Mark Matousek – Writing as a Spiritual Practice
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays 12:00pm Pacific.
During this 7-week transformational intensive, Mark will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to create a daily writing practice that cultivates a more authentic, self-aware and spiritual you.
Each weekly, LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your spiritual writing practice.
You’ll emerge with:
- Deeper access to your spiritual identity.
- Greater understanding of your authentic desires.
- Enhanced ability to discern the ego’s voice from your soul voice.
- A wider angle lens on your “life myth”.
- An inner refuge that you can turn to for wisdom and advice.
- Greater freedom from shame related to your shadow (and understanding of its wisdom).
- Comfort with your secret passions and fears.
- Increased discernment about where fear is blocking desire in your life.
- A non-dual approach to desire.
- A more profound understanding of your personal source of meaning and purpose.
- The ability to focus your intentions, stop procrastinating and practice discipline with kindness.
- Tools for healing from deep wounding in your life.
- Expanded access to your personal and creative genius.
- Deepened ability to express your innate gifts in the world.
Module 1) Who Am I?:
Accessing Your Soul (April 14)

You’ll learn to:
- Gain access to your soul identity.
- Identify your authentic desires.
- Discern the ego’s voice from your soul voice.
- Listen to creative counsel from within.
- Consider your life myth from a soul perspective.
Module 2) The Secret Life:
Finding Your Inner Refuge (April 21)

You’ll learn to:
- Build an inner refuge of wisdom.
- Examine the obstacles to this refuge.
- Transcend shame about your shadow.
- Connect with shadow wisdom (this is where the juice is).
- Identify your secret passions.
Module 3) Fear & Desire:
Liberating Your True Passions (April 28)

You’ll learn to:
- Identify where fear arises.
- Isolate where fear blocks desire in your life.
- Step outside the moral matrix that binds soul to ego.
- Practice the “art of abandon”.
- Understand a non-dual approach to desire.
Module 4) The Quest for Meaning:
Finding What Truly Matters to You (May 5)

You’ll learn to:
- Locate your personal source of meaning.
- Overcome obstacles to meaning in your life.
- Strengthen your commitment to purpose.
- Connect your personal meaning to the greater good.
- Reconstruct your life myth to accommodate authentic meaning.
Module 5) The Mystery of Love:
Deepening Your Intimate Relationships (May 12)

You’ll learn to:
- Access your soul’s power to love.
- Heal from breaches of love in your life.
- Appreciate the variety of love relationships you have.
- Accept the shadow in love.
- Reaffirm love for your precious existence.
Module 6) Intention & Power:
Creating from Your Inner Source (May 19)

You’ll learn to:
- Focus your intentions.
- Find the path of least resistance to what you desire.
- Stop procrastinating.
- Practice kind and consistent discipline.
- Commit to your own dreams.
Module 7) Awakening Genius:
Discovering Your Unique Gift (May 26)

You’ll learn to:
- Identify your personal genius.
- Understand what its voice is telling you.
- Fuse with your creative genius.
- Manifest the gifts you were born with.
- Connect these gifts with the world around you.
The Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Bonus Collection
In addition to Mark’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Writing, Spirit & Telling the Truth
Audio Dialogue with Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler, Tony Award winning playwright, performer, and activist, is the author of The Vagina Monologues, which has been translated into over 48 languages, performed in over 140 countries. Ensler has written numerous articles for The Guardian, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Utne Reader, International Herald Tribune, Glamour Magazine and Marie Claire as well as a regular column in O Magazine. In November 2009, Ensler was named one of US News & World Report’ s ”Best Leaders” in association with the Center for Public Leadership (CPL) at Harvard Kennedy School. In 2010 she was named one of “125 Women Who Changed Our World” by Good Housekeeping Magazine. In 2011 she was named one of Newsweek ’s “150 Women Who Changed the World” and The Guardian ’s “100 Most Influential Women.”
The True Secret of Writing
Audio Dialogue with Natalie Goldberg

Natalie Goldberg is the author of Writing Down The Bones: Freeing The Writer Within, which broke open the world of creativity and started a revolution in the way we practice writing in this country. The book has sold over one million copies and been translated into fourteen languages. Since then she has written nine other books, including the novel Banana Rose. Her New Book, The True Secret of Writing: Connecting Life With Language, is a brilliant distillation of the True Secret workshops that Natalie has been giving for years near her home in Taos, New Mexico and around the globe.
Sacredness & the Writing Life
Interview with Jane Hirshfield

Jane Hirshfield is the author of six books of poetry, most recently After which was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize, and Given Sugar, Given Salt, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and winner of the Bay Area Book Reviewers Award. Her work also includes a book of essays, Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry, and she has edited and translated The Ink Dark Moon: Poems by Ono no Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan and Women in Praise of the Sacred: Forty-Three Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women. Hirshfield has received The Poetry Center Book Award, fellowships from the Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundations, Columbia University’s Translation Center Award, and the Commonwealth Club of California Poetry Medal. In the fall 2004, she was awarded the 70th Academy Fellowship for distinguished poetic achievement by The Academy of American Poets. She has taught at UC Berkeley, University of San Francisco, and Bennington College.
Connect With Your Inner Muse & Harness the Transformational Powers of Writing
Audio Dialogue with Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron is an American teacher, author, artist, and journalist best known for her book The Artist’s Way. She started her journalism career at the Washington Post, then moved on to Rolling Stone. She met Martin Scorsese when interviewing him for Rolling Stone. They married in 1975, collaborated on three films, and divorced in 1977. Cameron’s memoir Floor Sample details her descent into alcoholism and drug addiction, which induced blackouts, paranoia and psychosis. In 1978, reaching a point in her life when writing and drinking could no longer coexist, Cameron stopped the drugs and alcohol, and began teaching creative unblocking, eventually publishing The Artist’s Way, which has sold millions of copies worldwide.
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