Christina Lee Pratt – Enter the Heart of Belonging
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Christina will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to access the love and wisdom of your well ancestors to live a reconciled life.
The Power of Live Streaming Video
You’ll connect with Christina and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Christina’s transmissions. Or you can easily connect just via audio if you choose — through any connected device.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, Q&As, and experiential practices with Christina. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to engage with your well ancestors to create transformation in your life — as you restore flow, connection, and oneness with all things.
Module 1: The Power of the Living to Choose to Live Well & Die Well (April 8)

With all the challenges of this last year, many of us have lost a sense of meaning, purpose, and power. How do we get that back?
As Christina will share in this first session, the healing we need lies in our power to live well and die well — and it’s our ancestors, our sources of great blessings and protection, are the one who’ll teach us how…
Christine will share how, when we choose to live in our minds (instead of being present physically in each day), fear easily drives us — and our thoughts are hijacked by the unwell, both living and dead.
In this first class, Christina will guide you to deepen your Body Altar practice to strengthen your intuition and symbolic language — and help you develop an embodied center from which to connect with nature, well ancestors, and other helping spirits.
Christina will walk you through the energetic relationship between the living and well ancestors, the effect of contemporary beliefs on dying well — and how to discern your path in all of it.
In this opening session, you’ll:
- Understand your energetic responsibility to the living, the well ancestors, and the descendants
- Learn the full Body Altar practice with divination, interpretation, and daily guidance
- Use the Body Altar to practice basic, healthy boundaries with the physical and spiritual world
- Use the Body Altar to connect with 1 to 4 good, true, and beautiful ancestors who are well, helpful, and loving
- Assess your 4 go-to fears that drive your thinking away from your true self and into actions to affirm value from outside yourself — again using the Body Altar
- Discover the true meaning of unconscious harm — and the mantra When I do not tend my boundaries well, I need others to navigate my needs for me
Module 2: The Power of Art to Turn Lies & Collusion Into Stories of Hope, Joy & Discovery (April 15)

Many of us are afraid to fully express ourselves creatively.
At some point we were perhaps told that we can’t carry a tune, draw, or dance — and so, we get cut off from the expressive arts’ powerful role in our lives…
As Christina will share this week, the arts are a tool for your heart to move stuck energy and make empowered choices for your life that resonate with who you truly are.
As you’ll discover, when we get lost in our fears and distracted in the collusion with others to affirm our value, we weaken the nobility of our souls.
When we stay true to ourselves in current reality and define our value from the inside, we’re able to make the sometimes hard decisions that manifest a better world — and better our souls, too.
Accessing expression (through art) allows a conversation with your soul in which you can acknowledge your fears — and continue expressing the hope, joy, and discovery that’s here for your soul, in this life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Focus the Body Altar to track alignment with your true self
- Connect with your well ancestors to support you in defining and aligning your innate value
- Use your freedom medium to create your fear map
- Access your Body Altar practice to suspend your fear map and discern your hidden treasure (what you value)
- Use your freedom medium to discover through art your path to hope, joy, or reconciliation with self
- Add your responses to “What will I think differently?” to your Body Altar practice
Module 3: The Power of the Living to Elevate & Celebrate What Makes Us Whole (April 22)

Our longstanding cultural epidemic of alienation, disconnection, and loneliness was only exacerbated over this past year…
This week, Christina will guide you to explore the roots of these feelings — and share how the living have the power to elevate and celebrate what makes us whole. In fact, each soul (including yours!) arrives in life with a unique genius that’s never been known before.
Christina will share how this genius is discovered through expression, trial, error, and learning. These actions move us toward our destiny and shape our soul.
They also set us apart in some ways in our own journey of self-discovery. When we fear loneliness, we redirect this journey — sacrificing our true selves and our uniqueness to fit in.
As a result, we separate our lives from the purpose of our soul. And the root of loneliness is actually this separation from our own soul.
Christina will share how, when you refuse to abandon the true self and the journey of discovery of your genius, you elevate your exiled self — and celebrate the return of all the parts of yourself you’ve abandoned along the way.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand your energetic responsibility to your body and how tending to your humanity shapes your soul
- Learn to use the Body Altar practice to divine and interpret the ways you habitually give up on your true self and true needs to fit in and avoid loneliness
- Find your groove soundtrack and move to feel into your fullness, openness, clarity, and strength of heart
- Use your “groove soundtrack” — and your 1 to 4 good, true, and beautiful ancestors — and discover your unique soul’s arrival as an answer to the ancestors’ prayers
- Use the Body Altar to assess your 4 familiar emotional patterns that deny, indulge, close off, or doubt your true expression of passion and joy in uniqueness
Module 4: The Power of the Body to Connect, Create Flow & Unify (April 29)

Our most ancient ancestors lived in energetically sophisticated social structures that repaired disconnection, fostered healthy emotional flow, and gathered in ritual to experience oneness regularly.
This week, you’ll discover how our more recent ancestors got lost in the lie of separation, manipulative story of scarcity, and political rationale for disconnection…
As Christina will explain, when you allow your emotions to run in patterns of disconnection and separation, you can grow lonely for your own soul — for the gravity of its purpose and the spontaneity of its uniqueness.
When you allow yourself to move with consciousness, your body remembers the ancient reality of connection, and your heart remembers that you came from oneness.
With the support of your well ancestors, you can use movement to cultivate freedom and spontaneity to enjoy the company of your most unique self.
In this module, you’ll:
- Focus the intuition and interpretation you’ve cultivated with your body
- Track your 4 familiar emotional patterns in conscious movement, using your Body Altar
- Connect with your well ancestors to support you in feeling your original connection and oneness with all things
- Use your groove and conscious movement to track a familiar emotional pattern to the exiled self
- Discover how to dial up your groove and conscious movement to create internal, uncontrolled flow — allowing the exiled self to expose the uniqueness you’re so lonely for
- Explore how to use your groove and conscious movement to restore unity and wholeness with all the diverse parts of your unique genius
- Add your responses to “What will I do differently?” to your Body Altar practice
Module 5: The Power of the Living to Grieve, Express Loss & Expose True Value (May 6)

Actively grieving life’s losses is powerful. It allows you to remember the parts of life that have true meaning and value.
When our ancestors didn’t grieve — or weren’t allowed to grieve — they weren’t allowed to truly pass on after death.
Christina will share how, just as these ancestors lost connection to their hearts — and full, healthy emotional expression — the living have learned to deny, spiritually release, or pathologize their emotions.
We’ve lost the ability to grieve — and in that, we’ve lost the healthy connection to our hearts and emotions that renew and replenish our souls’ perspectives of true value.
We chase the next shiny thing, choose novelty over that which endures, and find ourselves shocked and unable to address the mountain of grief for our recent dead…
Christina will help you understand your energetic responsibility to your community and the ways you can support others (and they can support you) to grieve fully, be bereaved, and trust the soul to rise within.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand how humans use rituals and ceremonies to ask Spirit for specific help to create change and transformation
- Explore how you need to fully grieve the loss of dreams, visions, and ways of life — as well as living things
- Learn to use the Body Altar practice to divine and interpret when you need to ask for help and when you need to do it yourself
- Use your groove soundtrack and conscious movement to discern where you carry your own unexpressed grief
- Discover how to use your groove soundtrack and conscious movement to discern where you carry unexpressed grief of the collective
Module 6: The Power of Ritual to Open Access to the Heart, Expression & True Love (May 13)

Our ancient ancestors understood the need to engage in rituals to create transformation — and to restore flow, connection, and oneness with all things.
They understood the need for discipline in ceremony to establish or return to a status quo that allowed the soul to move through the emotional expression of the heart.
This week, Christina will explain how we can learn from our well ancestors to grieve our losses of life, of dreams, and of a way of life that’s simply not sustainable.
She’ll share how we, the living, can join in this ritual together around the world in our global community.
When you align your mind, heart, and body through the Body Altar practice, you establish a new status quo that engages the soul daily, listens through the intuition, and allows the true need (passion) of the soul to guide our choices in this life.
In this way, expressing grief allows you to clear your unexpressed emotions and shape your soul with fierce, loving actions guided by your human heart.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the structure of a basic grief ritual — to be done solo or in community, now and whenever you need it in the future
- Connect with your well ancestors to support you in preparing for, executing, and closing your grief ritual
- Use your grief ritual to express personal grief for the loss of dreams, visions, ways of life, and living things
- Add your new responses to the question “What will I love differently?” to your Body Altar practice
Module 7: The Power of the Living to Choose Trust, Connection & Restorative Love (May 20)

As we use our Body Altar to cultivate trust in our inner knowing and intuitive connection to the larger, invisible and visible world, we restore communication with our soul.
In these simple daily practices you’ve learned over these seven weeks, you can repair the connection with your well ancestors so that they can help protect your freedom from the unreconciled dead and mistakes of the past.
Together, we can take action in our everyday lives that shapes our souls and moves us into our destiny.
This alignment of personal will and action with the true values of the soul creates the resilience needed to practice restorative love.
And in this way, we begin to fulfill our responsibility to those who are coming…
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How to deepen your work with your well ancestors
- Ways to complete the crossing over of the unwell dead
- The role of your Body Altar in discerning your threshold when taking action — to heal the unwell ancestors and restore your ancestral lines
- Ways to deal with ancestral healing fallout
- Your own responsibility to lead a sovereign life for the shaping of your soul
The Heart of Belonging Bonus Collection
In addition to Christina’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Creating & Empowering an Ancestral Shrine Without Tradition
PDF Guide From Christina Pratt

In this how-to guide, Christina draws on the multicultural tradition of creating ancestral shrines to share the universal guiding principles for creating, opening, tending, and passing on ancestral shrines. With these basics of working safely and effectively, you’ll then leave tradition behind and explore how we, as people long lost from ancestral traditions, can innovate, create, and work well with the ancestors. You’ll discover the distinction between the (wildly inaccurate) notion of “ancestral worship” and the simple truth of coming into right relationship with your ancestors.
Dancing Your Ancestors
Audio Playlist and PDF Guide From Christina Pratt

Embodiment, movement, and dance allow us to “sink our minds” and drop into the wisdom of our heart and soul. This moving-meditation guide offers you a step-by-step pathway through musical inspiration — to fully embody your good, true, and beautiful bloodline ancestors and all of their protection, blessings, and gifts. Return to this guide again and again to deepen your relationship with your ancestors and your heart connection to their legacy.
Ancestral Healing: We Can No Longer Afford to Wait to be Ready
Video Dialogue With Christina Pratt and Lisa Bonnice

With the right shamanic skills, we can enter the lives of the unresolved dead and facilitate the reconciliation needed to free them to complete their crossing into the Land of the Dead. In this fascinating conversation with Christina and Ancestral Healing Summit host Lisa Bonnice, you’ll explore the patterns that reemerge in new versions of our lives — until we address the roots in the ancestral realm. You’ll learn how we can truly honor and hold each other equally, and change the patterns held by the ancestors to change the patterns in our own lives.
Deathwalking as Spiritual Hospice
Video Dialogue With Christina Pratt and Kelley Harrell

Listen to Christina’s fascinating interview with Kelley Harrell, author, animist, teacher, and initiated and trained lifelong deathwalker. Deathwalking is the practice of “walking with the dead” to assist them in experiencing closure with the life they’re leaving — to help them make it to the threshold of What Comes Next, at peace with moving through that threshold. As you’ll discover, there’s an art to deathwalking that involves knowing when to direct and when to allow the being to attend to things on their own terms.
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