Puma Fredy Quispe Singon – Liberate Yourself Through the Heart of the Condor 2022
Experience a transformational heart-opening journey as you’re initiated by the qualities of the condor to transmute darkness, heaviness, trauma, and depression into radiance and love — to awaken to your life purpose.

Would you love to learn how to keep your heart light and open — and how being in this expansive state can contribute to your self realization?
We’re living through intense, yet powerful healing times.
If we hold the right perspective — that we’re going through a sacred planetary shift to a new level of consciousness — things that seem dark, heavy, or traumatic can be seen in a new light.
According to Andean spiritual guide Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, when you connect with the power of the condor — the lightest of beings in traditional Andean culture — you can rise above the world’s travails and angst as you fly on its wings.
Infuse your being with a light, crystal heart to transform trauma, depression, and frustration…
… into love.
This isn’t just metaphor — in Puma’s culture, the condor is a sacred spiritual ally upon whom we can rely.
In this transformative course, Puma — a remarkably warm and loving guide, speaker, and facilitator — will take you on a profound journey into the heart of the condor.
Puma will help you activate a direct connection with what he calls a light “crystal” heart so you can experience the cleansing and healing energy of unconditional love.
Through insight, prayer, and ritual, the spirit of the condor can become the most healing and transformational guide in your life — and can support your enlightenment process as you prepare to become initiated as a healer.
Puma offers profound wisdom while emanating a calm and loving presence with a sense of real reverence and knowledge.

He’ll share illuminating stories passed to him from medicine keepers of his lineage — diving into the knowledge and myths of the ancient Incas that have been shared for thousands of years — as you merge into the magical, mystical world of Pachamama, the apus (mountain spirits), and the Cosmic Mother & Father.
If you seek to gain skills to transform heaviness, darkness, trauma, or depression, this is the course for you.
It’s only when you have a clear and light heart that you can truly initiate into what Puma calls “crystal consciousness” — which amplifies your ability to heal yourself and others. Through an internal clearing process, you can transcend these feelings of disconnection, depression, and darkness — and shift into the next level of your awakening into self realization.
Join us for a deeply healing course with Puma — and become initiated into the heart of the condor for lasting transformation.
This course consists of a dynamic balance of wisdom teachings and practices you can apply and embody in your daily life. Puma’s teachings will help you cultivate greater union with yourself, the Cosmic Mother and Father, Pachamama, and higher consciousness.
It promises to be a dynamic and inspiring 7-module journey where you’ll experience powerful transformation and healing through alchemizing the dark into light.
During this 7-module heart-healing course, you’ll:
- Experience a transformational heart-opening journey
- Receive practices and knowledge for a wider and deeper perspective on life’s challenges
- See yourself through new eyes, and open your heart to take on a life-changing mission of healing yourself and others
- Learn how to keep your heart light and open
- Become initiated to the next level of the path of self realization and enlightenment
- Clear and heal yourself as you prepare for the next level of crystal consciousness
- Learn how ritual and ceremony serve as a pathway to healing for yourself and your community
- Rediscover your connection and divine sacred origin with the support of the Cosmic Mother and Father
- Address and heal personal trauma, heaviness, darkness, and depression with the aid of ancestral medicine
When you come to realize the emotional heaviness that’s been passed down to you over the generations, you come to see the effect that this imbalance may be having on your heart, your health, and your wellbeing.
Puma will facilitate the process of discovering where you hold onto this heavy collective energy — and transmute it for powerful growth as you embark upon this beautiful spiritual healing journey.
Become the light, radiant being you know you truly are — and offer it as a gift to the world around you.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
— Anais Mali, Model and Actress:
“You Will Learn How to Heal Yourself and Your Family”
In this 7-module transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through a heart-opening journey of learning to transmute darkness, heaviness, trauma, and depression into radiance and love.
This course will feature Lstep-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Puma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embody the qualities of the condor and awaken to your life purpose.
Module 1: The Cosmic Seed of Love — Discover Your Innate Power to Create & Access a Pathway to Opening Your Heart

Legend has it that God planted a powerful seed on this planet to preserve the life of the Universe. In fact, it’s said that humans were given the power of creation so that we could co-create life on this planet. This seed appeared as the human heart — a heart that loves so abundantly, it can always create new life. And as this seed sprouted, the great Tree of Life was born — bearing fruit that would become new seeds so that life could continue.
In this initial module, Puma will facilitate a connection to the cosmic origin. When we remember our sacred origins from divine creation, we can become conscious of our sacred nature to love, be love, and be loved.
In this session, you’ll:
- Connect with your sacred origins through the Cosmic Father and Mother through the stories and legends of Puma’s lineage
- Experience a connection to your cosmic light while opening your heart to self-love
- Discover the powerful connection between the heart and mind
- Activate the sacred nature from within to love unconditionally and be in service to life
- Recognize yourself as a cosmic seed of humanity on this planet — a seed of love, harmony, happiness, and joy
- Open your mind to creativity as fruits that have the power to bear new seeds and new life
- Experience a guided visualization with the Cosmic Gardeners to discover that our life here has great purpose and intention
Module 2: The Power of an Open Heart Is a Miracle — Transform Past Trauma to Release Heavy Energy & Live an Open-Hearted Life

Our hearts can either be open or closed, but they’re never broken. When our hearts are open, we have the power to fulfill our wildest dreams. Our hearts close when we are hurt, betrayed, or have experienced trauma. These feelings become heavy and can close our hearts in sacred defense, creating more fear and depression, which prevents us from living life to its fullest.
In this module, you’ll liberate yourself from these hard, heavy emotions. You’ll come to understand that this heaviness in your heart is not yours — it’s actually passed down by your family and community. You’ll learn that you have taken it on in service of transforming this heaviness into light.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover how to let cosmic energy flow through you and transform low frequency energies to heal trauma, fear, self doubt, and depression
- Learn how to be discerning of the energies around you
- Discover the power of breath and how it can help heal your heart
- Experience a guided visualization and ceremony to open your heart, liberate and transform heavy processes, and bring in new light energy
Module 3: Return to the Heart of Life — Tap Into the Wisdom of Your Ancestors to Reveal Happiness & Heal Your Heart

Our ancestors from the soul realm are always here for us. As guardians of our life journey, the ancient traditions believed that some would stay here for thousands of years to protect future generations, ensure our happiness, and help us experience the magic of life in love.
Pachamama (Mother Earth) is a perfect manifested example of pure love. We, too, can connect with the pure and unconditional heart of Pachamama and the Apus. It’s important for us to realize and remember that Pachamama is alive, conscious, and deeply connected to us emotionally. In these challenging times, we need the powerful healing energy of love, and the best source of this love is sacred nature. In this module, you’ll learn how to connect consciously to this cosmic love.
In this session, you’ll:
- Connect with powerful ancestors and transform difficult processes through a Day of the Dead ceremony and the creation of an ancestral altar
- Learn how to call on your ancestors to heal your heart by asking for guidance and protection
- Receive the heart of Pachamama in an initiation ritual
- Become a vortex of unconditional love from Pachamama
Module 4: Offering of the Crystal Heart — Journey With the Condor & Soar Into a Powerful Initiation

For the Quechua people of the Andes, Qespichikuy is when the cosmic light arrives from the heavens, filling our hearts with a light that crystallizes there. It represents the beginning of a new life in service and ceremony and the priesthood and priestesshood of the Condor medicine. It’s an initiation into seeing everything from above and soaring as a leader between the Earth and the heavens — a bridge of cosmic love and divine light.
The condor is the bird that flies the highest and has the lightest heart. Now this majestic ambassador of the realm of the Gods is offering you its own crystal heart — to start your journey as a leader of unconditional love and infinite light.
In this session, you’ll:
- Connect with a powerful living ancestral altar devoted to the Condor through beautiful visuals of a sacred Andean site
- Take a journey with the Condor to liberate yourself from heaviness, discovering the great blessing of a light heart to rise above limitations
- Learn how to see everything from a superior consciousness to be of service on the family and community level
- Develop powerful vision, or higher perspective, like the Condor
- Change your human mindset and paradigms to the perspective of spirit
- Ascend spiritually to the highest frequencies of love
Module 5: The Heart of the Apus & Pachamama — Drop Your Emotional Burdens Through Forgiveness & Discover a Renewed Lightness

Life is a pilgrimage in the cosmovision of the Incan people. We’re always on a spiritual journey, and we’re reaching higher to the mountaintops to be closer to the Gods and their kingdoms. In this module, you’ll discover that this pilgrimage is not for yourself. It’s for those who cannot be on the path with you.
For the journey to be gentle, you need to lighten your weight by liberating and transforming whatever is heavy within you. In ancient times, this was done by carrying a stone in pilgrimage — and when the heaviness was transformed, it would be offered back to Mother Earth in gratitude for a new, light heart, which was necessary for arrival at the mountain top.
In this session, you’ll:
- Be initiated into a powerful relationship with spiritual allies, the Apus (mountain spirits) and Pachamama
- Experience the generosity, abundance, groundedness, patience, and loving support of the Apus and Pachamama
- Participate in a healing and forgiveness ritual of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
- Offer your liberated and loving heart by anchoring your love into Mother Earth and the spirits of the land
- Leave a prayer for future generations so your love and intentions will radiate beyond your lifetime
Module 6: Embody the Power of Noqan Kani (I Am) — Use Forgiveness & Love to Discover Your True Self

Everything starts with Noqan Kani (I Am).
There’s a difference between knowing oneself and witnessing oneself. When you realize yourself in the infinite, limitations disappear. “I Am” is transcendental. Journey to the unlimited possibilities of “I Am” while in ceremony and with the activated crystal heart of the Condor.
To acknowledge all you’ve been and everything you’ve experienced in your life, it’s important to know your sacred origins. You’ll discover the infinite possibilities of the present and the power to change so you can envision the “I Am” that is yet to be. During this process, you’ll learn how to use the ancestral instruments of forgiveness and unconditional love.
In this session, you’ll:
- Connect with the infinite possibility of who you can be through the heart of the Condor, the Apus, and Pachamama
- Realize yourself as powerful medicine, a guardian and guide for the community
- Experience a visualization to realize your own “I Am” with the opportunity to heal any previous intense processes that have marked your life
- Connect your past (who you were), present (who you are), and future (who you are yet to be) selves
- Visualize into the future everything you desire and want to become
Module 7: Enlightenment Through Service — Live Whole-Heartedly From an Elevated State of Consciousness to Realize Clarity & Freedom

Giving your heart in love every day is the best offering to the Cosmic Father and Cosmic Mother — and it’s also the best offering for your family and community. It’s in your sacred nature to love. You don’t need to learn how to love — it happens naturally when you open your heart.
When you give your whole being through service, you’ll discover absolute clarity and freedom. You can seed harmony, patience, and liberation everywhere you go when you’re abundant with your love. You can awaken the inner master simply by being in conscious service.
In this module, you’ll learn how to evolve to superior consciousness while living passionately in love with everyone and everything you do. With the support of the heart of the Condor, the Apus, and Pachamama, you’ll be able to do this effortlessly and endlessly.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn to give your whole heart in everything you do
- Proclaim your service and life energy in love to assist your family and community, support and strengthen the vulnerable, and heal the planet with unconditional love
- Create a life plan of service by sharing your medicine with the world
- Evolve into a higher consciousness of love, offering your whole life in gratitude to the global family and community
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