Mona Delfino – Connect With the Language of Your Body to Heal on a Quantum Level
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Mona will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to delve into your past and the constructed patterns that live deep in your cellular memory — so you can cultivate vibrant health as you open up to your true essence within.
The Power of Live Streaming Video
You’ll connect with Mona and experience her teachings through live streaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Mona’s transmissions. Or you can listen audio-only by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific.
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Mona. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to connect with the language of your body to heal on a quantum level.
Module 1: Becoming the Sacred Language of the Human Body (July 29)

This opening module is an introduction to the alchemic dance between your body, mind, and spirit — the dance that catalyzes health.
As Mona will explain, your body listens to your thoughts, and manifests these thoughts, or transmutes them, to a specific part of the body.
Mona will also share how the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems work together to keep homeostasis as balanced as possible.
In this module, you’ll:
- Be introduced to the order of cause and effect — how mental, emotional, and spiritual content ends up as physical effects
- Discover how to follow the trail of your symptoms back to their source
- Recognize that illness is not a reflection of your wrongness, but an invitation to understand yourself better
- Experience a master meditation led by Mona to clear and cleanse your entire body
Module 2: Maximizing Self-Worth — From Insecurity to Security (August 5)

This week, Mona will guide you to explore how your body interprets your thoughts, and what parts of your body your thoughts go to.
As you’ll discover, the root cause of many illnesses can be traced back to patterns you create to protect yourself from insecurities. Insecurities are patterns that cause the adrenal glands to overwork.
Mona will also remind you of how to place your trust in the universe so you can surrender to the flow of life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn practical tools to release fear and overprotection
- Understand why you don’t feel worthy of life, and find out the truth of your Self
- Generate the confidence to know and trust yourself to rise up from your old patterns and step into healthy new ones
- Shift into the pattern of surrender — the practice that enables us to create the life, health, and connection we desire
- Articulate your insecurities using the wisdom of your body — and commit to the transformation of the thoughts that manifest as insecurity
Module 3: From Conditional to Unconditional Living (August 12)

What are the conditions that produce an illness? And how can we transmute those conditions into unconditional living?
This is one of Mona’s favorite topics as a medical intuitive. Conditional living is a belief system, and this can create expectations, disappointments, and anger. Unconditional living is a new perception of a lesson or experience that unlocks joy and contentment.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to shift the deeper causes of illness
- The ways illness invites you to participate consciously in the dismantling of beliefs and practices that don’t work for you
- How memories can create illness, and the best way to release such memories
- How and why you’re in charge of your own nervous system
- Mona’s guided meditation to help you see and feel firsthand that the clearer you are, the more signs come into your awareness
Module 4: Nourishing Yourself With the Proper Energy Diet (August 19)

How do we receive nourishment? What is the proper energy diet?
This week, Mona will share how the ways you interpret energy can cause you to forget to nurture yourself.
She’ll also explain the trick to nurturing yourself with an energy diet.
You’ll practice evaluating your sources of nourishment — physical, emotional, spiritual — and how you digest and assimilate them.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how to interpret what you’re feeding yourself
- Experience imagination and symbolism as a key form of nourishment
- Discover what creates toxicity in the body — and how to read and act upon the signs that give information on how to balance these toxins
- Explore the role of giving and receiving in health
- Consider how the thoughts that form around flows of nourishment factor into diseases like cancer and autoimmune illnesses
Module 5: Walking the Path of Quantum Healing (August 26)

Quantum healing involves a new perception. It’s about transitioning to a new way of thinking that lightens the body and releases past attachments.
Mona will share how to consciously enter the point where you cross out the past and go to the new — so you can feel in charge.
In this module, you’ll:
- Cultivate the conditions in your life to create new causes for your life at zero point — the aha! moment where you understand the way you’ve always thought and what else is possible
- Break down the factors behind common autoimmune dysfunctions and what frame they operate within in the body, mind, and spirit — this is a huge teaching tool for your understanding of autoimmune diseases
- Learn the role of time in healing, and the critically important relationship between time and connecting with yourself
- Learn to give more allowance from your mind to free up the rest of your body
Module 6: Healing Illness Energetically (September 2)

What creates the “pain body”? What causes illness?
This week, you’ll discover how your emotional body decides your experiences, whether it’s on a conscious or subconscious level.
Mona will explain what you’re “feeding the field” around you, which also connects to the Law of Attraction.
In this module, you’ll:
- Recognize the conditions in your life and mind that may be linked to the illness you’re facing
- Articulate the patterns that are preventing the healing
- Learn to reconsider old feelings around trauma
- Move through a guided meditation to help the mental mind change the idea of protection
- Experience a practice for shifting your ego attachment from healing to healed
Module 7: Self-Healing Modalities to Create Physical Health (September 9)

In this final module, you’ll discover how to design and commit to a self-healing practice
Mona will share how you can consciously create biofeedback to heal the body.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore breathing, toning, and other practical tools to remake your patterns
- Connect with your Signature Sound — your personal key to unlock your deepest truth
- Discover the daily practice of surrender — waking up to every morning as a new beginning
- Articulate a specific plan to embrace your sovereign power to nurture, sustain, and heal yourself consciously
- Experience sound therapy — Mona’s way!
- DIscover how to breathe with intention into water — to create a biofeedback tincture
The Heal on a Quantum Level Bonus Collection
In addition to Mona’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Listen to Your Body & Your Body Will Listen to You
Video Teaching From Mona Delfino

You’ll feel empowered when you explore this video on the ultimate cause-and-effect of how the body’s language illuminates what you need to change so you can continue to grow. You’ll learn how light comes with heat and can support your healing process. You’ll also move through an exercise to shine that light into certain parts of your body so you can feel the heat of that light providing you with better circulation and more oxygen.
Creating Your Life From the Inside Out
Video Teaching From Mona Delfino

This short video will help you understand how to accept your feelings and realize that without them, we don’t grow. The heart will be your guide as the brain shifts old ideas into new results. This fascinating teaching is designed to help you become a strong, resilient pillar in the midst of chaos.
The Energetic Causes of Disease
PDF Guide From Mona Delfino

This visual guide, designed exclusively for this course, includes Mona’s expert analysis of where disease in the body originates emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Mona created this guide to support you in understanding the causes and effects of imbalance — and how to recondition and align to your truth.
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