Carlos Xuma – Get a Girlfriend FAST
Carlos Xuma – Get a Girlfriend FAST (New version – 2012)
I recently discovered the existence of this program, it is Carlos Xuma’s final program (made even after Alpha Sexual Power).  It was produced in 2012.
The reason it wasn’t discovered earlier is that everyone assumed it was the same as his 2008 Get a Girlfriend Fast audio program (one CD).  The only thing this new program shares with that old one is the name.
It is delivered in video form, using Carlos Xuma’s classic mindmap presentation delivery system.  The audios are rips of the videos (provided with the product). The eBooks are transcripts of the video/audio (along with 2 extra bonuses)
Marketing text:
How to get a fun, sexy girlfriend in your bed – and in your life – in 30 days… (or less)
I’m going to take your hand and walk you through the entire blueprint for how to Get A Girlfriend Fast – from start to finish.
This system works for you even if:
•You’re naturally shy (in fact, this will work even better for you, since I designed it for me, and I’m an introvert – a real shy guy at heart…)
•You’re older (women actually really dig older guys)
•You’re not a supermodel on the front of GQ or Men’s Health
•You’re not rich
•Even if you don’t really think you have ANYTHING a cute, fun girl would want
Here’s what you’re going to discover
in the Get A Girlfriend Fast System:
•A proven step-by-step system to go from single and alone to dating the girl of your dreams in 30 days (or less) – with a complete roadmap of steps to take to go from stranger to lover with any woman you desire…
•Most women disappear from your life by flaking out. I’m going to give you my bulletproof Flake Destroyer plan that explains a complete strategy for WHY women flake, HOW you can spot it in advance, WHEN it will happen, and a simple 5-step WHAT to do plan to avoid a woman ever doing it to you again…
•90% of the stuff you hear about attracting women is often damaging and completely ineffective if used without a complete plan to get her to girlfriend status. If you use this stuff without knowing how it fits in, you’ll make it next to impossible for her to ever consider you as “boyfriend material.” I’ll explain exactly how to avoid this huge “pickup” mistake…
•You’ll understand the real secret to getting good with women – and with ANY skill – that the average guy completely misses – so you can win when they fail…
•The 4 Principles of Dating Success that puts you in the top performance bracket, including the 5 critical sexual status signals that you need to show women to create powerful physical attraction…
•You’ll understand the 4 levels of learning so that you can move forward faster with women and finally get yourself to do the things you know you need to do… (PS: This can be used on any area of your life!)
•Two psychological enemies that every man has that keep us stuck in our bad habits – and how you can get past them both to excel past the majority…
•The fatal “Yogi Bear” belief that makes men vulnerable to obsession – and scares women away even faster. This is what creates “one-itis” in men…
•The secret of all attraction with women is this one principle – and it’s something that most guys deliberately sabotage when they start dating a woman. I’ll show you how to avoid this fatal mistake…
•Fast Start Power Tips – I’ll get you off to the fastest result possible by giving you the 6 critical principles of accelerated success with women. If you put just one of these to work for you, you’ll dramatically speed up your results…
•How to “date stack” to get the most women attracted to you in the shortest period – and one method of meeting women that you want to avoid…
•A simple exercise you can do in your car that will effortlessly increase your conversation power with women – and your ability to banter sexually…
•One of the most powerful weapons you have as a man is the ability to use your eye contact. I’ll explain how to create magnetic eye language that draws women in, and show you 2 powerful exercises that make you irresistable to her…
•Body language is one of the most misunderstood parts of attraction. I’ll give you my simple 6 step complete “cheat sheet” on the only parts of body language you need to use – including a specific exercise that will make you more sexually attractive to women INSTANTLY…
•I’ll teach you how to use the most important attraction trigger a man has (HINT: It’s got nothing to do with your abs or how in-shape you are). You’ll also discover the 10 masculine signals to show women so that she sees you as the dominant man…
•You’ll finally understand the 5 “low status” signals that men give off that destroy a woman’s interest in them and communicate neediness – so you can get rid of them once and for all…
•The 6 critical boundaries you must setup with women – or you risk falling into the “wuss” zone with her and every woman you meet. (These are my own personal limits that I set with women in my life and they work like gangbusters…)
•Four of the fatal Fast Attraction Killers – these four mistakes are common to over 90% of all men I’ve coached, and I’ll explain exactly how to avoid messing it up with women with your confidence…
•The 2 ways that women determine your sexual status – are you messing these up? I’ll show you how women think…
•Have you ever felt like you were unable to control your emotions around a woman? I’ll show you how “sensitive” guys lose women by not understanding how to use their emotions with women to attract instead of repel – as well as the 6 emotions you must control around women…
•I’ll explain how “MSS” is crushing your confidence with women, and how this ONE THING you’re probably hiding from women is also the one thing she needs to see to feel safely attracted to you…
•The one secret to overcoming your hesitation and indecision with women – including 3 simple practice methods you can do in less than 10 seconds to find your determination and willpower…
•How to create your “universal selling proposition” that will show women that you are completely different from the other guys she meets and gets bored with…
•Ever wonder what those confident “alpha” guys are thinking that gets them success with women? I’ll show you nine powerful affirmations of the “alpha man” that gets women horny for them…
•The first part of the core of the program shows you the essential Girlfriend Magnets – the 8 powerful signals that women need to see to sexually pursue you…
•You’ll discover the power of sexual “inception” with women, and how you can plant the 5 thoughts in a woman’s head that you’re the one for her (I’ll explain all five)…
•One of the most powerful Girlfriend Magnets is showing her that you’ve got it “together.” I’ll show you which 6 areas of your life she’s going to look at, as well as the 10 ways you can show her you’re her Mr. Right…
•The one big mistake a lot of guys make is showing a woman that she’s his only focus. I’ll show you how to not only avoid this, but get her to beg to be a part of your life – so you can stop working so hard and start enjoying a girlfriend that wants to please YOU…
•How to spark the kind of healthy jealousy that makes women desire you – and how to to get her thinking about you when you’re not around. This method is so deadly, I call it The Attraction Tractor Beam – so be very careful where you aim it…
•There’s one thing you can do in your conversation (and sometimes slip up and show with your facial expression) that ensures that a woman won’t sleep with you. I’ll explain what this is, and how you can actually use it in REVERSE to get her to want you to take her to bed faster…
•I’ll explain the 7 influence methods that enforce the law of attraction for women – and how to use them all (this is the secret that guys who never go home alone use)
•What you look like through HER eyes – and you’ll be amazed to see what she’s looking at that you had no idea was so important…
•The simple secret of confidence with women – and most guys are chasing after the wrong goal!
•We all know that women’s mixed signals work to get guys bewitched with a woman – now here’s how you can use the same techniques women use to make mixed messages work for YOU…
•The Material Magnets: I’ll completely explain the truth about the physical Girlfriend Magnets that you have to have to attract women – and it has nothing to do with being a men’s health model with a ripped “six pack…” (You’re going to finally know why looks are deceptive, and how you can look like a “10” to her…)
•Women want 3 things from men – and if you can give her these, she’s YOURS. I’ll show you what they are (and “confidence” isn’t the most important one!)
•REVEALED: The five parts of killer sexual attraction and sexual tension with women…
•This part of the program explains completely how to from complete stranger to being a woman’s most trusted and desired lover…
•Ever wonder where to go to meet women? I’ll give you the definitive answer to this question, categorized by difficulty levels – and one exercise that will create twice the opportunity to meet women than you think you have right now…
•Every guy who’s successful with women has a single Core Attitude that gets him those results. I’m going to explain the Core Attitude to you, as well as how you use it so that you won’t lose your motivation or start to fall back into old habits…
•I’ll give you my 9 guaranteed Cold/Warm/Hot openers to start a conversation with literally ANY woman in ANY situation – including the master formula for creating a conversation out of thin air…
•Ever wonder how to start talking to a woman so you can get past her defenses and avoid any rejection? I’ll give you my “Stealth Openers” method of creating sure-fire conversation – with over 10 examples for you to use…
•The attitude shifter – The two questions you can ask that will immediately get you past any fears of meeting women…
•What do you talk about? Finally, the only 3 things you ever have to “remember” to keep a conversation going with a woman…
•How to know when you’ve gotten past a woman’s defenses – and when she’s finally “into you…”
•5 Fatal Attraction Killers when you’re talking to women – if you avoid these mistakes, you’ll coast effortlessly through any conversation…
•In the past 10+ years of coaching men on how to get better game with women, I’ve come up with a bundle of 10 “Fast Fixes” that give men the upper hand when meeting women. I’ll show them ALL to you and explain how they work so you can use them immediately…
•How to close a conversation – word for word – so that you walk away with a phone number – or a date – in just 45 seconds…
•Tactical Magnets – How to hook her curiosity and get a woman pleading to see you again and again…
•The five reasons women flake – completely explained and dissected so you can see it coming and avoid it – and so you know when her excuse is for real so you don’t mess up a second chance with her!
•My “Ping” technique to secure her attraction and interest in you – no matter how many men she’s met in the last WEEK – and so that she’ll not only answer your calls, but be waiting on them…
•I decided to include this very special section giving away my entire vault of techniques for talking to women…
•3 ways you can improve the tonality and commanding power of your voice with women in just a few seconds of warmup…
•How to be the most interesting man she will ever meet – without bragging or acting like a jerk…
•Women have 20 secret signals that tell you when she’s interested in you – do you know what they are? I’ll give you the entire list of what to watch out for in this special tutorial…
•Including the 5 ways to know when a woman is NOT interested so you can walk away and not waste your time or energy…
•How to not sound like a “player” and scare her off before you get a chance…
•10 signals women look for to figure out if you’re a man with VALUE – If you’re not letting her see these, you’re probably disabling yourself accidentally…
•Which women do you keep and which should you avoid? I’ll show you the 6 “red flag” behaviors to watch out for – and the questions to ask to get her to reveal them! Never settle for the wrong woman ever again…
•Conversation Technique Magnets: I’ll show you 10 of my conversational techniques that you can use to talk with women and get her mesmerized in minutes with your charisma – with word for word examples…
•Have you ever had a woman say something you didn’t expect and you got caught off guard? I’ll give you my “Universal Response” technique to use whenever you need to “pause” the conversation so you can collect your wits and avoid those hideous mistakes…
•In this section, I’ll teach you how to seal the deal – the techniques that lock her in for you – from getting her number to getting in her bed…
•How to make your moves, and when to do it – ask her out, get a kiss, get her to lead you to the bedroom…
•The Flake Destroyer – Bonus: How to avoid flaking by using simple techniques to take the upper hand in dating – including how to keep her so excited for you that she wouldn’t DREAM of not showing up…
•My proven 3-step number closing sequence – word-for-word (including how to know when she’s probably giving you a fake number)…
•FACT: Most guys don’t know how to handle that all-important first phone call, and usually end up without a date. I’ll show you a simple step-by-step way to handle the call so you get to see her again as soon as possible…
•The Date Blueprint: Don’t fall victim to the dead end road of “drinks, dinner, and movie.” This is a recipe for failure. I’ll explain exactly where (and why) you want to take her on my proven 10 date plans…
•Every guy knows how you want that first date to end, and I’ll show you the certain path to get there. No more uncertainty and hesitation when you’re at the goal line…
•Sometimes getting the first date isn’t the challenge – it’s getting the NEXT date. I’ll show you exactly how you close for the next date – the complete secret pattern I use…
•The first big step is getting the kiss. And I’ll show you when you need to get it, and exactly 5 ways HOW to get it…
•Most guys don’t need sex on the first date – but faster is always better. I’ll explain why this strategy works best to get a girlfriend, and the 6 places where you’re most likely to run into roadblocks that stop you dead…
•I’ll show you a simple technique to get her into the bedroom like a gentleman, and ensure that she’s not only there in the morning – she’s ready for more…
•How to handle breakups – a simple proven guide to let go of women you’re no longer interested in and make more room in your life – with no drama or pain…
•How to go from casual to exclusive with her…
BONUS: Friends Into Girlfriend
•In this special bonus section, I’ll give you my complete method for taking a woman who’s put you into the friends zone, and getting her to beg you into her bed…
•FINALLY – you’ll understand why women keep you as “friends only” and what the fatal mistakes are that create the “friends zone.” And you’ll understand how to escape it…
•Most guys don’t realize that they create the “friends only” situation by mistake. I’ll show you three things men do that kill their sexual energy with women and make her push you away…
•The step-by-step process of moving out of the Friends Zone and staying out – so that she sees you as her sexual interest and not her personal ATM machine and “shoulder to cry on…”
•In this bonus section, I’ll show you secrets of the “naturals” – add-on tricks from my personal guide on how to attract women…
•How to date multiple women at once – the gentleman’s guide to keeping several women in your life, without constant turmoil and theatrics. How to set it up right from the start, and the 6-step conversation for exactly what to say to get it to happen…
•You probably know that women test men all the time. In this special section, I’ll show you WHY she does it, what’s she’s thinking when she does it, and HOW you handle the 3 most common test situations she will hit you with. This is a PRICELESS strategy for handling women…
•UNCOVERED: I’ll give you my crash course in Body Language Magnets – 7 vital areas you must understand, and how to use them…
•5 Reasons women dump guys – when you know and avoid these, you’ll never have to worry about losing her…
•4 Advanced methods for appealing to a woman’s romantic needs – and also giving you tricks to see into her personality before you get stuck…
•I’ll reveal the only true signal of a woman’s attraction level for you – including specifics on how you use this right from the start to know where you stand…
•Fast Confidence Magnets: How confidence REALLY works with women…
•I’ll give you 10 of my “Quick Magnets” – simple tricks to faster sexual attraction with women…
BONUS: GET HER BACK – The Ex Recovery System
•In this special bonus section, I’ll share my tricks and techniques for getting back and making up with the girl who might get away from you…
•Most guys blunder carelessly into the minefield when they want to get their ex girlfriend back. I’ll share 4 important rules you must know in advance, or you risk blowing yourself up before you even start…
•How “BPS” makes you act crazy and destroy your chances for getting your ex back, and how you can avoid this situation completely so that you don’t scare her away by acting impulsively…
•The 6 Ex Grenades – if you do ANY of these six things, your ex girlfriend will probably never give you a second chance. Find out what they are, and how to avoid blowing up your chances…
•The 7 Rules of Recovering your girlfriend and getting her back into your arms again…
•If you’ve ever been caught off guard when your girlfriend broke up with you, you’re going to need this: The 6 signals that your girlfriend is starting to stray – so you’re never surprised, and you’ve got time to fix it before she looks for a replacement…
•5 Steps to Getting Her Back when you feel her slipping away…
•How to handle that all-important first phone call to her so that you don’t wind up in another argument, or accidentally pushing her away. Exactly what to say and how to say it…
•4 Fatal Attraction mistakes that most men make that will push her away from you before you get a chance to fix it
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