Anneloes Smitsman – Wise Woman Quest
What You’ll Discover & Receive in These 7 Weeks
Wisdom Transmissions are on Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific.
In this 7-part transformational journey, Anneloes will guide you through the archetypes of the Guardian, Alchemist, Priestess, Queen, and Sourceress. You will also receive the essentials of the Cosmic Torus, Wholeness Code, and other sacred teachings — that allow you to access more of your intuitive, healing, and visionary abilities.
Each weekly LIVE session will guide and enrich you as you go deeper into the quest to discover and bring forth your innate feminine wisdom powers. Anneloes embodies the womb wisdom of Life and the Divine Mother, sharing this knowledge within a sacred field that can safely hold and guide you.
Wisdom Transmission 1: Answering the Call to Your Wise Womanhood (February 12)

Being a woman and growing into the fullness of your womanhood is a sacred gift and can get richer as you move through the portals of time and actualize more of who you are.
As we start our journey together, you’ll be guided into a deeper remembering of the Source and power of your womanhood to discover and experience your creative origins from the deepest dimensions of your soul.
By reconnecting with your origins — from the Cosmic to the Planetary — you’ll receive an overview of your life and gain clarity about your evolutionary becoming.
You’ll discover:
- The Source of your womanhood and the various stages of Wise Womanhood through the archetypes of the Guardian, Alchemist, Priestess, Queen, and Sourceress
- How our Universe evolves and Oneness brings itself forth, and why this matters for your own evolution
- The Cosmic Torus and how it informs your evolutionary calling
- The meaning and power of the sacred Flame of Life, The Wholeness Code, and how it helps you better understand conscious evolution and how Oneness manifests
- The Cosmic Torus and the Tree of Life, and how they help you to see beyond duality by regaining your “trinity vision”
Wisdom Transmission 2: The Guardian
Honoring Sacred Boundaries & Setting Clear Intentions (February 19)

The Guardian archetype helps you grow courage and strength from love for the protection of Life, yourself, your loved ones, and all you hold dear.
You’ll learn about sacred space, prior informed consent, the power of your permission, how to honor your personal boundaries and those of others, and how to form clear intentions for what you want and feel called to bring forth into Life.
You’ll also discover the types of guardianship that are activating at this time in our collective field, and how this expresses through feminine wisdom.
And, you’ll discover how the Guardian archetype can help you heal old wounds by providing clarity about how you stand in your creative power and womb wisdom.
You’ll explore:
- Your guardianship powers and their purpose
- Your life calling
- The health, strength, and quality of your sacred boundaries
- How to honor the sacred boundaries of others and Life
- The deeper purpose of the womb and its guardianship role
- The power of your intention and where this is Sourced from
- What you allow to come into your life and how you apply your creative power
- Areas of your life in need of healing and loving awareness
- Your self-love and how this extends to others
Wisdom Transmission 3: The Alchemist
Transmutation & Healing — Activating Your Sacred Creative Power (February 26)

Now that you’re more aware of your womb wisdom, it’s time to learn how to draw on the support of the female Alchemist.
Healer, wizard, and witch, the female Alchemist is present in most of the Goddess archetypes and holds the active power of creation. She teaches us how to work with the Sacred Flame of Life to transmute and purify the denser vibrations, and rise up with the inner energy of the Flame to higher dimensions of consciousness.
Through the Alchemist wisdom, you’ll work with the powers of your womb, fertility, blood, and sexual energy through the various stages and cycles of your womanhood.
And, you’ll discover your innate healing powers through the Alchemist, as you relinquish your pain and woundings to the cauldron of the Sacred Fire.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover your alchemist powers and how to work with the sacred element of fire to transmute heavier, denser experiences into the lightness of being
- Learn about the active power of creation and how this manifests through your womb wisdom space
- Discover and apply your innate healing powers and learn how to heal your experience of Life with the 3 Sacred Keys for actualizing unity
- Discover the magical wisdom of the Nature’s Kingdoms and the art of wizardry
- Deepen your relationship with our Planetary Mother Gaia, as she fully supports and loves you
Wisdom Transmission 4: The Priestess
Aligning With the Cosmic Mother Wisdom for Your Creative Power & Wholeness (March 5)

Supported by our Planetary Mother Gaia as our foundation, you are ready now to travel up into the Cosmic Torus. In this session, you’ll be called into the loving arms of the Cosmic Mother through the archetype of the Priestess. The Priestess will teach you about the Cosmic dimensions of life, and how to work with the alchemical fire as the Flame of Love in service to all.
Through the Priestess, you’ll discover how to attune your consciousness to these Eternal dimensions. Your understanding of The Wholeness Code and the 3 Sacred Keys will deepen significantly during this wisdom transmission.
You’ll also work with your womb wisdom for renewal, birth, and entrance into the inner dimensions of your Cosmic Womanhood. And, you’ll be welcomed into the loving arms of the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father to receive a vision and blessing for the next stages of your evolutionary becoming.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how to enter the Cosmic dimensions of Life by working consciously with the Cosmic Torus through The Wholeness Code and the 3 Sacred Keys for actualizing our unity
- Experience Cosmic Mother Wisdom and the evolutionary purpose of your creative power
- Receive the blessings of the Cosmic Mother through her Eternal Union with the Cosmic Father
- View your life from top of the Torus to connect more deeply with the co-creative energies of the cosmos
- Receive inspiration and intuitive guidance from the Cosmic dimensions of your womanhood for the next stages of your life and actualization
- Discover your visionary leadership and intuitive abilities
Wisdom Transmission 5: The Queen
Cultivating Sovereignty & Visionary Leadership for the Good of All (March 12)

You’ve opened the doors safely to the Cosmic inner dimensions, and now you’re ready to access the archetype of the Queen, which can guide you in using all you’ve learned to realize your evolutionary purpose.
The Queen archetype is always in deepest union with the archetype of the King. Through their creative union, you can consciously bring forward what you have discovered on this journey to benefit future generations.
The Queen embodies and facilitates the convergence of the Cosmic and Planetary dimensions. Holding both perspectives is part of learning how to apply the three keys for actualizing unity.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how to apply your visionary leadership and intuitive abilities for the good of all and for future generations
- Receive principles of sacred governance and evolutionary leadership
- Discover Creative Unity between the sacred feminine and masculine principles
- Discover the womb wisdom power needed for the co-creation of new worlds and futures
- Birth your inner world from the Cosmic higher dimensional realities of your Eternal Self into the local-space time reality of your Planetary Self
Wisdom Transmission 6: The Sourceress
Actualizing Your Evolutionary Calling (March 19)

The Sourceress is a great artist, and supports you in becoming the artist of your life, as she intimately knows the Source Codes from Cosmic dimensions –– including the unique Source Code that is YOU.
The Wisdom of the Sourceress shows us how we are each a Wisdom Source; we are each a Whole World. The Universe is within us, and we are the Universe in-form-ation.
Through a deep meditation, you will be guided to the Source Code that uniquely forms YOU. And by experiencing your Self and your life as a Whole World, a Tree of Life, a Cosmic Torus, you will understand more clearly how the Universe comes alive in, as, and through YOU. This will also provide the evolutionary context of your sacred responsibilities as a Wise Woman.
You’ll also receive sacred practices for deepening your self-care and love. By caring for YOU, you care for the Universe that is YOU and comes alive through YOU. By honoring your body and feminine wisdom power, as the Wisdom of Embodiment, you’ll bring forth your Eternal Light in any local time-space reality that is YOU.
It is time now to embody the power given to you as a Wise Woman, honoring both your Planetary as well as your Cosmic potentials. You are a magnificent work of art from the Cosmic Architecture.
In this wisdom transmission, you’ll:
- Discover and experience the unique Source Code that is YOU!
- Discover your artistry powers by bringing forth the unique Source Code that is YOU in all your acts of creation
- Learn how to connect with the Cosmic Architecture of Life to build your life and craft your dreams
- Experience how you are a Whole World, a Tree of Life, a Cosmic Torus, and how to apply this experience to actualize your evolutionary calling
- Understand more deeply how the Universe comes alive in, as, and through YOU
- Discover your sacred responsibilities as a Wise Woman and how to apply your creative power for the Good of the Whole
- Experience deep integration and embodiment
Wisdom Transmission 7: Integration & Celebration
Honoring Your Wise Womanhood (March 26)

This final week, you’ll receive the wisdom and support to integrate what you’ve learned.
You’ll find that your energetic access to the primordial powers of the feminine archetypes and the eternal Source wisdom has been restored and strengthened, providing an authentic foundation from which to evolve.
You’ll receive an overview of possible next steps and opportunities, and how you can continue this beautiful journey in community with other Wise Women from around the world.
The journey ends with a beautiful gratitude ceremony and celebration, as you honor all you’ve received and shared.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience an integration and celebration of this transformational journey and personal quest by honoring your evolutionary growth and the new possibilities you are now able to access, birth, and share
- Integrate all you’ve learned on this journey
- Discover your possible next steps and opportunities in community with other Wise Women from around the world
The Wise Woman Quest Bonus Collection
In addition to Anneloes’ transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Wholeness Code & the 3 Sacred Keys for Actualizing Our Unity
Six Letters From the Amazon Bestseller, Love Letters from Mother Earth: The Promise of a New Beginning, by Anneloes Smitsman

The Promise of a New Beginning lives within us as an ancient seed code from the Eternal. We have been aware of this possibility for a long time, yet as a species we were not yet sufficiently engaged with the process for birthing this together. This unique bonus provides you with the first six of the 13 letters of this deeply transformational book by Anneloes Smitsman. Many people who have read this book have shared how these keys and teachings have been life-changing for them. Learn in these letters about “The Wholeness Code” and “The Three Keys for Actualizing Our Unity,” which will be applied further during this course with Anneloes. These letters were written intuitively, inspired by and in the voice of Mother Earth.
The Cosmic Hologram & the WholeWorld-View
(Valued at $300)
Video Conversation With Dr. Jude Currivan and Anneloes Smitsman

Discover the latest scientific insights about the Unitary Nature of Life, also called the WholeWorld-View, and why our Universe is like a Cosmic Hologram shaped like a Cosmic Torus, from bestselling author, cosmologist, scientist, and planetary healer Dr.Jude Currivan as she explores these dimensions together with Anneloes Smitsman in their inspiring conversation recorded specifically for this bonus.
Dr. Jude Currivan, PhD, is a cosmologist, author, and futurist. She has a master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK. She has journeyed to more than 70 countries around the world and for the last nearly 20 years has lived in the sacred landscape of Avebury in southwest England. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers both incarnate and discarnate of many traditions. She integrates leading-edge science, research into consciousness, and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic WholeWorld-View. Her books include: The 8th Chakra, The 13th Step, HOPE: Healing Our People & Earth, and The Cosmic Hologram with foreword by Ervin László.
Accessing Higher Consciousness States & Relaxing Into Inner Harmony
(Valued at $300)
Video Interview Including Meditation Exercises With Dr. Kurt Barnes by Anneloes Smitsman

Discover how to access higher-consciousness states and come into a much deeper state of inner harmony through this beautiful hour-long teaching and synchronizing meditative practice with Dr. Kurt Barnes. His meditative and higher-consciousness techniques have supported thousands of people from around the world, including students and people in high leadership positions. His teaching and the practice he offers in this bonus can help you quickly enter into this deep state of harmony.
Dr. Kurt Barnes (ND, DEA, Histoire Uni of Paris 8) is a senior psychologist with extensive professional experience working with individuals and organizations from all levels of society in Mauritius and internationally. He is also the Founder & CEO of 3CS, and an international psycho-social expert who has worked in this capacity among migrants in Africa, providing training and consultancy to improve their living conditions and eco-psychological health. He carried out this work with knowledge regarding implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to these issues. Dr. Barnes is also a registered Naturopathic Physician and applies this with his specialization in psychology, psychotherapy, and biofeedback.
Answering the Evolutionary Call (Valued at $300)
Video Interview With Lawrence Bloom by Anneloes Smitsman

Discover the greater context of our species rite of passage during this important evolutionary awakening. Listen to Lawrence Bloom as he shares elements of his personal journey as he became aware of “the Call” at the height of a very successful career as a businessman when he asked himself: “Is this it?” During this inspiring conversation between Lawrence and Anneloes Smitsman you will learn about the many dimensions of our Evolutionary Calling, from runaway Climate Change and ecosystems collapse to a deeper invitation for a Planetary Birthing into the next evolutionary stages of our Species Becoming.
Lawrence Bloom is Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Intergovernmental Organization which advises, assists, and enables in the implementation of the sustainable development goals on behalf of those countries with which it has treaties. He is the Chairman of the Global Strategic Advisory Boards of Dakia Global Enterprise LLC, a holding company creating a significant hotel subsidiary and other major initiatives. He is also Chair of Be Energy, a green energy company specializing in the conversion of waste and plantation timber to sustainable energy projects. He was recently voted by SALT magazine as among the top 25 most Conscious Global Leaders, and in 2016 received an award at the UN from the Humanitarian Innovation Forum for Conscious Leadership.
The Cosmic Womb of the Akashic Field(Valued at $300)
Video Interview With Dr Ervin László by Anneloes Smitsman

This unique interview with Dr. Ervin László explores the birthing and self-actualizing qualities of the Akashic field, which has also been described as the unified field of consciousness and our universe as a cosmic hologram. Through these new-paradigm scientific understandings of our universe, as shared here by Dr. László, we also gain a profound understanding of our unity with Source.
Dr. Ervin László, Director and Founder of The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory. His work in recent years has centered on the formulation and development of the “Akasha Paradigm,” the new conception of cosmos, life, and consciousness emerging at the forefront of the contemporary sciences. Dr. László is also the Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Founder/Co-Director of the Ervin László Institute of Advanced Study (Denmark), and editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. He’s the recipient of the Goi Peace Prize (2002), the International Mandir of Peace Prize (2005), the Conacreis Holistic Culture Prize (2009), The Polyhistor Prize of the Enrivonmental Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2015), and holds Honorary PhD’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. Author or co-author of 54 books translated into 24 languages and about 400 research papers and articles, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.
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