Dov Gordon – Plenty of Clients Accelerator
Hi, I’m Dov Gordon.
And if there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey as a consultant, coach and expert it’s this:
You must treat yourself as your own client.
Easy to say. Hard to do.
But just as you wouldn’t tolerate your client going about their business in a haphazard, scattered, ‘winging it’ kind of way – you’ve got to stop accepting that from yourself.
I bet you’ve mastered your craft. You’re great at what you do. And yet, you’re falling way short of your potential.
Why? Because you don’t yet have a simple, repeatable process for getting ideal clients. Consistently.
You’ve gotten yourself this far.
Now, isn’t it time you took the next step?
Time you mastered a simple plan for getting great clients? A plan you believed in?
That’s what you can learn in Accelerator.
You Will Do the Marketing When You Believe It Actually Will Work…
In this video, Dov gives a crash-course overview on how to build a simple marketing and selling system that you will actually implement. Consistently. Why? Because it’s SIMPLE. Logical. And it brings you clients.
Get a glass of wine, pen and notebook. Take notes. And then join the Plenty of Clients Accelerator.
A + B + C = D (leads) and E$$$ (clients). Simple.
The Accelerator Program Includes:
Plenty of Clients Training Modules: This is the critical 10% of information that makes you look brilliant 90% of the time. This isn’t merely a collection of ideas. It is a carefully crafted induction into fundamental thinking skills. Mental frameworks, if you like. You won’t just passively go through the material either. These hours of video and audio modules and examples are the tools you will use to build your Plenty of Clients system.
Workbooks and Assignments: 100 Days. Broken down into 7 two-week Sprints. Easy to follow PDF workbooks. Each two-week Sprint systematically helps you take the next step without getting overwhelmed. You always know what to do next. That’s builds your confidence because you get things done. And that gets you clients. Consistently.
How to Elegantly Lead Your Next Sales Conversation: Sales is leadership. Sales isn’t ‘getting’ someone to buy. When you master this small set of powerful skills, you’ll elegantly enroll the best clients – often during your first conversation. This 7-part training has changed lives on its own. That is the simple truth. (Sells alone for $497. You get it free, included!)
Oasis Forums. It’s lonely building your own business. But not here with us! In our private online forum called “The Oasis” you’ll interact with others AND ask Dov and his team unlimited questions. As you build your marketing system, you’ll have questions. And our private Oasis Forum is there for you. Included with Accelerator: 4 months free! (Limited Time! You get an EXTRA 3 months Oasis membership, for a total of 7 months! That’s $197 x 7 = $1,379 value. Included!)
Monthly Group Q&A Call: Do you want feedback as well? We’ve got you covered! Join us for the monthly live video call with Dov. We’ll answer your questions and give you feedback on work you’ve submitted to us.
Salepage: https://href.li/?https://dovgordon.safechkout.net/accelerator
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