Mas Vidal – The Vedic Astrology & Ayurveda for Integrative Healing
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational program, Mas will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to return to the soft feminine power of the cosmos as you strengthen the connection between your body, spirit, and nature.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Mas. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore the science behind your lunar sign in Ayurvedic astrology for healing, improved immunity, longevity, and prosperity.
Module 1: Explore the Cosmic & Practical Relationship Between Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology to Understand How the Cosmos Is Correlated to Your Health

As the course begins, you’ll confirm your correct astrological sign as Mas explains the historical and mathematical errors in tropical (Western) zodiac astrology.
Mas will also share the cosmic origins of the five great elements of the sidereal (Vedic) zodiac.
You’ll discover the mystical connection between the planets, the 12 signs, and the function of the human body.
In this opening module, you’ll:
- Explore how the 7 major planets are expressed as the major tissues of the human body
- Learn the sacred and practical importance of the rising sign per Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology — and how it defines much of human health
- Be guided through a practice to uncover which elements are strong and abundant in your body within the tissues — and which are weaker and feel diminished
- Experience firsthand how the mind channels the maha-prana into the 18 vital parts of the body — and how the flow of prana is governed by your willpower — during a prana therapy exercise
Module 2: Discover the Cosmos Within to Uncover the Truth of Who You Are

Are you doing what you love and are karmically oriented to share with the world?
Now that you’ve confirmed your correct astrological sign, Mas will guide you to explore the spiritual and practical truths of who you are.
You’ll discern your intellectual nature, how you use reason in your decision making, and how strong your willpower is.
You’ll delve into your emotional makeup, too — perhaps you’re easily triggered to react with anger as life’s circumstances unfold, or maybe fear is dominant in your mind. Maybe you tend to shut down and suppress your feelings…
Mas will help you recognize how your essential qualities and traits have appeared consistently in your life, stretching back to when you were a child.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How Ayurveda defines the nature and function of the mind-body relationship
- Why the moon sign is prioritized over the sun sign, how it influences the 3 Ayurvedic doshas (vata-pitta-kapha) — and how these three doshas are connected to your emotional nature
- How the elements, doshas, and emotions are correlated to your anatomy and physiology
- The significance of dharma (life purpose) to optimize your health and healing
- A powerful exercise featuring 4 questions about who you are and how you function in the essential areas of your life
Module 3: Harness the Power of Your Sun, Moon & Rising Signs to Prevent & Heal Chronic Disease

Mas will share which routines are most effective considering your constitution (your prakriti, or dosha type) and your predominant planetary period.
He’ll share key factors to include in your daily life — yoga, exercise, diet — and how to best adjust to your environment depending on where you live.
In this module, you’ll:
- Transform your energy from egoism to truth seeking in accordance with your sun sign
- Explore how whether the moon is waxing or waning impacts the mind, doshas, fertility, and longevity
- Consider factors specific to your earth sign’s impact on your metabolism, a key component of your health
- Learn how your rising sign impacts your sleep as a key element of immunity
- Discover a set of massage, breathing, and movement practices and exercises to support a balanced and healthy metabolism
Module 4: Discover Your Major Planetary Cycle to Influence the Doshas & Elements for a Healthier Body & Mind

How does your dasha (the planetary period we’re in) influence your doshas (your Ayurdevic constitution)?
Mas will share how the nine major planetary life cycles impact your doshas, health, mental attitude, and overall quality of life…
… and how your karma may impact your health and wellbeing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Examine how the major planetary cycle specifically influences your body and mind, both positively and negatively
- Understand how the placement of the ascendant lord in the birth chart influences different parts or aspects of your body
- Learn which diseases can correlate to each planet and link to the doshas
- Meditate on the powers of the Goddesses Saraswati, Durga, and Lakshmi to begin to uncover life’s true purpose of service to humanity, selflessness, and witnessing the light of consciousness within all living beings
Module 5: Apply Ayurveda to Womanly Cycles & Family Life to Strengthen Fertility, Immunity & Break the Cycle of Ancestral Trauma

Mas will guide you to explore the role of Ayurveda in relationships and family life.
As he’ll explain, your family line isn’t a straight line. Your ancestors experience karma and rebirth… and you’re born into different cultures every lifetime.
Mas will also share why it’s important to understand that everybody is your ancestor.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How fertility and pregnancy correlate to the moon and Venus
- The important factors to preparing for pregnancy
- The difference between ancestral (linear) and cyclical (rebirth) influences on your family and life
- The distinctions between genetics and free will (karma)
- A 7-day therapy ritual that includes self-massage
Module 6: Ayurveda Recipes & Natural Remedies for Healing & Prevention With Your Planetary Cycles in Vedic Astrology Wisdom Traditions

Detoxification is something everyone can benefit from…
Mas will share cleansing and detoxification methods you can choose from according to your needs and preferences, mind-body traits, and the season.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover herbal formulations and teas for each major planetary cycle
- Examine how to customize yoga therapy for the season, your doshas, and your age
- Explore special superfood recipes and remedies for promoting immunity and overcoming illnesses such as colds and the flu
- Discover your true birth gemstone according to Vedic Astrology, as correlated to your rising sign
- Practice sleep remedies you can perform before and after sleep, so you can implement them on your own whenever needed
Module 7: Integrate the Soft Feminine Powers of Yoga, Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology as a Living Practice to Promote Abundance, Health & Evolution

As this course comes to a close, Mas will guide you to reflect on what you’ve learned about your lunar sign in Ayurvedic astrology — and prepare to incorporate this new wisdom into a progressive, evolutionary lifestyle.
He’ll share practical ways you can routinely return to the soft powers of nature and the cosmos in your daily life, including this affirmation:
I am a bright shining light, I am filled with love, my true essence is peace. And everywhere that I go and everything that I do, I will share, I will shine, my divine qualities always, always.
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Incorporate Integral Yoga (synthesizing multiple branches of classical yoga philosophy and practice) in a fourfold format (listen, learn, love, and let go) as a living practice
- Apply metaphor according to your astrological birth chart
- Understand Saturn’s influence in your life and how to prepare for its arrival
- Discover the secret moon stars and their relationship to the shadow mind
- Learn to apply daily meditation, devotion, and wisdom practices to improve all areas of your life
- Experience a closing Divine Light meditation, the most advanced practice of the Vedic wisdom traditions
The Vedic Astrology & Ayurveda Bonus Collection
In addition to Mas’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Nature’s Wisdom Applied
Video Teaching From Mas Vidal

Watch Mas’ two video teachings on how Ayurvedic wisdom and the five elements can be applied to promote optimal balance of the mind and body within the cycles of day. These practical laws transcend the cultural and societal norms of the modern era — and boost health and wellness for all who embrace them.
Bonus Q&A
Bonus Session With Mas Vidal

In this bonus Q&A, Mas will answer questions from participants as a follow-up to his course. This is an opportunity to reconnect and explore topics related to Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology.
Ayurvedic Solstices & Equinox
Video Dialogue With Mas Vidal & Dennis Harness

In Ayurveda, the seasons usher in times to detox old emotions, unwanted patterns of behavior, and environmental toxins, and much more. In this 30-minute conversation between these thought leaders and friends, Mas and Dennis Harness discuss solstices and equinoxes through an Ayurvedic lens. Dennis provides a powerful perspective as a pioneer Vedic astrologer.
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