Tim Kelley & Beth Scanzani – The Shadow Quest
What You’ll Discover in These 18 Sessions
This program will features teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential guided practices — giving you a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you need to recognize and integrate your shadow aspects and their gifts.
One of both Tim and Beth’s gifts is to work with the group field and respond to the needs that arise in the moment based on their own higher guidance, which creates an atmosphere of discovery, adventure, and enhanced spiritual power.
Module 1: Lighting the Torch
The Beauty of That Which Cannot Be Seen

Before you begin your journey, you need to understand where you’re going and why. You also need to pack for the trip! Most people have a very limited understanding of terms like “shadow” and “unconscious.” Many also fear their dark places, leaving them forever controlled by the aspects of themselves that they refuse to see or hear. Clearing up these misunderstandings will demystify the shadow and begin to illuminate the aspects of yourself you’ve been rejecting.
In this module, you’ll:
- Enhance your understanding and appreciation of the unconscious aspects of your psyche
- Explore the ways that reclaiming the unknown, forgotten, and disowned aspects of your fully expressed being can transform your experience of yourself, your life and your key relationships
- Increase your clarity about the consequences of neglecting this essential work for you and others
- Learn about the compelling, engaging, and Self-supportive processes and systems that are available to support you in The Shadow Quest
Module 2: Mapping the Terrain
Understanding the Realm of the Unconscious

You’ll take many “dives” into the shadow, experiencing a variety of techniques. What are you looking for? How will you know when you’ve found it? And what will your newfound awareness of your unconscious allow you to be and do? Once you begin to understand how the unconscious works, you’ll see how essential a grasp of it is to have fulfilling, long-lasting, intimate relationships.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your understanding of the dynamics of equilibrium, opposites, and wholeness and how these natural forces affect you and the world around you (This is especially important for change agents!)
- Understand how your personal work reintegrating shadow aspects of yourself impacts the collective
- Learn to notice the clues that show you when your shadow has risen up
- Identify potential obstacles and challenges along your path
Module 3: Clearing the Path
Removing the Obstacles to Finding Your True Self

Most people are stopped by their fears before they’re able to begin an exploration of their shadow. Learn to identify and clear the fears blocking your path. These same techniques can be used to clear your fears of any goal, dream, or purpose! You’ll also need to establish practices and support that will carry you through this program. Many people are stopped on their journey because of fear, doubt, and lack of adequate preparation and self-care. Clearing these obstacles will create a smooth path forward for your growth and development.
In this module, you’ll:
- Identify the conscious and unconscious fears that block your progress on your path
- Learn powerful tools that can remove fear and resistance to any goal, vision, dream, or purpose
- Identify the key conditions that will allow you to transform yourself into a powerful agent for actualizing your purpose
- Explore ways to practice self-care as you encounter your shadow
Module 4: Through the Looking Glass
Seeing the Unconscious at Play in Relationships

Every person, relationship, and event in your life is reflecting your unconscious back to you, if you only know what to look for! Learn to spot the telltale signs. And once you know you’re facing yourself, learn how to discover and integrate the disowned aspects of yourself that are asking to be reclaimed. Until you’ve mastered this key skill, your unconscious will constantly color and skew your relationships with your loved ones, boss, employees, and clients.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how shadow aspects of the psyche are created
- Understand why certain aspects of your humanity were suppressed and “disowned”
- Expand your perspectives about the impact of disowning aspects of who you are, including qualities you truly admire and wish you had more of
- Learn to use the people and events around you to identify and integrate lost aspects of yourself
- Discover additional techniques for clearing the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that can block your path to your dreams and purpose
Module 5: Digging for Treasure
Rediscovering the Parts of Yourself You Left Behind

As a child, you learned to suppress certain things, especially when confronted with challenging and painful experiences. Learn how these formative wounds cost you much of who you really are, and how to reclaim the selves that you left behind. Leaving your childhood wounds in your shadow means that your every decision and motive is rooted in avoidance of early trauma.
In this module, you’ll:
- Access greater clarity about the wounds you received in childhood (and beyond) and how they run your life every day
- Explore how your psyche’s well-intended attempts to respond to wounding events has resulted in limited self-expression and freedom, difficulty in relationships, and resistance to realizing your full potential
- Lean how to unlock the doors that imprison your disowned and discarded shadow to allow greater access to your emotions, full self-expression and confidence — and all the freedom, intimacy, and vitality this brings
- Transform your ego’s appreciation for and relationship with your core wounds, so you access an exciting new way of living that’s no longer driven by your patterns
Module 6: Walking in Dreamtime
Exploring the Realm of Symbols

Dreams provide the most direct possible channel to the unconscious. Interpreting this raw shadow material can be very challenging, though, unless you know what to look for! This module is a window into the extraordinary world of images and symbols, the native language of the unconscious. This advanced form of work with the unconscious will open up whole new realms of beauty, power, and resource!
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your understanding of dreams and dreaming as messages from your unconscious
- Learn to interpret personal, collective, and universal dream symbols
- Learn practical and useful techniques to increase dream recall
- Practice incubating dreams to receive guidance and growth in specific areas
- Explore “waking dreams” as a way to become aware of your unconscious in everyday life
Module 7: Coming Home to Wholeness
Integrating the Totality of Your Self

Having explored your personal unconscious, you’ll begin to see the vast forces moving through humanity, the world, and universe. And you’ll be ready to equip yourself to continue the lifelong practice of exploring and identifying your shadow, and that of the larger collective. The ultimate goal of exploring the unconscious is a new and vaster sense of self, one more fully capable of manifesting your purpose and changing the world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your love, appreciation, and compassion for all parts of yourself and humanity
- Explore how the illusion of separateness and polarization manifests internally and in the world
- Deepen your appreciation of the nature of consciousness, nonduality, and transpersonal identity
- Imagine who you can be and what you can accomplish as you reclaim more and more of your beautiful, fully-expressed being and share your precious self in the world
- Develop ongoing practices and support systems to continue to rediscover and integrate more and more of your shadow
The Shadow Quest Bonus Collection
In addition to this transformative 5-month virtual course, you’ll receive several powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Integrating the Victim
Live Call With Tim Kelley

When something terrible happens to you, it can be difficult to process the emotions that come from it and move on. Many people get stuck in blame and anger, feeling helpless to do anything else. Others move to accountability and learning, but cut off from the feelings of victimization. Both of these approaches cause your energy and attention to be permanently stuck around this event, like calcium building up in an artery and blocking the flow of precious blood. In this live call, you’ll discover a powerful technique for releasing the stuck energy around negative events from your past.
Polarization & Shadow for Change Agents
Live Call With Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani

Exploring the unconscious is beneficial for all your relationships. It’s especially important for your relationship to your purpose and to changing the world. Most change agents don’t realize that the problems they’re trying to fix are only projections from their own wounded unconscious! If you’re a change agent or messenger, then you absolutely must learn to see how your shadow colors the world you see. Otherwise, how can you possibly hope to create the new one you are called to create?
How Your Clients’ Unconscious Is Running Your Practice
Live Call With Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani

If you’re a consultant, coach, or therapist, your clients’ unconscious needs and drives (and yours!) play a big part in how your work with them unfolds. While psychoanalysts receive detailed training in this process (commonly referred to as transference and countertransference), most coaches and consultants have no clue about the forces driving their client sessions. If you work with paying clients in any capacity, or plan to in the future, you owe it to yourself (and them!) to learn about the unconscious forces operating in your practice, and how to harness them to produce more transformation and better outcomes.
60-minute Free Coaching Session
With a Trained Coach

It’s important to get qualified support on this deep journey! We’ve carefully selected coaches who have sufficient experience in working with the shadow and related methodologies to guide you on your path. This is a longer free session than we normally give; we felt it was important to give you extra support in this program.
Breaking the Cycle of Victimization & Fulfilling Your Life’s Mission
Live Coaching Call With Jeffrey Van Dyk

Doing work with your shadow is great for you personally, but if you’re called to be a change agent, part of the reason you want to do this kind of deep work is to serve the world in deeper, more profound ways. In a world of increasing polarity, the change agents who have healed the divine in themselves are those who will heal the divides in our world. In this call, Jeffrey Van Dyk will guide you in a deeper understanding of breaking the victimization cycle in your life’s work — and give you a profound experience of healing, so you can do just that.
The Gifts of Your Wounds: Discovering Your Genius Zone & Who You’re Meant to Serve
Live Coaching Call With Jeffrey Van Dyk

There are great wealth and riches buried in the shadow, and in this live call with hotseat coaching, Jeffrey will help you turn your wounds into assets that are infinitely marketable. Whether you’re trying to distinguish yourself in your career or want to know what makes you special relationship or friendship material, discovering your special “superhero” skill that sets you apart is an amazing gift. In this live call, you’ll discover the specific, unique-to-you “super-hero” skill that makes you incredibly valuable in all areas of life — especially in your career. Once you know what yours is, you’ll see how to effectively market what makes you unique — which will help you make more money and deliver more value, as an entrepreneur or in any other area of life.
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