Dr. Katie Hendricks – Transmute Fear-Based Living Into Empowered Presence
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-module transformational intensive, Katie will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully unlock your fear code and unleash the power of your authentic, resilient self for a life of deepened connection and alignment, self-assuredness, and heightened wellbeing.
The Power of Live Streaming Video
You’ll connect with Katie and experience her teachings through live streaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Katie’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
Course Sessions Mondays at 4:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Katie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to unlock your fear code to melt away fear and its pervasive offshoots… permanently.
Module 1: The Importance of Befriending Fear (November 1)

The enemy is fear. We think that it’s hate, but it’s fear.
— Gandhi
Fear keeps you from being able to discern your path and follow your joy.
It’s common to become totally irrational when you’re scared. In part, because the prefrontal thinking brain is offline and your fight-flight-freeze-faint response takes over… and floods your body with excessive, health-depleting adrenaline and cortisol.
In this opening week with Katie, you’ll discover how fear is special among emotions and can actually be leveraged to deepen your self-awareness and open you to the untapped potential within you and your life.
As Katie will show you, fear doesn’t go away like tears when you cry during frightening or sad moments. It continues to fester and build momentum until you face it fully and learn to befriend this powerful energy.
During the opening week of class, you’ll discover:
- The benefits of befriending fear — including how it can make you safer and smarter
- Why you can’t and wouldn’t want to fuel yourself forever with adrenaline
- What fear feels and looks like for you and how to begin melting it into the fuel you need on all levels of your being
- Why trying to control or get rid of fear makes it bigger
- An experiential practice that introduces you to the 4 types of fear and Fear Melters
Module 2: Discovering Your Fear Signature (November 8)

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
— Eleanor Roosevelt
By discovering what triggers your fear, you can shift more easily into the present moment and settle into a sense of balance and readiness to respond to life… rather than igniting fear-based patterns of reactivity, separation, and distrust.
This week, Katie will share the research that confirms that the quickest way to change your mind is to change your body. As you begin to unravel your fear signature, you’ll get access to more of your whole-body brain to experience more aliveness… and expand your way of thinking using the power of movement and breath.
This second week, you’ll:
- Discover your hidden fear signals — and the times and places they show up in your life and body
- Customize your Fear Melters for home and work
- Learn how to use your entire body when making decisions to deepen your intuition and confidence
- Explore how to generate a felt sense of space, flow, and ease to neutralize contraction, protection, and disconnection
Module 3: Fast Aid for 4 Kinds of Fear (November 15)

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
— Les Brown
If you’re like most, you’ve likely rehashed many conflicts or challenges in your mind where you thought, “I wish I would have said this,” or “I would have done that differently.”
In all likelihood, your fight-flight-freeze-faint response was in charge in those moments… and when fear is in control, the real you is not.
This week, Katie will share a range of common fear interchanges that occur — whether in work, relationships, home, or just everyday social exchanges — and teach you how you can melt fear in the moment to make the most effective and timely choices.
During the third week of class, you’ll explore:
- The continuum of fight-flight-freeze-faint reactions to become adept at exiting fear-based patterns and standing in your authenticity in any circumstance
- How to use Mini-Melters to generate a daily energy pump that runs on ease and flow rather than speed and control
- Common fear interactions and how to melt fear in the moment to self-regulate your wellbeing
- How collaboration and co-regulation can be grounded in the Fear Melters
Module 4: Transforming Fear With F.A.C.T. (November 29)

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.
— John Lennon
The patterns of the past and the chronic fear they inspire have been the fuel source for so many people and institutions for years.
During this immersive fourth session, you’ll discover F.A.C.T., a step-by-step process for meeting and befriending fear to decrease the physical, emotional, and relational stressors of the past.
F.A.C.T. is a powerful experiential process that will effectively allow you to release the past and the patterns that have prevented your full effectiveness.
It has a proven record in personal, relational and work settings, and will be supported with both handouts and video support.
Katie will also share how to fold the fears of the past into a powerful transformation practice that you can take into every aspect of your life where you want to feel empowered.
This week, you’ll discover:
- How to befriend fear to decrease physical, emotional, and relational stress — and take the charge out of the mental and emotional triggers of the past
- A transformative practice called F.A.C.T. — facing, accepting, choosing, and taking action — for reclaiming your personal power in any moment
Special Bonus Session With Nicole Taylor! Welcoming Wholeness With Fear Melters (December 6)

How do we move from fear to presence in the face of seeing important issues differently? It starts within.
By tapping into the body’s wisdom to understand our response to fear, we can begin the inner work of welcoming wholeness by embracing the diverse parts of ourselves.
During this in-depth special session with Nicole Taylor, Ayurvedic health counselor and author of A Joyful Pause, you’ll discover that inner work is the foundation for being able to be responsive rather than reactive when we disagree with someone.
Being responsive allows us to see the wholeness of another, and in that body-mind shift, we can access common ground.
In this immersive session, you’ll discover:
- How to get unstuck from the fear trance in real time
- How to use Fear Melters to move from conflict to collaboration
Module 5: Rewiring Your Nervous System With Fear Melters (December 13)

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
— Babe Ruth
This week is all about instilling a sense of balance through self-regulation so that you can begin to enjoy engaging in life free of fear most of the time.
Katie will teach you three gentle mind-body practices that you can combine with Fear Melters to enjoy enhanced connection… and to help you think and plan effectively.
Each practice has a corresponding video to help you fully integrate the skill.
During this fifth week of class, you’ll combine Fear Melters with:
- The Centering Breath, the quickest way to shift emotional states
- Appreciation as your default operating system, rather than blame and criticism
- The Essence Pace to expand effectiveness and timing by releasing your “speed addiction” and aligning with your unique embodied pace
- Loop of Awareness to refresh the ways you use the central nutrient of giving and receiving attention
Module 6: Applications to Home, Work & Relationships (January 3)

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.
— Bertrand Russell
This week, you’ll delve ever deeper into the applications of Fear Melters, F.A.C.T., and restorative mind-body practices to discover how they can work for you and your goals.
You’ll do so by using the Openness to Discovery Scale, which combines Fear Melters, specially-honed questions, and your current dreams and decisions to help you gain confidence in being open to the feedback of others… a foundational element of success.
This week, you’ll explore:
- How to harness the power of living in your authentic essence, or who you are at your core
- How to open to discovery, new choices, and learning — while having a good time
- How applying your discoveries shifts your life, partnerships, and work
- How to assess and release fear contractions and defensiveness
Module 7: Generating a Post-Fear World (January 10)

Fear is a fossil fuel.
— Dr. Katie Hendricks
During this final week, you’ll create a menu of practices to transition from fear-based patterns and the adrenaline surge they inspire to other sustainable fuel sources such as presence, connection, and collaboration.
Katie will show you how to generate personal, ongoing habits that draw on the new possibilities that foster curiosity and collaboration.
During the last week of class, you’ll:
- Discover more applications of class materials and how they can be used to create positive home, work, and relationship connections and experiences
- Track and continue rewiring your entire body for joy and renewal
- Learn how to use a unique smartphone app that replaces the fossil fuel of fear with revitalized, authentic living
The Empowered Presence Bonus Collection
In addition to Katie’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Movement Practices Compilation
3-Part Video and Audio Series From Katie Hendricks and Gay Hendricks

Explore mind-body and breathwork practices to support you in expanding your joy for being alive. In this series featuring Katie and Gay Hendricks, you’ll see and experience the most effective ways to wake up and regulate your nervous system and expand your problem-solving effectiveness. You’ll also receive a Daily Creativity Booster teaching by Katie. Together, these techniques can help you release stress, refresh your vitality, and renew your connection with your own creativity.
Shifting From Fear to Presence
Video Dialogue With Katie Hendricks and Nicole Taylor

When people are scared, their brains stop seeing others as allies. Other people become the enemy. In this video dialogue between Katie and author Nicole Taylor, you’ll learn how shifting from fear to presence can open the possibility of seeing others as part of the team. We can expand our perspectives, receive the essential nutrient of connection, and begin to collaborate more effectively to address the urgent issues of our time. Listen in for inspiring insight into how befriending fear bridges differences to expand ease and creativity.
A Deeper Embodiment
Audio Dialogue With Katie Hendricks, Robert Augustus Masters, and Lamara Heartwell

Dive into transformational wisdom to help you be intimate with all that you are — in personal, relational, and spiritual contexts. Katie discusses unique insight into emotions, intimacy, relationships, and working with the shadow — in an enlightening conversation with body-intelligence expert Lamara Heartwell and Robert Augustus Masters, cofounder of the Masters Center for Transformation, a school devoted to deep healing and fully embodied awakening.
Moving From Fear to Presence, Connection & Collaboration
PDF Article From Katie Hendricks

Glean supplemental insight into the four expressions of fear, how they sabotage your relationships, and how to shift from fear to freedom to create deeper presence, flow, and collaboration in your life… and more connection, kindness, and trust in your relationships.
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