Ken Page – Redefining Love
The Cosmic Game
Video From Marisa Escasany With Stanislav Grof, MD

Stan Grof brilliantly exposes the exciting and fascinating area of insight into the very nature of reality and the cosmos. In this video, he explores how in holotropic states of consciousness, such as those that occur during systematic meditational practice, shamanic rituals, rites of passage, psychedelic sessions, deep experiential therapy and spontaneous psychospiritual crises (“spiritual emergencies”), people often encounter experiences that bring profound philosophical and spiritual insights into the human psyche, consciousness and the nature of reality. These insights revolve around such fundamental problems of existence as the mystery of creation of the universe, the cosmic creative principle, dynamics of the process of creation, the dilemma of good and evil, the “taboo against knowing who we are,” karma and reincarnation the relationship between consciousness and matter, and the purpose and meaning of human life.
Why is that so?
Ken Page, the host of the Deeper Dating podcast and acclaimed author of Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy, has a game-changing answer:
Authentic love begins with redefining the way we love ourselves…
Discover Your Inner Mentor
There’s a core within you that’s a wellspring of authenticity, wisdom, and love. Ken, a renowned psychotherapist, refers to it as your Inner Mentor, and it is the source of your “core intimacy” gifts.
Your Inner Mentor is constantly sending you messages about what your deepest self wants and needs. Yet we often ignore these messages because we’re too preoccupied with our other needs (or the needs of others).
But when you honor these messages and prioritize the voice of your Inner Mentor, you open up to a life that’s filled with so much more love in every facet — because it’s connected to your passions, your Sacred Self, your soul.
Your relationships begin to change… you start losing your tolerance for people telling you that you need to be different than who you are…
You start becoming more attracted to interactions and people with whom you can BE this new you…
The love within you brings a magic and aliveness to your work, your activism, your art, your sex life, and even your relationship with the Divine…
If you’re in a romantic relationship, you become less afraid than ever to express your love, your tenderness, your needs, your hurt…
Whether you’re dating or not — or even if you don’t desire romantic love in your life right now — no matter what kind of love you long to bring into your life, you ATTRACT it because you radiate the fullness of who you are.
Finding, deepening, and redefining love has nothing to do with being “too” anything. Nor is it about being “not enough” of anything. And it’s definitely not about becoming “irresistible,” learning the art of seduction, or repairing your flaws to become more attractive…
Any parts of you that you might feel embarrassed or ashamed about are actually the essential ingredients for finding and cultivating the love that will transform the rest of your life.
This isn’t a social construct of what love should look like, but a love that you define as you tenderly embrace your hurts as well as your gifts.
Once you start to reclaim your hurts and see the treasure in them, you reveal a core intimacy gift that catalyzes change… that infuses every aspect of your life with a cascade of love.
Love ignites who you are emotionally, spiritually, sexually… as well as your deepest dreams, your richest creativity, your passions, your power, and your wisdom.
In this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover your Inner Mentor and how to connect with it to feel deeper intimacy moving through your heart. Combining timeless spiritual truths with the best of human intimacy theory and groundbreaking research, Ken will guide you to redefine love… by opening to the wisdom and magic of your Inner Mentor.
During this complimentary hour, you’ll discover:
- Three simple questions to reveal your Inner Mentor — the source that seeks to show you the map to the life you desire
- The secret to transforming your deepest wounds into intimacy and fulfillment
- A guided practice — The Inner Mentor Process™, which is the most powerful process Ken knows! — to move you toward the soul connection you long for
- The crucial link between self-love, romantic love, and loving all of life
- A beautiful somatic practice for holding a positive feeling and allowing it to seep deep into your being
You’ll also explore how to communicate with your partner or spouse (and your friends, family, or others) based on these life-enhancing principles…
Ken is a truly compassionate and caring teacher, and this workshop will fill you with hope on your journey to finding lasting love or cultivating deeper love in your existing relationships.
Join us for an illuminating hour that will change the way you think about love forever!
Plus… you’ll hear about an exciting upcoming virtual program in which you can apply these principles in even deeper ways and discover much, much more under Ken’s expert guidance.
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