Bill McKenna & Liz Larson – Cognomovement® An Energy Healing System 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Bill and Liz will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to release negative emotional and physical patterns from your nervous system and reclaim your energy with Cognomovement.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Bill and Liz and experience their teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Bill and Liz’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Bill and Liz. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to make lasting changes by establishing new, life-affirming patterns in your nervous system with Cognomovement.
Module 1: Delete the Pattern of Shame to Gain Control of Your Emotional Responses & Recover Your Energy (June 15)

As this course begins, you’ll discover where a hidden pattern of shame might be keeping you from the life of your dreams.
As Bill and Liz will explain, shame drains the most energy of all the emotional patterns humans experience. They’ll help you delete the effects of this pattern from your nervous system so it no longer creates your automatic reactions and responses. As a result, you’ll see your energy soar.
Bill and Liz will address the dualities of shame — and the ways it controls your thoughts, feelings, emotions, health, relationships, and subconscious actions.
In this opening session, you’ll:
- Discover what emerges when shame is removed from your body
- Be introduced to the hidden perspectives (both positive and negative) that shame creates
- Discover where shame is hidden in your body, mind, and spirit
- See your experiences from a more holistic perspective
- Recover your natural energy that’s been trapped in shame
- Delete your shame during a guided Cognomovement Session
Module 2: Delete the Pattern of Guilt to Experience Miracles & Claim the Life You Choose (June 22)

Guilt hides in the strangest places in your past, present, and future.
As Bill and Liz will share, guilt can be far more than feeling badly about an action or event.
Guilt can hide within other emotions — including judgment, meanness, rigid thoughts, and vengefulness, as well as pain from loss and regret.
The pattern of guilt can prevent you from receiving and experiencing miracles and manifestations. The release of the pattern of guilt can create a massive jump in your sense of wellbeing and the ability to claim the life you choose.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover the hidden restrictions in the pattern of guilt, and its counterpart, blame
- Be shown what resides in the energy that’s opposite of guilt and blame
- Discover the power that guilt holds over your life — and the power it’s taking away from you
- Clear guilt from your body — and discover the freedom that comes with it — during a Cognomovement Session
Module 3: Delete the Pattern of Apathy to Experience a Hopeful New Passion for Life (June 29)

The energy of “I don’t care” takes the wind out of your sails.
Bill and Liz will share how apathy functions as the opposite of motivation in your life.
When your body is trapped in a pattern of apathy, you feel as though you have no energy. Life feels gray and uninteresting.
Many people who express feelings of depression have nervous system patterns that are stuck in apathy.
You’ll discover the gifts that are hidden beneath what Bill and Liz call the lead-blanket level of consciousness.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore how to replace apathy with a new zest for life
- Learn the energy that’s the opposite of apathy — and what it can reveal about you
- Discover the true meaning of hope
- Delete apathy from your nervous system and your life in a Cognomovement Session
Module 4: Delete the Pattern of Grief to Instead Be Filled With the Energy of Love (July 6)

Grief comes in many forms, all of which drain your battery.
As Bill and Liz will explain, grief is often displayed as shock in the body.
The shock of a loss can run for decades in the body with a tremendous cost to your energy.
Grief can also be hidden in the things that you wanted to do in your life but never did, or the things that didn’t work out as you’d hoped.
As you’ll discover, a body suffering from grief is a life lived in the past. Bill and Liz will help bring your life into the now.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover where grief hides in the body and your life
- Explore how to live in the present moment — and be free to plan for your future
- Regain your sense of optimism
- Delete the pain of grief and instead be filled with the energy of love during a Cognomovement Session
Module 5: Delete the Pattern of Fear to Reduce Pain & Serve Your Best and Highest Self (July 13)

The energy of fear is closely associated with the pattern of anxiety. Anxiety can also feel like a false sense of motivation or energy, or the energy of doing something.
Fear can exaggerate pain and uncomfortable life situations. Fear is a level of distraction and drive for survival. This is a complicated energy that doesn’t serve your best life and highest self.
You’ll discover how to transform fear into the power of joy.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- Where fear is hiding in your life
- How fear is using your body to distract you
- What becomes available to you when fear is deleted from your body
- How to delete the fears in your life in a Cognomovement Session
Module 6: Delete the Pattern of Anger to Understand New Perspectives & Lower Your Stress Levels (July 20)

Anger can be mistaken for a feeling of energy-forward movement.
There’s drama and righteousness at the level of anger. In anger, you take sides and hold tightly to your own perspective.
As Bill and Liz will explain, anger contains the energy of push-pull. It can feel counterintuitive to release anger from the body for fear of appearing weak.
Deleting anger from the body restores your ability to achieve creative solutions and boosts your self-esteem.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The hidden trap at the level of anger
- The freedom on the other side of anger
- Alternate perspectives within your own body’s systems
- A Cognomovement session to delete the energy and patterns of anger from your body and life
Module 7: Deleting the Pattern of Courage to Find Your True Power (July 27)

Why would you ever want to delete courage from your system? Isn’t courage a good thing?
As Bill and Liz will explain in this final session, while courage is a powerful level of energy and has the potential for forward movement — it has an equal measure of backward moving energy.
As you’ll discover, many things become possible when the energy is clarified and organized as a fully forward-moving energy.
In this closing session, you’ll:
- Discover why courage may be a limiting energy for reaching your goals and dreams
- Explore the hidden blocks in the energy of courage
- Learn how to discern courage from true power
- Clarify and restore your full power during your final Cognomovement Session
The Cognomovement® Bonus Offering
In addition to Bill and Liz’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Brain Before & After a Cognomovement Session
PDF Guide and Comparison Images

The Cognomovement System was tested by Psy Tek Labs in 2021. The lab provided this document with the results of the brain scans and cognitive testing done before and after a Cognomovement session as well as a conclusion about the efficacy of the Cognomovement System. You’ll also get to see the “before and after” images (provided by the lab’s Bio-Well equipment), showing the physical and energetic changes created by a Cognomovement session.
The Consciousness Ladder Workbook
PDF Workbook

Use this powerful tool to track your transformation throughout the course. The prompts, key questions, and easy-to-use charts will help you get clear on exactly where you’re starting from emotionally and mentally — so you can more easily appreciate your growth. This digital workbook includes an explanation of Consciousness with Cognomovement, the levels on the Hawkins Scale, and much more.
Cognomovement Essentials Lite
Foundational Cognomovement Video Course With Bill McKenna and Liz Larson

This video course features the foundations of Cognomovement. This abbreviated “lite” version of the Cognomovement Essentials course guides you through the essential elements of how Cognomovement works — and how to most effectively experience the Cognomovement sessions in your 7-week course. This course lays the foundation for the lasting changes you’ll make as you embed new, life-affirming patterns in your nervous system with Cognomovement.
(A free Cognoball is included with this course — we’ll provide instructions for how to claim yours when you register.)
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