Cathy Lockett – Advanced EKG Assessment
- Faculty:
- Cathy Lockett
- Duration:
- 2 Hours 16 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Jan 18, 2018
The EKG is the most commonly-used procedure for diagnosing a wide variety of cardiac conditions, yet even the most seasoned nurses struggle to master interpretation. In this information-packed program cardiac expert, Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K, will teach you easy-to-understand techniques to identify ischemia, injury, infarct and STEMI imposters. Improve your skills and be prepared to respond to the patient emergencies associated with each of these changes.
Manual for Advanced EKG Assessment (5.99 MB) | 54 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Coronary Artery Perfusion
- Related to Cardiac Musculature
- Related to Conduction System
- 12-Lead EKG
- Differentiating Limb Leads
- Recognizing Contiguous Leads
- 15-Lead EKG
- Utilizing V7, V8, V9
- Diagnosing Posterior STEMI
- Right-Sided EKG
- Proper Lead Placement
- Utilizing V4R
- Diagnosing Right Ventricular Infarct
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Signs & Symptoms
- EKG Changes
- Differentiating Ischemia, Injury & Infarct
- Treatment Modalities for Ischemia & Infarct
- STEMI Imposters
- Recognition & Treatment Options

Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K Related seminars and products: 4
Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K, has been practicing critical care nursing for over 35 years. Her critical care background includes working in medical, surgical, neuro, cardiac, cardiovascular care, and critical care transport with most of her clinical experience in the areas of medical cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.
She has provided cardiovascular care in the role of staff nurse, preceptor, educator, supervisor and manager. Utilizing her vast knowledge and experience, Cathy has presented on numerous topics related to cardiac and pulmonary care, including advanced and basic EKG interpretation, hemodynamic monitoring, basic and advanced arrhythmia, pulmonary diseases and IABP therapy.
Additionally, Cathy is a Training Center Faculty member for the American Heart Association in the disciplines of Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Cathy’s teaching style is dynamic, fun and high-energy while remaining informal and easy to understand.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Mary (Cathy) Lockett receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Mary (Cathy) Lockett has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose
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