Cyndi Zarbano – 2-Day Critical Care Skills Boot Camp
- Faculty:
- Cyndi Zarbano
- Duration:
- 2 Full Days
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Oct 05, 2016
- Crisis Management
- ABG Analysis
- Rhythm Interpretation in 5 Easy Steps
- Central Line Care
- Mechanical Ventilation
- And Much More!
- Rapid Assessment
- ABG Analysis
- Central Line Care
- Easy Strip Interpretation
- Master “down and dirty” prompt assessment skills
- End the “Red Flags”
- Rapid stabilizing interventions for the unstable patient
- Manage the decompensating patient
- Better outcomes through quick intervention
- Acid base imbalance
- 4 abnormal findings when reading your lab result
- A simple tool to rapidly and efficiently interpret ABG’s!
- Systematically reviewing the major components of a rhythm strips
- Identifying rhythm changes and management of:
- Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
- Paroxysmal Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
- V-Tach and V-Fib
- Indications for chest tubes
- Circumventing re-expansion pulmonary edema
- Avoiding common complications of chest drainage
- Common issues experienced with central lines
- Using which port for what on a triple lumen PICC
- Use of a “cell-saver” to reduce lost hemoglobin during blood draws
- The challenge of CVP monitoring
- Indications for pacemakers
- Meaning of pacemaker codes
- Types of Pacemakers
- Device management
- Practical solutions to common pacemaker problems
- The needs of the patient
- Practical tips to help your patients and families with the end-of-life journey
- Identify 5 essentials components of a “down and dirty” assessment in your patient when they have a sudden decomposition in health status.
- State 3 rapid interventions that can stabilize a patient who is symptomatic with a low blood pressure.
- Recognize the most common causes of arterial blood gas abnormalities.
- Quickly identify the 3 most common dysrhythmias using rhythm strip interpretation.
- Manage the risk to avoid re-expansion pulmonary edema in the patient with a chest tube for pleural effusion.
- Review the correct technique for opening an occluded central line lumen.
- Summarize the difference between failure to capture and failure to sense in a pacemaker and how each is resolved.
- Recognize the three biggest concerns patients recognize at end of life.
- Advanced cardiac care/hemodynamics
- Advanced neurological care
- Mechanical ventilation management
- Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume
- Use a simple analogy to learn the components and finally get it
- Preload, Afterload and Contractility
- Manipulating the mathematical equation to stabilize
- IV Fluids – picking the right one for the situation
- 5 pressor agents – How they work when to use them
- Blood products! FFP, Platelets, PRBC’s and Cryoprecipitate
- Assessment clues to hemodynamic instability
- Central Venous Pressures
- Arterial Lines
- Swan Ganz Catheters
- How to manage patients on ventilators
- Avoiding Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP)
- Using CPAP or BiPAP
- Assessment and management of:
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Septic Shock
- Hypovolemic Shock
- Use a “5-point Neuro Check” to easily identify changes in condition
- Stroke and Stabilization
- Ischemic
- Hemorrhagic
- Delirium
- How to assess & intervene
- Spectrum of coronary artery ischemia
- 5-step method for finding myocardial ischemia and injury
- STEMI and NSTEMI – What’s the difference?
- Location, location, location!
Get the Latest Clinical Information On:
Day 1 Webcast Manual (2.03 MB) | 44 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Day 2 Webcast Manual (3.16 MB) | 72 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Critically ill patients are everywhere these days – on the Med-Surg floor, in the ICU, the PACU, the ED, the OR, even long-term care! A good working knowledge of the concepts for managing high-acuity patients is indispensable.
Join Cyndi Zarbano and learn the latest in essential critical care skills that you must know to be successful, including:
Identification & Management of Crisis
Easy Steps to ABG Analysis
The 5 Steps to Rhythm Strip Interpretation
Managing Chest Drainage
Master Central Line Care
Pacemakers & AICDs
End-of-Life Care in the ICU
The Advanced Management of Complex and Critically Ill Patients seminar will give you a strong foundation, while integrating tips, timesavers, and stories about real nurses who make a difference in their patient’s lives. This seminar will teach you to master the concepts of critical care and become an expert in your clinical practice. Learn advanced critical care concepts and interventions, including:
Understand Hemodynamics Today
The ICU Trio in Crisis!
Demystify Hemodynamic Waveforms and Correctly Measuring Each
Mechanical Ventilation for Nurses
Manage Shock
Manage the Neuro Patient
Life-threatening EKG Changes: Clues from the 12-Lead

Cyndi Zarbano, MSN, BSN, CCRN, CEN, PCCN, CMSRN, CLNC Related seminars and products: 48
Clinical Review
Cyndi Zarbano, MSN, BSN, CCRN, CEN, PCCN, CMSRN, CLNC, has been a nurse for more than 25 years and a legal nurse consultant (LNC) for 12. Many of her cases in the last decade have been consulting and educating nurses who have gotten into trouble with the board of nursing and helping hem complete their corrective action stipulations. Medication errors and patient injury are a common cause of corrective action, license suspension and loss of license.
Cyndi’s clinical area of expertise has been in various intensive care/critical care roles, currently working for Mayo in Minnesota. She has been a national seminar speaker for over ten years speaking to diverse healthcare audiences throughout the country. During her presentations, she has earned the reputation of keeping attendees engaged with the use of current clinical knowledge, fascinating legal stories, and the interjection of nursing humor to keep it fun.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Cyndi Zarbano is the owner of Clinical Review Consultants. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Cyndi Zarbano has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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