Tiffany Jean Barsotti – The Opening to Divine Consciousness Through Your Alta Major Chakra 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Tiffany will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to activate your alta major chakra — part of a profound nexus for awakening and divine guidance that resides within your nervous system.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Tiffany and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Tiffany’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Tiffany. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to activate your alta major chakra, deeper purpose, and full potential.
Module 1: Awaken & Attune the Triad of Your Inner Knowing to Safely Connect With Higher Consciousness — With Guest Teacher Eileen McKusick (April 20)

What does it mean to have awakened consciousness as an initiate of the spiritual path in this time of profound global change?
How will opening your alta major chakra enhance your ability to connect with higher consciousness… and the deeper purpose of your awakening?
You’ll explore why the alta major chakra is known as the mouth of God in many ancient traditionsas it’s the chakra for receiving divine guidance.
However, it doesn’t function independently on its own. There’s a matrix of connections involved — and they all work together. As Tiffany teaches, opening and activating your chakras out of turn or for the wrong reasons can cause more harm than good in many facets of your life.
Biofield Tuning creator Eileen McKusick will join class this week to offer a biofield tuning that prepares the body-mind and esoteric energetic anatomy for this otherworldly course work.
You’ll also learn to attune your physical and etheric bodies to safely modulate the energy of your chakras.
This week, you’ll:
- Receive a biofield tuning by sound healer Eileen McKusick to prepare the body-mind for the deep work of the course
- Activate your body-mind to walk the initiate’s path and meet the triad of your inner knowing.
- Explore the hidden doorway to your alta major chakra that opens us to divine guidance
- Learn why accessing intuition and turning on the “clairs” (clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaudience, etc.) involves much more than opening the Third Eye or activating the pineal gland
- Discover the physiology of presence and transcendence for embodied ascension
Module 2: Clear Emotional & Mental Blocks to Prime Yourself for Divine Guidance & the Activation of Your Alta Major Chakra — The Hidden Doorway to Divine Consciousness (April 27)

For thousands of years, various traditions have tried to forge a path to illumination… all of which allude to the activation of the alta major chakra as a threshold for divine discovery.
As an initiate on this path, you’ll explore many of these shrouded traditions as a means to activate and awaken your consciousness and full spiritual potential… including the cave in the head, the zeal point, esoteric acupuncture, star of Brahmin, and more.
The invitation this week is to take action on one of the following self-alignment techniques, from Claire Heartsong’s book Anna, The Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love…
… A marked attitudinal shift that brings a committed willingness to align limited consciousness with a higher will and purpose.
… Physical changes in which toxins are cleared and dormant DNA codes, endocrine glands, and brain and neurological functions are activated… resulting in enhanced health and increased potential for demonstrating paranormal abilities.
… Emotional clearing and greater emotional maturity and stability — mentally, in relationships, and with your true self.
… Changes in self-perception in which there is a greater sense of divinity, sovereignty, interconnectedness, heightened creativity, and or superconscious abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance.
… More identification with the spacious unified quantum realms instead of only perceiving and reactively dramatizing the limited transitory idea of being a separate mind located in a separate body.
All of this begins with gaining a deeper understanding of the alta major chakra’s role: to provide clear access to divine guidance — including your ultimate purpose in life — to live from your soul’s guiding light.
This week, you’ll:
- Discover the alta major chakra — and how it has been viewed across diverse esoteric traditions
- Learn how the alta major is both the seat of conflict and zeal point — and how this polarity can help you gain clarity on what you really want
- Explore how the alta major chakra functions, what is has to do with grounding, and the importance of grounding techniques
- Gain an understanding of the dangers and pitfalls of opening the alta major chakra too soon — and how to avoid them
- Experience a guided meditation on the polarity of the alta major to gain an understanding of your current set point — and to increase zeal and enthusiasm
Module 3: Prevent Kundalini Syndrome & Empower Divine Energy Flow by Understanding Your Chakras (May 4)

We are living in a time where cosmic Kundalini can be a part of our evolution, which is essential for our individual and collective spiritual awakening and development.
This week, Tiffany will share why it’s important to prepare yourself for the activation of Kundalini energy… and many of the life-long ailments that can result when Kundalini rises without adequate preparation or knowledge of how to handle shadow energies.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your chakras and their direct relationship to your endocrine system… even as they rest within the etheric body.
Ultimately, you’ll learn why understanding how energy flows and how balance can be achieved assists us in living a healthy life where divine energy flows.
This week, you’ll:
- Gain an understanding of the dangers and pitfalls of opening the alta major chakra too soon — and how to avoid them
- Learn how chakra energies flow or become blocked — and exercises for safely opening and moving energy
- Explore electrical currents, how Kundalini flows, and what Kundalini syndrome is — and how to avoid it
- Discover why it’s important to prepare yourself for the activation of Kundalini — and many of the life-long ailments that can result without adequate preparation
- Be guided through a grounding meditation that focuses on Kundalini activity, awareness, and cultivation
Module 4: Activate Whole-System Communication Through the Vagus Nerve and the Lymphatic & Energy Centers to Release Toxins & Strengthen Immunity (May 11)

There are at least three known major points where your lymphatic system — our innate immune system — connects with the vagus nerve: the back head, the clavicle drainage area, and the diaphragm.
Curiously, these areas map to your energetic anatomy… and have ramifications on your health when blocked — including muscle function, fascial tension, restrictions of the respiratory system, and more.
You’ll explore the connection between your vagus nerve, lymphatic, and nervous systems… and how to balance these systems to activate whole-system communication.
You’ll also learn why your lymphatic system is responsible in many subtle ways for your healing and wellbeing.
This week, you’ll:
- Map your esoteric physiology to the physical body
- Learn practices to help unblock the lymphatic system — increasing energy flow, improving digestion and respiratory function, and reducing muscle tension
- Discover meaningful connections to the emotional content of the back neck, clavicle, and diaphragm regions of the body
- Receive key questions to ask yourself when these regions of the body become tense or blocked
- Be guided through a meditation and movement practice to remove energetic toxins and increase flow
Module 5: Activate Your Energetic Anatomy of Intuition to Create Your Desired Reality (May 18)

What’s driving your consciousness? Are you a conscious creator who receives, responds, and engages in life with inspiration and guidance? Or is survival driving your decision-making?
You’ll explore how your brain chemistry can positively create or destroy the reality you wish to live in… and learn key techniques for making decisions from inspiration rather than from your survival brain.
Tiffany will share how consciously engaging the reticular activating system helps support our development of conscious intention because it helps get the body out of survival mode — freeing up the possibility to engage our intuition.
As you learn how to consciously engage with life, you’ll:
- Explore the brain’s default mode network — and how to uncouple your actions from it
- Discover the reticular activating system (RAS) of the brain and its role in conscious creation
- Receive a discernment tool and exercise to assist with preventing empathic overwhelm
- Discover the 3 key questions to identify “noise in the system” so you can stop empathic overwhelm — and learn to apply these key questions to process your own emotions
- Explore the causes of noise and confusion in the system — and how to differentiate it from guidance
- Be guided through an experience to clear a habit from the default mode network — and use the reticular activating system to replace it
Module 6: Access Your Creative-Will Centers to Unblock Your True Expression & Come Into Your Power (May 25)

There are three main centers of the body that offer a deeper understanding of the intuitive awakening journey. Through them, you can ascertain whether you’re in harmony with your personal will, divine will, and innate creative will… or blocking what seeks expression in your life.
You’ll explore your three main creative-will centers — the throat, solar plexus, and sacral chakras — and how they are related to each other.
Tiffany will share how harmonious centers allow us to create and express ourselves… and how discordant centers block our creative nature — too often resulting in physical ailments.
This week, you’ll:
- Consciously link your personality to your soul to develop your higher self
- Come into your power through your creative-will centers — your throat, solar plexus, and sacral chakras — and discover how they interrelate
- Learn about your higher self — and how developing a conscious, emotionally elegant relationship with that part of yourself helps you bring more into your relationships and the world
- Be guided through an experience to bring peace and clarity to your 3 creative-will centers and what seeks to be created in your life
Module 7: Tune & Integrate Your Higher Heart, Vagus Nerve & Alta Major Chakra to Access Your Full Potential, Gifts & Purpose — With Guest Teacher Eileen McKusick (June 1)

The alta major chakra is your bridge to your higher mind and higher consciousness.
You’ll connect with your higher self to link your physical and spiritual-human natures — the axis of the RAS, vagus nerve, and alta major chakra… which speak to the anatomy of Spirit in the Self.
Tiffany will share how developing this system is the foundation for accessing higher consciousness and knowledge… and offer powerful practices to help you nurture these centers for ongoing conscious receptivity.
Guest teacher Eileen McKusick returns during this final session to assist Tiffany in attuning the axis of the RAS, vagus nerve, and alta major chakra with the higher heart chakra, integrating what has been transformed throughout the course.
During this final class, you’ll:
- Receive a special biofield tuning from Tiffany and Eileen McKusick
- Learn about the soul and the monad — and how to cultivate a relationship with them
- Explore the soul light and its importance in your life
- Check in on your self-alignment initiate’s choice of focus from module 2 and consider what is still needed for your spiritual growth
- Explore the science of the triple thread — including the Antaskarana, the connection among body, mind, and spirit that serves as the bridge to consciousness — and learn grounding techniques to stabilize your energy
The Open to Divine Consciousness Through Your Alta Major Chakra Bonus Offering
In addition to Tiffany’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Explore the Healing Intelligence of Your Lymphatic System
Video Dialogue With Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD, and John Ossipinsky

In this experiential conversation between Tiffany and John Ossipinsky — a thought leader and pioneer in applied understanding of the lymphatic system — you’ll explore the lymphatic system’s role in the body and its key relationship to the vagus nerve. You’ll receive practical exercises for maintaining a healthy lymphatic system and for helping you regulate your nervous system… by activating the vagus nerve for body-mind health and wellbeing.
Expand Your Awareness With a Digital Journal
An Interactive PDF From Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD

In this useful digital journal, you’ll be guided to explore your new awareness of your energetic anatomy each week. Each prompt will support you in capturing your weekly takeaways and furthering your awareness and learning. This digital journal, which is accessible via link, can be printed out so you can write down your personal experiences during the course.
Access Your Soul Group With a Monadic Light Attunement
Audio Meditation With Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD

The monad is where our souls emanate from in groups of 256. In this Monadic Light meditation, you’ll be guided to begin creating access to this vital light source for our souls. We don’t have a conscious relationship with the monad, yet we seek its stellar light source for our healing. There will be descriptions of the monad to help the mind orient. Monadic Light attunements can be done regularly to steady us on the mission of merging personality and soul for our growth and expansion.
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