frequently
Advanced Corrective Strategies for the Difficult to Break Movement Patterns

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Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS, has 20 years of experience as an athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning Specialist. Mr. Hauschildt obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of South Dakota. He serves as the prevention, rehab, and physical performance coordinator at Missouri State University, and has also served as the strength and conditioning coach for both men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball.
Mr. Hauschildt is founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, LLC, and has worked with thousands of athletes throughout his career, including clients who have won World Series rings, played in the NFL, NBA, MLS, and competed in the Olympics. He is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Mitch Hauschildt is the owner of Maximum Training Solutions, LLC. He is an adjunct professor at Missouri State University. He receives a speaking honorarium from RockTape. Mr. Hauschildt receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Mitch Hauschildt has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
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