Caroline Casey – Trickster Training Mystery School
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Months
Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
In this 7-month program, Caroline will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills and capacities that you’ll need to access the Trickster for liberation and apply these qualities in cultural change.
Caroline will guide each participant to their own unique contribution. As she likes to say, “mountain lion leads, but seeks no followers!”
Each weekly, LIVE session will build upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to animate your life and our world with Trickster magic.
The course is organized to carry us through the major astrological influences of the year. Caroline will present eight modules which will unfold organically. Each module will cover multiple weeks and Caroline will move on in an emergent way to the next module when the information and exploration has been completed.
Important Note! Caroline has a wildly free-flowing style of teaching that follows a less linear logic and that often leaps between related ideas, myths, and cultural contexts. In her inimitable way, she embodies the Trickster in how she speaks which delights most people and sometimes derails others who prefer a more linear mode of teaching. So be prepared for an adventure in consciousness and language that is less structured than a typical curriculum if you choose to join!
Module 1: Mars (Sun in Aries) Council
(Begins April 13)

Mars represents our relationship to animals and we will begin to assemble our inspiring team of wise allies — animals, humans, ancestors and plants. Caroline will share the Jataka Mala Tales of the Buddha’s past lives as animals and the Pancha Tantra, the oldest frame story in the world of guidance from animals.
We will adjust the energetic fuel on which we each run individually so we may transform societal fuel into that which is good for all life. Each of us will inaugurate this journey by answering the query, “What do I desire?” (An answer kept private until realized.)
In this first Council, we’ll:
- Cultivate the qualities of heroism to birth the Trickster Redeemer in our hearts.
- Tend to desire, eros, feistiness, heat, courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.
- Discover our animal allies through shamanic techniques whereby to broker desirable inter-species collaborative cahooting.
- Define leadership through exploring leadership models derived from nature and syncretizing our own unique form of leadership, allied with powers greater than our own.
- Honor the Trickster dynamic in Animism and Buddhism.
- Conjure our Money Animal so that we all can have sufficient funding to play our role in destiny.
- Mend our broken treaties.
Module 2: Venus (Sun in Taurus) Council
(Begins April 20)

Scheherazade said, “The world is run by those who do not know how to make love — and that’s why we’re screwed.”
In this Council, we’ll:
- Restore the art of courtship through studying nature.
- Explore Pragmatic Mysticism.
- Honor the Buddha’s Full Moon-Earth Day.
- Develop the art of magnetizing.
- Delight in the art of altars.
- Restore sacredness to money.
Module 3: Mercury (Sun in Gemini) Council
(Begins May 25)

In this module, Skookum becomes our motto, which means “connected to the spirits and completely competent for the task at hand.” By approaching the world with informed reverent curiosity, we rejoin the choreography of creation.
In this Council, we’ll:
- Consult with the Delphic Oracle: “Are my plans in accord with the divine? And if not, how shall I bring them into accord?”
- Explore the communicative arts of Call and Response and Chorusing.
- Cultivate irresistible eloquence.
- Become Skookum.
Module 4: Moon (Sun in Cancer) Council
(Begins June 22)

In this Council, we’ll:
- Journey backwards in time to heal the ancestors and thus the present.
- Recognize the power of memory to create the future.
- Explore our family, ancestors and history for clues as to our contribution.
- Break family spells and take new vows.
- Join with Big Momma to metabolize grief into beauty.
Module 5: Sun in Leo Council
(Begins July 27)

Every tree, plant and flower grows and flourishes by the grace and bounty of the sun .
– John Tyndall, 19th Century Scientist
Ally with the energetic, animating life force of all life — the sun. Hail to the Sun God! He is a Fun God! Ra! Ra! Ra!
When the sun is in Leo it is the confluence of all allies. In this module, we’ll study the solar myths and art, pyramids, altars on mountains, fertility symbols and the myriad depictions of the sun associated with snakes, lions, reindeer, goats, etc. We’ll also learn to cultivate solar power within and without and receive wisdom from Caroline’s guests from the solar power realm.
In this Council, we’ll:
- Participate in midwifing the emerging mythos of conscious kinship.
- Turn our clenched fists into the Buddhist mudra of reassurance — the outstretched open hand found on statues of the Buddha.
- Explore Joseph Campbell’s inquiry: “What is the new mythology to be, the mythology of this earth as of one harmonious being?”
- Collage our own solar mandala, as a source of strength.
Module 6: Mercury (Sun in Virgo) Council
(Begins August 24)

In this Council, we’ll:
- Realize the universe as telepathic.
- Engage in exercises whereby to increase telepathy.
- Cultivate the augury arts of Applied Divination.
Module 7: Venus (Sun in Libra) Council
(Begins September 28)

To love disharmony back into harmony creates a greater harmony than existed before.
– Michael Gruber, Author
Magic is simply a willingness to cooperate with everything! The artist is the keeper of collective soul. Venus in Libra reveals the art of balance, how to let the pain flow through you — not into you. We welcome the disruption that liberates old circuits into larger vastness. One definition of our assignment is to discern the pattern of evolutionary intelligence that proffers the liveliest possibilities available at any moment and partner with them.
In this Council, we’ll:
- Discover what works now in the realm of personal relationships.
- Study manners in Nature.
- Ally with etiquette.
- Liberate Democracy.
Module 8: Mars with Pluto as Tour Guide Council (Sun in Scorpio)
(Begins October 26)

In this concluding Council, we’ll:
- Journey through the underworld with jaunty aplomb.
- Turn adversaries into allies.
- Metabolize poison.
- Polish our storytelling skills to be effective voices for what we love.
- Actualize the art of directing cultural attention through the ancient craft of public speaking.
- Complete by magnetizing, cultivating, animating and spiraling forth into the memosphere the most irresistible, all inclusive guiding meta-narrative.
We are all augurs inaugurating Earth’s Dream!
The Trickster Training Mystery School
Bonus Collection
In addition to Caroline’s transformative 7-month virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
During the course, Caroline will add more pertinent shows from her radio show archives, and host some of her favorite guests on our calls, who have a crucial piece of the puzzle to contribute to reverent renaissance.
Trickster Medicine
Caroline’s Sold Out National Bioneers Conference Presentation with Dr. Andrew Weil

Andrew Weil, MD is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind and spirit. Combining a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine, Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, where he is also a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Professor of Public Health and the Lovell-Jones Professor of Integrative Rheumatology. Dr. Weil is an internationally-recognized expert for his views on leading a healthy lifestyle, his philosophy of healthy aging, and his critique of the future of medicine and health care. Approximately 10 million copies of Dr. Weil’s books have been sold. His newest book, Fast Food, Good Food, was released in 2015.
Vernal Equinox
Audio and Video of Caroline’s Just Now Presentations

Woofy Women
Audio Collection from The Visionary Activist Radio
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