Chen Lizra – The Heal Yourself From Trauma With Somatic Intelligence
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Chen will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to ignite the healing power of your embodied sensual feminine energy, so you can identify and release trauma and bring enhanced confidence, pleasure, joy, love, and emotional freedom into your life.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Chen and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Chen’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive course sessions, somatic practices, and Q&A with Chen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to identify and release trauma and bring enhanced confidence, pleasure, love, and joy into your life through powerful yet gentle somatic practices.
Module 1: Learn How to Listen to the Wisdom of Your Body for Healing Trauma (August 30)

In this opening module, Chen will provide you with some background on how she got into this work — including her personal story of overcoming trauma — and the decades she spent forming her somatic intelligence method.
You’ll explore the importance of having both felt experience and embodiment work, as Chen shares about the felt experience and the five elements of somatic intelligence.
You’ll learn how trauma is formed in the body and how it can be healed, bringing your nervous system back to its natural state… and then begin developing your own somatic awareness as a foundation for healing.
Chen will guide you through an attunement practice to start to unpack what you feel and sense and identify the narratives you tell yourself — to separate your stories from the processes in your body.
You’ll learn how your body communicates with you through feelings and sensations, while the mind takes over when you don’t want to feel or be with certain thoughts and experiences.
In this module, you’ll:
- Be guided through a somatic practice that allows you to tune in and pay attention to the wisdom in your body
- Discover what witnessing is and how it can help you heal trauma from your body through a powerful felt experience
- Learn about the 5 elements of somatic intelligence and how you can use them to shift your embodiment and, thereby, transform how you live life
- Learn to separate your narrative (the stories in your mind) from your process (the feeling and sensing in your body) — which is one of the essential keys for trauma healing
- Develop higher somatic awareness and an understanding of the process of healing yourself from trauma
Module 2: Reveal What’s Blocking You & How You Can Release the Underlying Trauma So You Can Succeed in All Areas of Your Life (September 6)

This module will give you the opportunity to start building on what you learned in the first session, as you come back into somatic awareness and continue to pay attention to your body’s wisdom.
Chen will guide you in a humming somatic practice to calm down the nervous system and ground you into trusting in life — which is important for developing resilience and being able to do this body-based work. You’ll dive deeper into the exploration of what your body is communicating with you.
You’ll discover that we often feel blocked or stuck in an area or two in our lives when our body holds trauma. The source of most traumas is from childhood experiences — specifically when we weren’t received emotionally by our caregivers or told (directly or through bypassing our needs) that there was no room for our emotional life. This can limit what’s possible for us, and it’s this part of our somatic imprint that we want to shift and heal.
You’ll learn how, when you carry trauma in your body, you can either become very dysregulated, or you can be fully functional and successful, with something in your life still not working.
Chen will guide you to choose one area in your life in which you’re not getting the results you desire — whether in love, work, or more. You’ll look at what happened in your childhood that was traumatic or truly impacted you…
… and Chen will help you connect the areas of your life that aren’t working as you wish with those childhood experiences, to gain a greater understanding of how what happened to you impacted you and is at the root of what you need to heal.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience a somatic practice that, when done regularly, can help you develop emotional resilience, grounding, and trust in life
- Identify 1 area in your life in which you’re not having the results you wish for, and connect it to the past hurt or trauma that’s held in your body and needs healing
- Learn how to activate the wisdom in your body and, in just a few minutes, calm down your nervous system from overwhelm and stress
- Gain deeper understanding about the way your body communicates with you and how you can use this wisdom to heal from trauma
Module 3: Open Yourself Up to the Powerful Felt Experience So True Trauma Healing Can Begin (September 13)

In this session, Chen will guide you to start the actual work of healing trauma through your felt experience — by feeling together with your co-participants and experiencing what it’s like to be felt and profoundly received.
You’ll find how common it is to frequently escape to our minds because we’re afraid to feel difficult emotions. Healing happens, however, when we’re being deeply felt by others and can be with our difficult feelings — until they release.
It’s important to expand our capacity to move through painful emotions, but it’s extremely difficult to do it alone.
With a student volunteer, Chen will conduct a demonstration of witnessing someone and allowing them to be deeply received and felt. She’ll explain how this works, what she does, and what happens to the nervous system as a result — enabling the person to develop higher somatic awareness and receive the healing. You’ll then have an opportunity in breakout rooms to practice the basics of attuning to each other with your bodies — which is the foundation of witnessing.
Throughout this module, you’ll
- Experience a powerful demonstration with a participant illustrating how the felt experience can help you move through difficult emotions that you want to release
- Practice “listening with your body” and aligning yourself with another person’s inner process
- Develop a deeper understanding of how trauma is healed from the body through a felt experience
- Build more trust and belonging in smaller groups and in your larger community of co-participants
Module 4: Shifting Your Embodiment to Transform How You Live Your Life With Confidence, Protection & Solid Boundaries (September 20)

By this mid-point in the course, you’ve explored and worked with your somatic imprint, your feelings and sensations, and how your nervous system can be healed through the felt experience. Now it’s time to come into the powerful state of embodiment.
To truly heal, we have to do more than process our emotions. It’s equally important to transform how we embody life. Chen will illustrate how we’re embodied as the sum of all of our experiences. And, when you change the way you move your body, you also change the way you live life.
When you work through embodiment, it can trigger your body to bring to the surface what needs healing, so it can be met and witnessed.
As Chen witnesses what comes up for you and your co-participants, she’ll guide you into greater somatic awareness and healing. Some people become triggered during this process. If you do, she’ll guide you to use the humming to calm your body.
Chen will provide for what might come up when you do this embodiment work, normalizing wherever you are so you don’t feel shame about your experience.
She will also introduce the somatic element of elegance and lead you through an elegance embodiment practice to shift your confidence in the moment.
You’ll make the connection between elegance and stronger boundaries, how you communicate a “no” that’s truly received as “no,” and cultivate a sense of protection…
… because before you can safely express softness and vulnerability — your divine energy — it’s important to feel protected.
In this session, you’ll:
- Cultivate a greater sense of protection and boundaries by changing how you embody the somatic element of elegance
- Learn how to shift your embodiment and posture to a Power Pose that can change your confidence in just 2 minutes !
- Understand the connection between changing your embodiment and healing the trauma from the body
- Make the connection between using embodiment and witnessing to heal trauma
Module 5: Embodying the Divine Feminine Energy for Healing Through Sensual Pleasure — Part 1 (September 27)

Now that you’ve created a safer container for expressing your vulnerability, Chen will guide you to embody softness and sensuality — the element of the sabrosura.
You’ll continue to explore how to move softly, while breathing, so you can let go of the tension in your body that may be keeping you hard and guarded.
This requires surrender, which is difficult when you’ve experienced trauma, because it triggers a fear of being hurt.
You’ll deeply explore what the sabrosura is — the divine feminine energy in all genders — and why it’s so important for your healing. The sabrosura is connected to physical self-love and motherly love and enables you to release tension in all the areas where you’re wasting energy by holding trauma in your body.
When we release the tension and soften, feelings often come to the surface and we begin to open our hearts and feel what needs to be felt and released — so we can heal.
Chen will guide you through a variety of somatic practices to help you feel the pleasure of sabrosura. You’ll also delve deeper into what needs to be witnessed.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn what the sabrosura is and why it’s so important to embody it and live from it
- Understand the connection between embodying the feminine divine and witnessing for greater healing
- Tap into the divine feminine energy in your body and use it for healing trauma from your body
- Experience what it’s like to release tension from the body related to trauma through sensual body movements
Module 6: Embodying the Divine Feminine Energy for Healing Through Sensual Pleasure & Returning to a State of Flow — Part 2 (October 4)

Now that you’ve begun to tap into the divine feminine energy in your body for healing, it’s time to go a little deeper and see how you can use this sensuality to get back into flow.
The sabrosura holds the power of touch, which is very important for healing.
When you work with touch and activate the element of mystery (where seduction lives), you can become triggered. Why? Because trauma is stored in the body… and if there was abuse or sexual abuse and you didn’t feel safe, then painful memories and narratives — and even the impulse of fight or flight — may be activated in your body.
You’ll discover the importance of standing in your elegance as you do the sensual somatic practices — including the caresses.
As Chen guides these practices, you’ll focus on touch, taking what you need rather than giving, and reaching an inner state of pleasure. You’ll combine these practices with breathing to enable more surrender.
If you’re not able to do these practices without fear, it’s not uncommon. It simply means that you need to be witnessed more before you can go to that place.
As Chen will explain, your body knows and communicates your whole story, and you’ll use your body’s wisdom to understand exactly what kind of healing you need.
In this session, you’ll:
- Practice sensuality as a way to surrender and meet part of the trauma that needs healing
- Understand why touch can be scary for people who are healing from trauma, and what we can do to release it
- Learn to pay attention to the wisdom and guidance of your body when it resists
- Understand how softness can bring you in contact with emotions that need witnessing
Module 7: Experience Joy & Replenish Your Vitality for Greater Healing (October 11)

In this closing session, you’ll experience tempo — the somatic element of enjoyment.
According to Chen, there are various methods for healing trauma through the body, yet none of them tap into joy. Processing difficult emotions that need to be released from your body can be a heavy experience, because you’re spending time in pain, grief, shame, fear, and anger. It can be burdensome.
Chen will show you how to balance this heavy energy with joy, which replenishes your vitality.
She’ll guide you through a tumbao practice to tap into your inner rhythm of self-expression and enjoyment in your body, to shift your energy and increase your vitality in just five minutes a day.
You’ll explore the collective energy of trauma and joy, and how we’re all connected and impacted by each other. You’ll learn the importance of paying attention to what your body needs — and how to replenish yourself.
To close the program, you’ll review the ways this course has transformed you — your big wins! — and acknowledge, value, and celebrate what you’ve achieved.
In this final module, you’ll:
- Learn how to replenish your vitality and reach a natural high with a 5-minute somatic practice
- Understand the importance of connecting with your joy for greater healing
- Practice paying attention to what your body needs and saying “yes” to it
- Understand the connection between processing difficult emotions and feeling joy
The Somatic Intelligence Bonus Offering
In addition to Chen’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
20% Discount on the Somatic Intelligence Wisdom Academy Annual Membership
Exclusive Discount Code for the Wisdom Academy

This 20% discount offers access to a one-year membership to the Somatic Intelligence Wisdom Academy. It’s a safe place to explore and learn through profound embodied wisdom and powerful somatic practices, to help you achieve a new level of presence, resilience, and embodied impact. The membership includes access to the most popular courses, including the Wisdom of the Sabrosura (embodied Femininity) and the Emotional Resilience Essentials. You’ll also gain access to world mentors in the fields of sacred sex, Ayurveda, plant medicine, and more. This membership is ideal for anyone wishing to tap into embodied wisdom at the highest level.
Five Best Ways to Develop Embodied Presence
PDF Guide From Chen Lizra

With this bonus, you’ll have access to five powerful yet simple embodiment changes you can make, offering you a new way of looking at your life. You’ll discover how to connect, lead, and command a room as you connect to your core and your inner wisdom. You’ll develop the confidence you need to tune in to what’s going on inside you as you guide others. This 6-page guide is designed to help you have a greater impact through your embodied leadership.
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