Sera Beak – Redvelations
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Sera Beak will guide you to remember your soul’s truth, reclaim your sovereignty, and rejoin the Trinity of True Love.
Each class session will include teachings and memories from Sarah, Jesus, and Magdalene — with the emphasis on what they might mean for you in your life now. A large part of each class will be devoted to experiential practice where you’ll be entering the Soul Realm and receiving guidance from your Divine Soul and the Divine Soul of this Universe and learning how to translate that into your daily life. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and direct soul support, as well as time to connect with other course participants.
Each class session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones and give you insights, practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to reclaim lost parts of your soul and create an abiding connection with it that’s sustainable in daily life.
Module 1: The Trinity of True Love
You Are the Missing Piece of Love’s Story

It is a reciprocal Relationship.
It is a Living Love.
It is a Holy Harmony
that we can only play Together
— Redvelations
You have no beginning, but you’ve had a beginning in this Universe. Together, we’ll reimagine our Divine Origins by taking a trip down our Soul’s memory lane, reawakening to the True Love that brought us into this Universe and creates and sustains life. Get ready to reframe your existence through the wide eyes and open heart of your unique, multidimensional, sovereign Soul and begin to recognize your beloved evolutionary placement within the Universe. In other words: It’s time to remember who you are, where you came from, and why you are here.
In this module, you’ll:
- Reimagine your Divine Origins and your Divine Soul’s journey through this Universe
- Reignite your intimate relationship with your Divine Soul and the Divine Soul of the Universe
- Begin to reclaim your Soul’s sovereignty and distinct divine identity
- Become familiar with the differences between the Divine Soul and the human soul.
- Explore how your Soul’s integral role in the Universal Trinity of True Love is communicated through the human family of Jesus, Magdalene, and Sarah
Module 2: The Radical Reality of the Divine Soul
What’s Blazing Inside of You

My father was devoted to the distinct Divine Soul
within every human
who is the Creator of Its ownUniverse
— Redvelations
Jesus knew that what’s blazing inside of us is more divine, trustworthy, and powerful than anything or anyone outside of us. However, it takes time, practice, and courage to reconnect with our Divine Soul, reorient ourselves to the Soul Realm, build trust in our inner reality, and learn how to translate our Divine Soul’s language. But we are fully capable of doing this because Soul is our most natural and unfettered Way of Being. In other words: You’re worth getting to know.
In this module, you’ll:
- Listen to memories of how Jesus recognized and respected the Divine Soul in every human
- Start to differentiate the cosmic realm (where religious, spiritual, and new age paradigms derive from) and the Soul Realm (where your Soul derives from)
- Begin to discern the voice of your Divine Soul from a myriad of voices and influences
- Acknowledge the spiritual ego and how it often mimics the voice of the Divine Soul
- Enter the Soul Realm in order to directly communicate with your Divine Soul
Module 3: The Body & the Soul
The Partnership of a Lifetime

My mother reclaimed the human body
and revered the planetary body,
as parts of HerBody
— Redvelations
Mary Magdalene taught that the body and soul belong together. When they are perceived as separate (as they so often are) we become incongruent and unhealthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, many spiritual paradigms and practices transcend, reject, or downplay the divine role of the body, thereby not only diminishing our physical vitality, but also separating us from our Soul’s Reality. In other words: Your body is the only way Home.
In this module, you’ll:
- Listen to memories of how Mary Magdalene reunited the body with the Soul
- Access your body’s natural intelligence and discern organic spirituality from synthetic spirituality
- Reawaken to that which makes you come genuinely, wildly alive
- Rekindle a healthy and loving relationship with your body with the help of your Divine Soul
- Practice embodying your Soul through movement, sound, and feeling
Module 4: Soul Loss & Soul Retrieval
Losing Yourself & Finding Yourself

No matter how fragmented and lost we might feel,
we are never unreachable by our Own Arms
— Redvelations
While essentially your Divine Soul is always within you and you are within your Divine Soul, it can often appear and feel as though we have lost our human soul, or at least a piece of it. Likewise, while essentially we are always whole, our human soul can appear and feel like it has fragmented. Feeling broken or like we are missing a piece of ourselves is a common human experience. In fact, soul loss is an epidemic. But if you’re reading these words, it means you’re ready to do something about it. In other words: It’s time to recollect yourself.
In this module, you’ll:
- Become adept at detecting symptoms of soul loss
- Identify the common and uncommon ways you can lose your soul
- Recognize when “spirituality” is contributing to your soul loss
- Own how and why you might have ignored and rejected your own soul
- Discover how to retrieve a missing piece of your soul
Module 5: The Sacred Wound
Your Wounds Hold Your Gifts

To be human is to be wounded.
It is a difficult, but important part of Life.
While there are many ways around our wounds,
the Way of Love is through them.
— Redvelations
Both Jesus and Magdalene were profoundly wounded, but they Lived and Loved in spite of, and even because of their wounds. We can too. While we cannot avoid being wounded, we can learn to embrace our wounds, and, when it is time, enter them, begin to heal them, and ultimately bring forth the rare gifts they offer us and this planet. In other words: Your wounds are not just a source of suffering, they are also a source of Love.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the wounding of Jesus, Magdalene, and Sarah
- Discover the differences between the Wound of Incarnation and the Sacred Wound
- Explore how the false beliefs that stem from your wounding affect your relationships, career, and sense of purpose
- View your wounds from the eyes and heart of your Divine Soul
- Start to compassionately acknowledge and work with your wounds
Module 6: The Transformative Power of True Love
The Strongest Force in This Universe Beats Inside of You

This is True Power. This is Love’s Power.
This is our Soul’s Fire, which never burns out.
It is not of this earth, but it is for this earth.
— Redvelations
True Love is not a romantic notion, a poetic verse, or a far-fetched spiritual ideal. It’s the most powerful, revolutionary, and transformative force in this Universe… but it needs to be incarnated. While we might long to experience and express True Love, most of us have no idea how to go about doing so. Fortunately, we have two excellent human examples to learn from — Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In other words: It’s time to Love, harder.
In this module, you’ll:
- Listen to Sarah’s memories of how Jesus and Magdalene incarnated True Love
- Explore why True Love is a force to be reckoned with and how truly loving — yourself, others, and Life Itself — is a revolutionary act
- Generate an authentic practice of True Love in today’s world
- Invite True Love to reveal Itself to you, express Itself through you, and incarnate as you
Module 7: Incarnating Your Soul Into the World & Rejoining the Trinity
You Are the One the Universe is Waiting For

My parents did not want us to imitate,
they wanted us to originate.
They invited us to be like every other
living organism on the earth
and simply Be Ourselves
— Redvelations
Your sacred duty is to embody your unique Soul and share your Soul’s truth and gifts with others. Doing so not only transforms and heals this planet, but it rejoins you with the original Trinity, which evolves this entire Universe. Unfortunately, due to dire conditions on this planet, Soul Work has become a privilege and therefore a responsibility — one we need to take seriously. In other words: Soul Work is a form of activism and it’s time to get active.
In this module, you’ll:
- Receive insight and inspiration from Jesus’ and Mary Magdalene’s fierce commitment to being both divine and human at the same time
- Start to value your imperfection, honor your humanity, become comfortable with the unknown, and celebrate the messiness of your Soul’s path
- Cultivate the courage to speak and live your Soul’s truth no matter what others think
- Sink into the Soul Realm and remember why you as a Soul first came to this earth
- Receive guidance from your Divine Soul about the next steps in your life, how to contribute more effectively to your community, and how to incarnate your Soul into the world
The Redvelations Bonus Collection
In addition to Sera’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Peeling Off Our Labels, Questioning Our Beliefs, Exploring Our Dark & Trusting Our Unique Expression
Audio Teaching From Sera Beak

This audio teaching contains a practice to help you identify and then let go of the labels that bind you so you can start to expand, liberate, and know who you are as a soul. This class also encourages us to question our beliefs, especially our most beloved spiritual beliefs, and dare to follow our inner guidance and unique path. It ends with a powerful, unorthodox, and fun practice to shake off whatever doesn’t fit you anymore.
The Divine Importance of Healthy Transgressions & Feminine Sexuality
Audio Teaching From Sera Beak

This audio class contains practices to implement healthy transgressions into your daily life, shares a feminized (and hilarious) reimagining of the story of Eve and Lilith, a poetic reading of the ancient feminine gnostic gospel “Thunder, Perfect Mind,” and an erotic meditation to help you reconnect with the divine feminine blazing inside of your beautiful body.
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