Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Through Advanced Inner Bonding
What You’ll Discover in These 14 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific.
In this 14-week transformational intensive, Margaret will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to bond with the wounded parts of yourself and truly love yourself.
Each weekly contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to practice Inner Bonding in your daily life.
Module 1: Overview of Inner Bonding (February 22)

In this first module, Dr. Margaret will provide a powerful overview of the terms used in Inner Bonding and the six steps of this healing process. Following the overview session, Dr. Margaret will work one-one-one with participants.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand the earthly path of fear and the spiritual path of love and courage
- Begin to understand the differences between the wounded ego, the authentic soul self, the loving adult, and spiritual guidance
- Receive an overview of the ways we control and the consequences individually and in relationships
- Experience the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding
Module 2: The Willingness to Be Present Understanding Step 1 of Inner Bonding (March 1)

In this second week, you’ll discover the healing powers of willingness, what it means to be present with your feelings, take responsibility for feelings — and why you may resist doing so.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how willingness can catalyze your deeper transformation
- Explore how to become authentically present
- Discover how to stay present with your feelings in a way that’s deeply healing
- Uncover and work with the resistance you have to taking responsibility for your feelings
Module 3: Exploring Your Fear of Painful Emotions Deeper Into Step 1 of Inner Bonding (March 15)

This week, we will delve deeply into the feelings caused by the self-rejection and self-abandonment of the wounded self and some of the information these feelings have for you.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the fear of feeling, and move beyond stuck places you may not even be aware of
- Illuminate the underlying reasons you may feel anxiety and depression
- Discover the roots of feelings of guilt, shame, and anger
- Explore emptiness and loneliness and their effects on your life
Module 4: The Power of Intent Understanding Step 2 of Inner Bonding (March 22)

This week, you’ll explore the deeper feelings of life that you might have spent a lifetime avoiding with various addictions. You will discover the two intents you can choose from moment by moment, and how subtle this can often be.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Existential painful feelings that we all learned to avoid
- The power of your intent — and what may be getting in the way of your intent to learn
- The nuances of the intent to control
- Safety and love are mutually exclusive — and explore this choice
Module 5: Connecting With Your Guidance & Becoming a Loving Adult Deeper Into Step 2 of Inner Bonding (March 29)

This week you’ll receive help with connecting with your personal source of spiritual guidance, and what creates the loving adult self.
In this module, you’ll:
- Find out how to connect more deeply with your spiritual guidance
- Understand how to stay focused in your heart with love as your highest priority
- Experience the joy of living as a compassionate and curious loving adult
- Understand why being fierce and relentless about being loving is so vitally important
Module 6: Dialoguing With Your Feelings Understanding Step 3 of Inner Bonding (April 12)

This week, you’ll receive in-depth support with the powerful Inner Bonding dialogue process, which enables you to discover what your feelings are telling you and identify the false beliefs that cause much of your pain. You’ll go deeper into the ways you reject and abandon yourself that cause so much pain, and how shame is tied up with the intent to control.
In this module, you’ll:
- Deepen your dialogue with your core painful and wounded feelings
- Discover the lies you may be telling yourself
- Uncover and begin to heal the ways you abandon and reject yourself
- Understand the purpose of shame and how to work with it
Module 7: Exploring Wounded Feelings & Core Shame Deeper Into Step 3 of Inner Bonding (April 19)

This week, we’ll dive deeper into dialoguing with wounded feelings and the painful existential feelings of life. You’ll learn how to lovingly manage the deeper core painful feelings life so that you no longer have to cover them over with various substance and process addictions.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to discern between healthy and unhealthy guilt
- Receive the information that your painful core feelings have for you
- Begin to become adept at lovingly managing your core existential pain of life
- Discover the difference between hurt feelings and a hurt heart and what each has to teach you
Module 8: Discovering Joy & Accessing Your Guidance Moving Into Step 4 of Inner Bonding (May 3)

Your soul knows what brings you joy and you’ll learn how to discover this, and the choices you need to make to at-will connection with your spiritual guidance.
In this module, you’ll:
- Engage in illuminating dialogues with your inner child about what brings you joy
- Discover the two secrets to accessing your spiritual guidance more fully
- Explore how to raise your frequency and keep it high
- Know how your higher guidance communicates with you
Module 9: Communicating With Your Divine Guidance Deeper Into Step 4 of Inner Bonding (May 10)

There’s much to learn about how to communicate with your guidance — the kinds of questions to ask, learning to discern when it’s your guidance answering, and what needs to occur to trust your guidance. Remembering the times your guidance was there for you is part of learning to trust.
In this module, you’ll:
- Access your personal guidance more fully
- Understand the most powerful questions to ask your guidance
- Know how to tell if it is your guidance answering
- Experience how to learn to trust your guidance
Module 10: Taking Loving Action Understanding Step 5 of Inner Bonding (May 24)

This week, you’ll discover which actions are loving physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, organizationally, and relationally — and the false beliefs that stop loving action.
In this module, you’ll:
- Establish how to take loving action for your highest good
- Understand what stops your loving action
- Explore what’s in charge of the actions you take, and how to be more in charge as a loving adult
- Recognize what self-care really means for you — physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, organizationally, and relationally
Module 11: Defining Your Self-worth & Other Loving Actions Deeper Into Step 5 of Inner Bonding (May 31)

One of the most important loving actions you can take is to define your intrinsic worth. You will start to learn to that this week, along with understanding procrastination. We will also begin to focus on loving actions in relationships.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover and feel your intrinsic worth — is your doing a way to prove your self-worth or is it an expression of your self-worth?
- Get unstuck from procrastination if it’s present
- Begin to take loving action in your relationships
- Understand the intent to learn with another
Module 12: Evaluating Loving Actions More About Step 5 & Moving Into Step 6 of Inner Bonding (June 7)

Understand the powerful loving action in relationships of lovingly disengaging in conflict. Then we move into Step Six where you learn how to evaluate whether your action is loving to you and in your highest good, as well as deepening your understanding of Inner Bonding as a lifelong process.
In this module, you’ll:
- Master the art of lovingly disengaging
- Tuning back into your feelings to evaluate your loving action
- Understand the power of relaxing into process rather than fixating on a goal
- Discern the difference between doing Inner Bonding from your mind or from your body
Module 13: The Practice of Inner Bonding in Everyday Life (June 14)

Inner Bonding is an all-day form of meditation. What does it look like to practice Inner Bonding in daily life (and when you’re happy!)?
In this module, you’ll:
- Receive keys to staying present throughout the day
- Integrate Inner Bonding into your daily life
- Why to practice Inner Bonding when you are happy
- How you can practice Inner Bonding throughout the day even when you’re very busy
Module 14: Reviewing the Inner Bonding Method (June 28)

In this final module, Dr. Margaret will review of the entire method for truly loving yourself and illuminate the some of the beautiful possibilities, which are the result of an ongoing Inner Bonding practice.
In this module, you’ll review:
- The practice of Inner Bonding, which you can use in the moment you need it
- How to dialogue with your guidance until you receive the answers
- The changes you can expect within yourself with Inner Bonding
- The changes you can expect in your relationships as you learn to love yourself
The Inner Bonding Bonus Collection
In addition to Margaret’s powerful 14-week advanced program, you’ll receive these illuminating bonuses. These bonus materials complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
How to Become Strong Enough to Love
Ebook From Margaret Paul

In How to Become Strong Enough to Love, Margaret Paul quickly brings us to the core principles that get in the way of healthy, romantic and fulfilling relationships. She shows where these roadblocks come from and what can be done to build or rebuild strong, confident and loving relationships. Incisive, real life case histories demonstrate what is behind relationship problems and how they can be overcome.
Self Love & Connection
Podcast Series From Margaret Paul Hosted by Dr. Anita Archer

In this podcast series — which includes three hours of content — Dr. Anita Archer asks Dr. Margaret questions that have been submitted by members of the Inner Bonding Village. Dr. Margaret answers many relationship questions regarding what it looks like to take loving care of yourself when faced with challenging situations with others, how to take loving care of yourself with yourself and within relationships, and also explores various aspects of creating connection — and what creates disconnection — with a partner, a friend, a relative, and oneself.
You’ll receive:
- Loving Yourself Around Others
- Loving Self-care
- Connection With Self & Others
Anita L. Archer, PhD, is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, the design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction. She has taught elementary and middle school students and is the recipient of 10 awards honoring her excellence in teaching and contributions to the field of education. Dr. Archer has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington in Seattle, and the University of Oregon in Eugene. She is nationally known for her professional development activities, having presented in every state over the course of her 40-year career. Dr. Archer is co-author, with Dr. Mary Gleason, of numerous curriculum materials addressing reading, writing, and study skills.
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