Devaa Haley Mitchell – Feminine Soul Initiation
Program Overview:
What You Will Experience
We are excited to bring you a self-study program that takes you into the deep inner work you need to affect positive change in the world and enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous life.
This path is NOT a formulaic, one-size-fits-all approach to spirituality. You will open and expand in unique ways that are tailor-made for your current level of evolution.
Some women go on to create more financial abundance while others experience profound healing or improved well-being. Most deepen their relationships and create more intimacy in their lives. Others step into their calling and begin living from a more sacred place.
Your soul will show you the way…if you let it.
Transforming Your Inner World
One of the core principles of this program is that deeper inner work empowers women to realize their full potential. Our gateway is through archetypes — universal, cross-cultural patterns of energy and potential that represent different aspects of the Divine Feminine.
On this journey, you’ll go through 13 different archetypal initiations — one for each archetype — and learn how to access their unique qualities, blessings and powers, expanding your sense of freedom and wholeness (see details below).
Module 1: Initiation of the Great Mother: From Not Enough to More Than Enough
The way of the Great Mother is the way of receptivity. She is accessed through surrender and adoration. She empowers through nurturing and preserving. She provides us with a feeling of safety, security and deep presence.
In this module, you will:
- Discover how to source your true self from an overflowing, nurturing well that will feed your life and all your projects.
- Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it.
- Connect with your body through a deeper exploration of menstrual and lunar cycles — and discover how we can align with them for greater grace and ease of manifestation.
- Learn to get comfortable with the unknown and allow the new and unexpected to emerge.
Module 2: Initiation of the Goddess of Compassion: From Self-Criticism to Self-Acceptance
The Compassionate One offers us unconditional love and mercy. She is accessed through the portal of humility and forgiveness. Her energy is like water in a slow-moving stream, and she teaches us fluidity and being in the flow.
In this module, you will:
- Discover how to lead from a compassionate heart, and still get things done!
- Recognize ways that you undermine yourself, damaging our own power in the world.
- Awaken practices of forgiveness and self-acceptance, and open to an increased sense of worthiness.
- Release yourself from the bonds of perfection, judgment and criticism, so that you can be free to offer your gifts more fully in the world.
Guest Faculty Session:
Embodying Your Mythic Story with Ariel Spilsbury

Ariel Spilsbury is passionate about the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. This takes the form of traveling to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine around the globe, which she has done for over 30 years. She has devoted her life to the conscious awakening of all beings. This she has offered through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, creating a metaphysical store, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, starting a metaphysical newspaper, moon circles for women, spiritual counseling and maintaining a temple for the Goddess for 25 years.
Module 3: Initiation of the Priestess: From Outward Listening to Deep Inner Listening
The Mystic is the archetype of stillness, silence and centered presence. She is the keeper of the keys of the mysteries, and she teaches us to expand our awareness and access our innate intuitive abilities.
In this module, you will:
- Hone the skill of attuning to your inner guidance for external life issues.
- Develop the skill of deep Inner Listening, and tune your inner ear to hear at different levels of subtle communication.
- Practice reading the symbolic world and how to “know” from deep inside which direction to take, which decision to make or the solution to a problem.
Guest Faculty Sessions:
Walking the Priestess Path with Elayne Doughty

Elayne Doughty — Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple — Powerful Women Changing the World — and Co-Founder of The Global Gratitude Alliance which has a mission to empower and improve the lives of women, children and young adults through grassroots projects in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world. Elayne is also a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, speaker, soul midwife and ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage.
Psychological Implications of Symbols ~ The Wisdom of the Tarot with Angeles Arrien

Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. was a cultural anthropologist, award- winning author, educator and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She researched, created and synthesized the Four-Fold Way Program, which is currently used in medical, academic and corporate environments; and her book, The Four-Fold Way was translated into more than ten languages.
Developing Your Intuition with Sonia Choquette (pre-recorded)

Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer and six-sensory spiritual teacher in international demand for her guidance, wisdom and capacity to heal the soul. She’s the author of several bestselling books, including Ask Your Guides, Trust Your Vibes, Soul Lessons, Soul Purpose and numerous audio programs and card decks. Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and the Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. She resides with her family in Chicago.
Module 4: Initiation of the Creator/Destroyer: From Stuckness to Freedom
The way of the Liberator is the way of non-attachment. This fierce archetype opens us up to our deep feelings and passion, and she serves to cut away the shackles that have bound us, perhaps for lifetimes.
In this module, you will:
- Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs and behaviors that stop you from stepping into your radiant fullness.
- Participate in a freedom ceremony to liberate yourself from those limitations and obstacles that are blocking your evolution.
- Get comfortable with cutting away the “dead wood” in your life, including habits, relationships, or ways of being that are not aligned with your greatest expression.
- Develop practices to de-clutter your life every week so that you can become the most effective leader.
Module 5: Initiation of the Lady of Communion: From Powerless to Fully Empowered
The Lady of Communion marries the feminine green of the earth with the masculine gold of the sun in the alchemy of sacred union. She teaches us how to stand in our sovereignty and examine where we leak our power. She also invites us to commune with nature at and drink in her immense wisdom.
In this module, you will:
- Align your inner masculine and inner feminine to create a potent alchemical force of creation and manifestation in the world.
- Generate a clear sense of what it is that you REALLY want to create that is connected to your true purpose.
- Learn the keys to creating effective, magnetic intentions.
- Learn to manifest through personal magnetism, taking the struggle and strife out of it once and for all!
Guest Faculty Session:
Standing in Your Feminine Power with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

Claire Zammit is the Founder and Leader of the Feminine Power courses and Co-Founder of Evolving Wisdom. Claire is currently completing her doctorate in the field of Transformative Learning and Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies, researching the life-changing transformations of women in her year-long Feminine Power Mastery program. Claire is the co-author of the forthcoming book, Feminine Power: Awakening to the Creative Force of Life and co-creator and co-host of the internationally acclaimed Women on the Edge of Evolution teleseries.
Module 6: Initiation of the Muse: From Creatively Blocked to Fully Expressed
The Muse opens our hearts through authenticity, and vulnerability. She taps into the innocence of the magical child, inviting us to to laugh and to play. In her frequency we can wave our magic wants to liberate boundless creative energy.
In this module, you will:
- Wake up your creative genius! Learn to access your spontaneity, imagination and creativity as a foundational skill of inspired leadership.
- Learn how to create out-of-thin-air, and use the “Magic IF” wand to serve all your creations in the world.
- Embrace your ability to turn everything on its head, and see things from new perspectives.
- Lead from a place of joy and light-heartedness, and enliven your projects and life with humor.
Guest Faculty Session:
Succulence is PowerFULL with SARK

SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), is the best-selling author and artist of 12 books including the national bestseller Succulent Wild Woman: Dancing With Your Wonder-full Self. Her most recent books on creativity include, Make Your Creative Dreams REAL: A Plan for Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, and People Who Would Really Rather Sleep All Day and the updated edition of SARK’s New Creative Companion. SARK invites us all to live a spontaneous and creative life!
Module 7: Initiation of the Goddess of Love: From Closed-Hearted to Unconditionally Loving
The Goddess of Love invites us into greater intimacy with those around us. While we may desire deep love in our lives, most of us put up barriers against potential hurt. This can shut out the very depth of love we crave. The Goddess of Love pours forth her ecstatic elixir, melting us open and into her realm of sensual delights.
In this module, you will:
- Unleash a rampage of joy and pleasure that will juice up every aspect of your life!
- Enliven ALL of your senses as a way to increase your personal power of attraction.
- Revel in the beauty of all life and experience that what you appreciate, appreciates!
- Develop the art of living in overflowing abundance, and magnetize wealth and prosperity on all levels.
- Immerse yourself in the spirit of generosity, and learn how to shower it on all of your projects.
Module 8: Initiation of the Primal Goddess: From Disconnected to
Wildly Alive!
Imagine a pack of wild women running naked through the landscape and howling at the moon. This is the realm of the primal goddess who invites us to activate our untamed instinctual nature and sexual shakti power and take new risks. Time to let your hair down, ladies!
In this module, you will discover:
- Wild women don’t sit at the table and play nice and Give yourself permission to get to play by your own rules.
- How to get into your body, shake it all out, cry, laugh, growl and let your energy run in creative leaps and bounds. (You will be surprised how much this can fuel your life and your leadership!)
- Freedom from what anyone else thinks of you — and how to embrace your bold and unconventional aspects.
- A release of energy so that your projects and life can be vitalized, impassioned and freed up.
- Make way for the unpredictable to enter your life.
Guest Faculty Session:
Wielding Your Potent Shakti Power with Love, Truth and Integrity with Lisa Schrader

Lisa Schrader is the founder of Awakening Shakti and has impacted the lives of thousands of women for over a decade as a workshop leader, author, speaker and coach. Her work has been featured on Oprah, Oxygen and VH1. She is on the faculty of The Shift Network and host of the annual Shakti Summit on Sensuality, Sex and the Sacred. She is the author of Kama Sutra 52: A Year’s Worth of the Best Positions for Passion and Pleasure from Quiver Books.
Module 9: Initiation of the Initiator: From Speaking What’s Polite to Speaking Your Truth
The Initiator represents a fierce face of the feminine. Her tool is the sword, and we are invited to learn to wield the sword of our words with clarity and power, while keeping our hearts open. She invites us to break through old, repetitive patterns and to align with our deepest soul intentions.
In this module, you will:
- Claim the feminine super power of speaking your truth in a clear, direct way.
- Feel what it is like to be in your fierce feminine, speaking up when it would be more comfortable to stay silent.
- Find your courage to speak up in support of other women, so no woman ever has to stand alone.
- Practice calling others into authentic being. Hone your ability to see your projects and life with a discerning eye for “course corrections.”
Module 10: Initiation of the Wise Woman: From Rational Thinking to Deeper Heart Knowing
The Wise Woman brings us the gifts of simple heart-knowing as well as wacky wisdom. She is a medicine woman and a healer who is not concerned by what other people think. She invites us to finally put our old wounds to rest, liberating energy for the new chapters ahead.
In this module, you will:
- Access your mentorship ability, and develop your skills to guide, love, appreciate and support others in their journey.
- Learn how to navigate your doubting mind by accessing your heart knowing.
- Embrace the wisdom of laughter as a way to shift your consciousness out of places of rigidity.
- Step back and see the big picture, let go of what is not important, simplify and become more aligned.
Guest Faculty Session:
Embodying the Wise Woman with Luisah Teish

Luisah Teish is a writer, a performer, an artist and an Oshun chief in the Yoruba Lucumi tradition. She performs stories — emphasizing the powers of women and nature — and creates art with recycled materials. The author of Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals, Luisah teaches courses in eco-mythology, ritual theater and women’s spirituality at Sophia University and the California Institute of Integral Studies.
Module 11: Initiation of the Weaver Dreamer: From Confusion to Clarity About Your Vision
The Weaver Dreamer invites us to expand our sense of possibility and open to new vistas. Here we enter the imaginal realm to fully experience ourselves living our ideal life. We learn how to dream big and connect our visions to the wider community web that’s working for planetary evolution.
In this module, you will:
- Find out what it means to be a visionary — and why it’s critical at this time.
- Remember who you are, why you are here and how to live in integrity with your soul.
- Discover a new way to dream and a profound, proven method for finding and accomplishing any dream.
- Trust at a deeper level, take greater risks and remove fear, doubt and other obstacles.
Guest Faculty Session:
12 Ways to Be a 21st Century Leader with Marcia Wieder

Marcia Wieder, CEO/ Founder of Dream University® is leading a Dream Movement. She’s been coaching, training and speaking for 20 years. Whether teaching at the Stanford Business School, speaking to executives in China or at Girl Scout Camp, her riveting style has a deep impact on her audience. She is the personal dream coach to Jack Canfield, appears in “Beyond the Secret” with Bob Proctor, and is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with Lynne Twist and Marianne Williamson.
As past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, Marcia Wieder assisted former U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George Bush, Sr. The author of 14 books and a thought leader on vision, she was a frequent guest on Oprah and has appeared on Today.
Module 12: Initiation of the Queen of Death: From Holding Onto What’s Not Serving to Letting Go Into the Mystery
The Queen of Death is an archetype that is often resisted or feared. But this gentle lady teaches us how to navigate the unknown waters. We breathe into her black void and allow ourselves to rest, lay fallow, and release what no longer serves.
In this module, you will:
- Tune into the rhythm of your cyclical nature.
- Be able to navigate and see where you are, in the cycle of your own life and the projects you are involved in.
- Receive your lifetime achievement award for “failure” and see all failure as a part of success. (This skill is at the core of our resiliency as leaders.)
- Learn to trust that all is well.
- Champion the quiet times when nothing seems to be happening, allowing things to be metabolized and digested before engaging on the next project.
- Embrace and take a stand for the inevitable cycle of birth/death/rebirth in our lives and projects.
Module 13: Initiation Into the Alchemical Goddess: From Lackluster to Embodying Your Full Feminine Radiance
The Alchemical Goddess is a gateway for quantum leaps and exponential transformation. She invites us to harvest the many fruits of this initiatory journey, reflecting on who we’ve become. Here we have a chance to claim our soul lineages and clarify how we will offer our soul gifts into the collective.
In this module, you will:
- Hold the full spectrum of all your experiences, wounds, gifts and challenges.
- Express yourself fully in bringing your gifts to the world.
- Forge an internal sacred marriage of opposites.
- Learn to turn any challenge into opportunity.
Guest Faculty Session:
7 Wonders of the Soul ~ Harnessing the Power of the Chakras with Anodea Judith

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is a bestselling author, international workshop presenter, psychologist, yoga teacher, philosopher and evolutionary activist whose passion is awakening humanity to its amazing potential before we throw it all away. Ordained as a priestess in 1985, she served in the Church of All Worlds for 20 years as president and founder of its teaching organization, Lifeways — which led to her research in ancient history, mythology and Goddess traditions. Since her first book on the chakras (Wheels of Life, 1987) became a classic, her many books have been translated into 16 languages and spawned the birth of her current organization, Sacred Centers.
The Feminine Soul Initiation Bonus Collection
In addition to Devaa’s transformative 7-month virtual program, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Inspiring Women Summit 2018
Full Package of Downloadable MP3s and Transcripts for All Sessions Including 35 Amazing Women ($247 value)
Get lifetime access to the insights, strategies and powerful practices presented by women on the leading edge of this world shift. The Inspiring Women Summit package is full of guidance, practices and tips that can transform many aspects of your life, from your spirituality and relationships to your impact in business and leadership, to your health and well-being.
These inspiring leaders redefine what it means to be successful and have an extraordinary life — and they will help you identify and embrace what’s truly meaningful, so that you CAN have the kind of life that your soul desires.
Featured experts include Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Sandra Ingerman, Sark, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Anita Moorjani, Lynne Twist, Katie Hendricks, Latham Thomas, and many MORE!
Soulful Women Archetypal Package
13 Audio Meditations and 56-Page Color Guidebook

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