Jennifer McLean – Spontaneous Transformation
What You’ll Discover in These 6 Modules
In this 6-part transformational intensive, you’ll receive proven energy healings and self-guided techniques to remove limiting beliefs, patterns, and coping mechanisms — which have been holding back the health, wealth, creativity, and happiness you desire.
Module 1: The Nature of Dissonance — Why You’re Stuck & How to Restore Harmony

Did you know that there’s a good reason why you’re stuck, blocked, or experiencing lack or ill health?
There’s a powerful system of protection and safety at play deep in the subconscious that has, unbeknownst to you, also been wreaking havoc on your energy, your health, and your ability to manifest.
In this first session, we’ll unpack what, how, and why this has been happening.
AND we will start the accelerated evolutionary healing to fundamentally create a permanent shift in your life, circumstances, health, relationships, and more!
The ideas, practices, and processes you’ll uncover in this first module have been channeled through divine inspiration and come straight from Source for you.
This is the start of the rest of your best life.
Module 2: Healing Journey — Discover Your Core Power

Humanity is evolving… the old paradigms simply cannot survive.
The Core Power Healing session is here to support and help you shape and mold the love, healing, and compassion in your life… and in the lives of those on this planet.
When your core power is known and ignited, you stand in a new posture of knowing, clarity, peace, and grace.
There is more capacity to have trust and faith in your life adventure — and to bring clear, conscious intention to create from this place of power. The acceleration is quite remarkable.
You access this through Spontaneous Transformation system healing journeys that leverage Jennifer’s extensive shamanic experience.
These journeys take you deep into your connection to your soul and activate the healing energies for you that are found in that infinite and eternal realm.
Couple this with the high vibrational Spontaneous Transformation Frequencies, and you’re going to experience a profound healing journey to discover your core power.
You are about to know with certainty what this is and what you can create from this power.
Module 3: Spontaneous Transformation — Access & Heal Core Wounds

This is your chance to receive one of the most advanced healing modalities available.
This is The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) — and it is here to finally and permanently access the hidden core issues, patterns, and survival mechanisms that have been holding you back in so many ways.
This simple yet profound healing technique acknowledges this survival mechanism — and releases you from its grip by recognizing the emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances created by retained thoughts, memories, beliefs, and experiences.
STT directly addresses, heals, and unwinds abuse, abandonment, physical disease, anger, fear, stress, grief, and more.
It will help you locate and understand the origin of discomfort without revisiting the events that caused the pain and suffering.
During this session, the STT system will reveal WHY you’re stuck in poor health, in disease, or in financial lack — and in turn spontaneously transform it.
You are about to finally understand why these patterns keep showing up, but most importantly you wll heal and release these patterns and old programming.
Get ready to shift permanently.
Module 4: Attunements to Unlock & Harness Dormant Energy

Are you ready to reawaken your deepest frequencies by attuning to your divine nature?
Similar to a Reiki attunement, the “energy key” you’ll receive will move in and unlock the truest version of you… your most divine frequency.
The catalyst for creating a new life is an ability to attune your energy and unlock your dormant gifts.
Attunements deliver an unlocking mechanism to get your energy open and aligned.
When you can attune your energy, you are actually unlocking the dormant parts of you that ignite your power and confidence.
In this module, you’re about to receive powerful “Foundation Attunements.”
These attunements will unlock the building blocks of the next evolutionary state needed for your success and opening.
Be prepared to feel stronger, more confident, activated, and ready to take on your attuned calling as you move through life with more grace and ease.
Module 5: Sound Vibration Healing & Chakra Acoustical Anchoring

Session five is here to deliver a deeply healing sound vibration healing.
It will move the first five sessions of transformation into an even stronger foundation and a tighter conscious weave of permanent healing as it aligns and balances your chakras.
Jennifer discovered sound vibration when she was experiencing a migraine, and decided to experiment with sounds by reshaping her mouth to change the tonal quality.
As she played more and more, she found these tonal sounds would penetrate deep within, and the vibration would release the pain.
As she did these tones, songs started to appear, taking the healing to even more profound levels of transformation.
These sound vibration healings resulted in a decline of old patterns of illness. Thoughts became clearer and more precise, and life seemed to be brighter.
What Jennifer now calls “Soul Songs” have become proven curative tools that create real change.
In this class, you’ll experience the song and tonal healings for each chakra!
The chakras are a powerful energetic system of your whole being…
With this Soul Song Chakra Healing class, you’ll notice your emotions softening and confidence rising in response to your newly balanced and active chakras, which are your emotional centers.
Then, your organs, which surround and are influenced by each chakra, can move into renewed health and balance.
The healing and transformation happens just by listening!
Module 6: Heal-a-Thon! — Extended Q&A

This is your finish-with-power: a 3-hour Q&A session with Jennifer and her students.
For each question, and the coaching and answers given, you’ll see with new eyes how the mind works as Jennifer works with individuals… the “aha’s” will burst forth again and again.
The group energy increases the frequencies — and the perfect information, insights, practices, and healings show up for all.
It is a potent and important finish to the course.
The Spontaneous Transformation Bonus Collection
(Valued at $498.00)
In addition to Jennifer’s six modules of powerful healing and transformation using the Quadruple Healing Multiplier of the Spontaneous Transformation system of healing…
You’ll also receive powerful bonus training sessions and healing processes.
These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The STT Workshop (Valued at $197.00)
3 Potent Spontaneous Transformation Healing Workshops

Experience the healing and re-patterning of your very soul through Jennifer’s widely acclaimed 3-workshop series of deeply penetrating Spontaneous Transformation Healing.
Each session builds on the previous one, creating a growing momentum of change as you listen and receive the quantum healing from each session.
You’ll come out of these three STT workshops revived, feeling new, and knowing that there is more to your life than you realized.
You will undergo healing STT Sessions for health upsets, illness, and physical disease.
AND… money and prosperity are addressed with fascinating and surprising results.
Join Jennifer for a deep dive into your core beliefs that have been running the show in the background, keeping you from what you’ve been wanting.
You’ll fundamentally open up to what’s possible in a completely new framework of transformation — and establish new, sparkling neural pathways of possibility, vitality, flow, and freedom.
Living in Prosperity Now (Valued at $127.00)
60-Minute Audio Healing From Jennifer McLean

You’re about to take a profound healing journey that includes a potent Spontaneous Transformation Technique healing session and comprehensive, guided support.
Your Living in Prosperity Now healing audio recording is an extremely potent healing tool and one that you’ll continue to revisit again and again.
Its power resides in its ability to put you in a deeply sacred place of receptivity, gratitude, and blessing…
It delivers a strong energetic frequency that ignites your inner knowing of your prosperity — and allows you to step into a life of overflowing abundance.
This energy and pattern will remain with you from this moment on, supporting you through anything that life brings your way.
Awakening Chants (Valued at $47.00)
Set of 10 Inspirational Audio Chants From Jennifer McLean

This joyous set of inspirational chants is designed to enliven your soul and awaken your spirit.
This version of sound vibration delivers music and lyrical chants encoded with healing energies to move you into a state of expansion.
Each sound vibration chant offers high-vibration musical ditties to open your being to its authentic and divine soul potential.
The beautiful melodies combined with sacred, energetically infused words help you dance, sway, and simply meditate into a deeper, more expansive state of being.
You’ll be blown away by these healing chants as they transport you to your highest expansion…
… and just make you feel darn good!
Your 10 sound vibration healing soul chants, all of which are offered in both a dance and ethereal version, include:
- “Awake”
- “I Am Divine Love”
- “We Are One”
- “Who Am I — I Am”
- ”I See My Light”
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