Flordemayo – Power of Prayer
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-module sacred circle, Grandmother Flordemayo will offer teachings on the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to activate the power of prayer and connect you to the simple rhythms of nature.
Please note that the teachings in Power of Prayer With Flordemayo will be quite fluid.
In preparation for each session, Grandmother Flordemayo will attune to the collective energy of those present and draw inspiration and guidance from Spirit.
Though there are themes for each session, it’s not guaranteed that everything listed below will be covered; rather, Flordemayo will teach as she feels guided, sharing exactly what’s needed in the moment.
Module 1: Spiritual Surrender & Setting Intention Through Prayer

The power of prayer starts when we give of our self to the source; we go into a place of surrender.
— Grandmother Flordemayo
True surrender means letting go of yourself. To walk the path of spiritual surrender, you must be willing to fully embrace life instead of holding on to your fears and desires about it. Yet, surrender is frightening to most people, because they think it means becoming totally passive — which you’ll discover is not the case in this first module.
You’ll also discover that when you set an intention through prayer, doing so with a clear mind and higher vibrational frequency is key, as this allows you to shift your consciousness and better align with your core desires. Some call this your highest purpose for the greater good of all.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- What spiritual surrender means
- How to practice spiritual surrender
- How to awaken and humble yourself through prayer
- How to practice setting intentions each day
Module 2: Personal Prayers for Guidance, Healing, Awakening & Service

Having the desire to help,
seeing the healing take place,
allowing the process to enter your being —
the knowing of feeling the movement of the light,
letting it go, and allowing it to spread.
— Grandmother Flordemayo
Do you get excited when you receive guidance from a higher source? Do you feel your spirit guide’s presence? If you try to talk to your spirit guide(s) and don’t hear anything back, or if you’re not hearing your guides yet, it just means you’re only part ofthe way along that journey… This module will help you get further.
In this module, you’ll also find that when you receive clear guidance, there may be times when you’re surprised or disappointed by the initial results. You’ll discover that sometimes we’re guided into difficult situations — perhaps to expose and heal an old wound, or to learn something valuable.
Some guidance can only be understood later, sometimes much later, when you gain the perspective to see how the situation was perfect for you. With experience, you will learn to trust your guidance, and be grateful for any experience it brings.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- What prayer and surrender mean
- How to tune into your spirit guides
- How to offer personal prayers for guidance
- How to practice surrender and spiritual awakening
Module 3: The Art of Praying for the Healing of Others

Prayer helps us receive guiding direction of love and light toward another.
— Grandmother Flordemayo
One extremely powerful and effective way to begin to help another is to send loving thoughts, rather than thoughts of worry or concern. Thoughts are palpable. They are real. They are potent carriers of our personal messages. When they are combined with the most powerful forces in the universe — love and light — we are able to help others infinitely more than by just worrying along with them.
The presence of love is a healing presence and provides an environment that allows the essence of God to flow through us in a natural way. Our own loving thoughts and emotions are dynamic agents for transformation and healing and should never be underestimated. Knowing this is the most important first step in supporting others through prayer.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The art of praying and healing for others
- How to pray for others
- Why it’s important to send positive prayers of love and light when you pray for others
- How to help yourself and others by reaching a higher level of spirituality within yourself
Module 4: Cultivating a Daily Cycle of Prayer

Prayer is the only way.
Prayer embraces us.
Prayer loves us.
Prayer protects us.
Prayer is a good place to be.
Prayer is powerful.
— Grandmother Flordemayo
Prayer is a conscious, personal communication with God. It is different for each person, and how we experience it is different and unique. Prayer can be conveyed in seconds — short moments in the cracks of our day — or it can span hours, even an entire night.
In this module, you will discover how to deepen your conscious communication with God, bringing prayer into your daily life. You’ll experience how prayer deepens your faith, ties your heart to God, and provides an invisible support that can be the strongest in your life.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to practice prayer each day
- What prayer life is
- How to know when to bring prayer into your daily routine
- What it means to “run on the power of prayer”
Module 5: Preparing for Community Prayers

An altar is a place that holds a space; the items in that space hold a specific symbolism.
— Grandmother Flordemayo
Ceremony is an essential part of traditional Native or Indigenous healing. Because physical and spiritual health are intimately connected, body and spirit must heal together.
Traditional healing ceremonies promote wellness by reflecting Native concepts of Spirit, Creator, and the Universe. They may include prayer, chants, drumming, songs, stories, and the use of a variety of sacred objects. Ceremony may take place anywhere, but is often held in sacred places.
Wherever they take place, traditional healing ceremonies are considered sacred, and it’s important to be aware of and honor the protocols, customs, and traditions handed down through the ages.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- What community prayer is
- The protocols for attending a community prayer or ceremony
- Who is considered an Elder
- What the appropriate gift is for an Elder
- What an Honorarium is
- What you should wear to a community ceremony
- How to create an altar and select and arrange sacred items
Module 6: Elemental Prayers for Earth, Water, Air & Fire Ceremonies

Life calls us to open sacred space during pivotal events. Whether it be to honor an equinox, solstice, or one of the earth’s precious elements, the intention we carry must have an unyielding presence of love, light, and focus for the sacred space to be open. This allows for the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds to thin, and transformation to occur.
In this module, you’ll learn how to create sacred space for offering elemental prayers for earth, water, air, and fire ceremonies. You’ll discover how to offer prayers as the key ritual in these ceremonies, including how to initiate a fire ceremony that can be performed anytime you’re feeling stuck, want to create something new, or need to shift your energy.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The 4 elements
- The Medicine Wheel or Wheel of Life
- How to do a fire ceremony
- The significance of a fire ceremony
- What each of the cardinal directions — North, South, East, and West — represent
Module 7: Exploring the Seasons of Prayer

A ritual, ceremony, or prayer is about bringing sacredness into your life, and honoring something greater than yourself. It’s about honoring the mystery, the Creator, and the bringer of life in all things.
A formal observance, such as a ceremony, helps us adjust to change. It establishes a clear end of one stage of life and the beginning of another. A ceremony during an equinox or solstice also helps us transition to a new season.
In this last module, you’ll discover personal and collective ceremonies to honor Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, the Vernal Equinox, and the Autumnal Equinox. You’ll learn how to incorporate sacred offerings, including prayer, into these ceremonies, as well as the significance and richness these Seasons of Prayer can bring to your spiritual life and your everyday life.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The significance of Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, the Vernal Equinox, and the Autumnal Equinox
- Personal and collective ceremonies you can observe on these occasions
- How to connect with full-moon energy to enhance cleansing and recharge rituals
- How ritual and ceremony expand and color our daily life with a radiance and light that connects us to all living things
The Power of Prayer With Flordemayo Bonus Collection
(Exclusive Bonus Collection Value: $300!)
In addition to Grandmother Flordemayo’s transformational 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these bonus offerings. These bonuses will complement your participation in this Virtual Circle — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
A Prayer for Humanity
Audio Prayer From Grandmother Flordemayo With Mz. Imani on Hang/Handpan

In this prayer with beautiful music accompaniment by Mz. Imani, Grandmother Flordemayo prays for finding a balance between humans and nature.
Mz. Imani ’s innate wisdom, coupled with experience, guides her perspectives, practice, and instincts, and informs the way she plays music. The initiations in her life with the sacred have come through nature, community drumming, the Hang/Handpan, prayer, and people. She was traditionally trained (by ear) and plays music to support the wellness of the planet by supporting the purpose of many elders, gatherings, and council groups. Her walk with the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, as assistant and ceremonial musician, and with Turtle Women Rising, as support with the drum, prepared her to instigate SoulFire Sanctuary, in Swannanoa, North Carolina, where she is the curator and caretaker of the 18th Peace/Sound Chamber, in the lineage of Joseph Rael.
A Meditation for Humanity
Audio Meditation From Grandmother Flordemayo With Geri LittleJohn on Flute

The focus of this meditation is to let yourself go from anything holding you back, and asking for protection — to allow yourself to be in the moment and embrace it. Geri LittleJohn accompanies Grandmother Flordemayo on flute.
Geri LittleJohn is a flute maker, a mother, a lover of nature, a performer, a healing sounds practitioner, a ceremonial singer, and a woman engaged in the process of becoming a human being. Geri is most alive when sharing what she’s learned through her years of deep listening, participating in Lakota ceremony, and expressing support from the Universe, nature, and the unseen through music. Geri’s first flute teacher was her late husband, flute maker Hawk LittleJohn, with whom she began making flutes in the early 90s. He was fond of saying that the only sin was the sin of separation. And when playing or leading ceremony that the best advice was to keep ego out of it and become a hollow bone.
Geri weaves sound and energy together with Mz. Imani as often as possible while living on opposite sides of the country. They came together to support Grandmother Flordemayo and the Gathering For Humanity in May of 2018, and Geri is excited to be working with these two powerful and inspiring women again for this Shift Network offering.
Meditation & Vision of Light
Audio Recording From Grandmother Flordemayo

In this spontaneous transmission from Grandmother Flordemayo, she expresses in her descriptive and heartfelt manner a vision she received recently upon awakening of the Day of the Sacred Dawn and awakening to the light.
Cathar Creed
Audio Reading From Grandmother Flordemayo

The Cathar Creed has been adopted by Flordemayo and the Board of The Path as the guiding creed of the organization. Flordemayo understands from her travels and being in ceremony on that sacred mountain where the last of the Cathars lived is that they lived by the law of love. They left that written creed to humanity addressing what we’re talking about in today’s world about taking care of the elements. They left these sacred writings for humanity and the sacred words stating that in the year 1990 humanity was going to reawaken. It was just these beautiful writings they left for humanity. And it’s taken humanity hundreds and hundreds of years to come to this point. Flordemayo also believes they were very committed to the mission of love.
Meditations for the Soul
Audio Meditations From Grandmother Flordemayo

“Prayer is a connection between our self as human and the great mystery,” says Flordemayo. “The vibrational sound is the connection between the heart and the cosmos.” This selection of two special meditations from Grandmother Flordemayo will allow you to go deep within the prayer meditations and lullaby.
- Nurturing Meditation: A beautiful meditation of “Murmúrio,” guiding us back to the vibrations of our childhood and the inner peace of our being
- Love Meditation: A very sweet teaching and meditation on love
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