- Faculty:
- Jamie Miner
- Duration:
- 17 Hours 28 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 09, 2019
- How your patients can benefit from cutting edge research
- Get to the root cause of impairments faster with today’s best tests and evaluations for:
- Dizziness
- Pain
- Lightheadedness
- Sleeplessness
- Gait disturbances
- Visual hallucinations
- Drop attacks
- Double vision
- Oscillopsia
- Tinnitus
- Motion sensitivity
- Gaze stability
- Balance
- Practice effective techniques you can use immediately to:
- End years of vertigo and dizziness in as little as one session
- Significantly improve functional mobility and stability
- Manage concussion symptoms more effectively
- Return athletes to sport faster
- Prevent falls
- Improve balance and gait
- Restore gaze stability and focus
- Reduce migraines, neck pain, nausea, anxiety, and other related symptoms
- Practice integrating:
- Epley maneuver and variations
- Head thrust technique
- Brandt-Daroff exercises
- Roll technique
- BBQ roll
- Liberatory maneuver
- Ocular motor assessment
- Vestibular ocular reflex/gaze stabilization treatments
- Saccade exercises
- Optokinetic treatments
- Subjective visual vertical assessment
- Progressive advancement of visual motion
- Treatment for exertional intolerance
- Smooth pursuit neck torsion test
- Joint mobility for cervicogenic dizziness
- Practice developing comprehensive treatment strategies for common impairments, including:
- Cervicogenic dizziness
- Concussion
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Vestibular hypofunction
- Vestibular neuronitis
- Vestibular migraine
- Labyrinthitis
- Meniere’s disease
- Acoustic neuroma
- Case study 1: Correctly identify the root cause of impairment
- Case study 2: Differentiate cervicogenic dizziness, BPPV and vestibular hypofunction
- Case study 3: Problem solve a complex case of vestibular hypofunction
- Case study 4: Develop an effective treatment plan for Meniere’s
- Case study 5: Navigate pharmacological side effects and comorbidities
- Case study 6: Accurately measure patient outcomes
- Case study 7: Overcome barriers to strategy implementation
- Coding and billing updates
- Justify rehab with the right progress measures
- Avoid denials and audits with these tips
Jamie Miner – 3-Day: Vestibular Rehabilitation Intensive Training Course
Successfully Resolving Vestibular Disorder Can Be Simple.
Whether you want to treat the root cause of dizziness faster, build your business with vestibular referrals, or boost your personal value within a large organization, this program will get you where you want to go.
The essential elements are common to all evidence-based vestibular treatments, and you will learn how you can integrate this framework with your current approach to methodology to make your vestibular interventions even more effective!
The vestibular rehabilitation techniques you’ll learn in this training can transform your clinical practice and help improve your vestibular treatment outcomes, just as they have for other clinicians around the world.
Manual – Vestibular Rehabilitation (12.17 MB) | 206 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Appendix – Vestibular Rehabilitation (3.56 MB) | 54 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Hot Topics and Innovations in Treatment of Dizziness, Vertigo, and Vestibular Disorders
HANDS-ON LAB: Upgrade Your Assessment and Clinical Reasoning Skills
HANDS-ON LAB: Revolutionize Your Rehab Toolbox for Dizziness, Vertigo, And Vestibular Disorders
HANDS-ON LAB: Combine Techniques More Effectively for Better Outcomes
HANDS-ON LAB: Design Advanced, Innovative Plans of Care for Your Patients
CASE STUDIES: Put Knowledge to Practice
Maximize Your Reimbursement

Jamie Miner, PT, DPT, GCSRelated seminars and products: 9
Jamie Miner, PT, DPT, GCS, provides specialized services to many SNFs. She has experience in home health, acute care, outpatient vestibular rehab and fall prevention, acute rehab, sub-acute rehab, and long-term care. Additionally, she serves as a clinical instructor to many doctoral physical therapy students and as an adjunct professor at Shenandoah University and Campbell University. Jamie graduated with a BS degree in PT from UNC Chapel Hill, a DPT from Shenandoah University and earned her vestibular certification at Emory University in March 2003.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Jamie Miner has an employment relationship with Rehabcare, Galloway Ridge Facility. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Shenandoah University. Ms. Miner receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Jamie Miner has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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