Cissi Williams – Energy Healing With the Divine Mothers of Darkness & Light 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Cissi will guide you to experience weekly shamanic-healing journeys of discovery, purification, and rebirth — as the Norse and Celtic Goddesses of Darkness and Light work together to activate your inner wisdom.
The Power of Livestreaming Video
You’ll connect with Cissi and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Cissi’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Cissi. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to work with Norse and Celtic goddesses as you experience weekly shamanic-healing journeys of discovery, purification, and rebirth.
Module 1: Releasing the Past to Awaken the Wise Woman Within (August 3)

Cissi will share how you can start this healing journey of awakening by letting your heart act like a portal into the World of Spirit…
You’ll connect with the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light so you can move through a process of deep healing and transformation, becoming the Wise Woman you’re meant to be.
This Wise Woman knows how to fill your life with magic, creativity, happiness, and love, as she is the source of life itself. She also knows the medicine that’s needed in the world today — the medicine of the Divine Feminine.
Cissi will explain how the Norse sagas refer to this ancient inner Wise Woman as the witch within the wood — and this wood is the World Tree (the Tree of Life), Yggdrasil.
This tree is a metaphor for your nervous system, with the roots connecting you with the lower world (your unconscious mind and your past), the branches connecting you with the upper world (your higher consciousness and your future), and the trunk connecting you with the middle world (your conscious mind, and your life here now).
This Wise Woman already lives inside this tree — so, inside of you — and by tuning in to the Tree of Life, you can start to connect with her.
In this first module, you’ll:
- Discover the powerful medicine found in the Dark Divine Feminine
- Learn how the Dark Goddess is loving and here to help you discover your own healing power
- Explore how the body acts as a portal into the World of Spirit, with your nervous system mirroring the Tree of Life — and the flow of your blood through the 4 chambers of your heart mirroring the flow of Mother Earth’s seasons
- Tap into magic, creativity, healing, and deep transformation when you move in sync with the flow of the blood through your heart
- Shed negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and old ways of being
- Harness the power of the beautiful medicine held in the first chamber of your heart, where you’re releasing the old
- Go on a guided journey to the Tree of Life (your nervous system), where you’ll discover how to deepen your roots; cleanse, heal, and balance your chakras; and connect more strongly with the Upper World
Module 2: Healing Deeply by Journeying Into the Sacred Darkness (August 10)

Cissi will introduce you to the Dark Mother and three of the Dark Goddesses — the Norse goddess Hel, the Celtic goddess Cerridwen, and the beautiful Black Madonna.
As you’ll discover, they all bring powerful medicine, helping you heal deeply, so you can awaken your inner wisdom, magic, creativity, and intuition.
Cissi will explain how your old wounds are stored in your nervous system, as frozen pieces of life force that are disconnecting you from your inner light. These old wounds may be from your own lifetime, but they can also be passed down from previous generations. Cissi will also share how generational trauma is passed down.
The Dark Divine Feminine knows how to help you heal this, and Cissi will show you how.
Cissi will also share how you can journey to the Land of Ice — the frozen domain in your psyche — so you can start to unfreeze the past, melt the ice, and heal these old wounds as you connect with your life force and inner light again.
This process not only transforms you, but also helps you begin to embody your feminine power, the ancient magic within you, and the beautiful essence of who you were always meant to be.
In this module, you’ll:
- Meet the Dark Mother and the Dark Goddesses Hel, Cerridwen, and the Black Madonna, so they can support you in your healing journey
- Tap into the powerful medicine held in the second chamber of your heart, where you’re healing deeply
- Heal ancestral programming and generational trauma
- Learn how the sacred darkness rebirths you
- Discover the wisdom, magic, medicine, and a deeper connection with your soul and spirit — which is waiting for you in the sacred darkness
- Go on a guided journey into the sacred darkness, discovering the frozen thought patterns, old wounds, and poison found in the Land of Ice — so you can melt them and move through deep transformation and healing, reconnecting with your inner light, power, and life force
Module 3: Receiving Light-Filled Visions & Dreams From the Divine Source (August 17)

What dreams and visions are waiting for you?
You’ll leave the second chamber of the heart and travel up to the Divine Source — where you can breathe in the light of new inspiration, visions, and dreams from Spirit. This mirrors how the blood leaves the second chamber of the heart to travel up to the lungs — to be filled with new life force through your inspiration.
Cissi will share how to discern when your dreams and visions are from Spirit, and when they’re from the ego-mind. Knowing the difference can help you give your energy to what aligns within the Universe.
Cissi will also guide you through a process to help you discover what your soul gifts are — and what longs to be born through you.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn a simple, yet effective tool for making sure your visions and dreams are from Spirit and not the ego-mind
- Tap into powerful medicine as you journey up to the Divine Source — from the heart up to the lungs — where you’ll breathe in the light of new inspiration, visions, and dreams from Spirit
- Meet the Spirit Weaver from the Celtic tradition — the moon goddess Arianrhod, who reveals your highest path
- Find out what you need to have the strength, time, and energy to birth your visions and dreams into reality
- Go on a shamanic journey up to the Divine Source and discover the visions and dreams that are waiting for you
Module 4: Weaving Your Light-Filled Dreams & Visions Into Your Life (August 24)

Cissi will guide you to travel back down from the Divine Source, bringing with you all your light-filled seeds of new inspiration and ideas.
You’ll examine how you’re weaving these dreams and visions into your life.
Are you filled with fear and worry, doubting if this really can come true? Or are you filled with love and faith, fully trusting that all this light you’ve just received from the Divine Source is meant to be born through you — as gifts of new visions and dreams for the world?
The energy in which you show up while bringing your dreams and visions into reality will impact what you weave into your life.
Cissi will introduce you to the three powerful Norns sisters, Spirit Weavers from the Norse tradition. They’re archetypes of time — past, present, and future — who can help you weave more magic, love, trust, wisdom, and happiness into your life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Tap into the powerful medicine held in the journey back down from the Divine Source (from the lungs back to the heart) — where you’ll weave the light from your newfound inspirations into your life
- Release blockages from the past so you can remember the ancient wisdom that lives within you
- Notice in which parts of life you’re showing up with fear, doubt, and negativity — and discover how you can shift your energy so you can show up with love, trust, and positivity
- Restore your life energy by tuning in to the sacred well of the healing waters of the Divine Feminine
- Start to invite your highest destiny by following Spirit’s guidance
- Go on a shamanic journey, meeting the Norns, the cosmic weavers of time, so you can start to weave your dreams and visions into your life
Module 5: Receiving the Light From the Divine (August 31)

Cissi will help you determine whether something is blocking you from the light — so you can receive the light in a way that nourishes and sustains you.
She’ll explain the importance of filling your own cup — not immediately giving the light away, but instead using it to blossom into your next highest expression of life, just as nature does. The more you allow yourself to receive this nourishing light, the more you can give to others.
Cissi will also introduce you to the Divine Mothers of Light, including the Norse goddesses Freyja and Idun, and the Celtic goddess Brighid. As you’ll discover, they’re all solar goddesses — the sun was considered female in the Norse tradition, the bringer of life after a cold, harsh winter.
In this module, you’ll:
- Receive light and healing from the Norse goddess Freyja — the powerful goddess of healing, love, and fertility, as well as a witch and a bringer of light and divine power
- Awaken your inner magic with Freyja’s help, so you can step into your power and be like a light in the darkness
- Connect with the Norse goddess Idun — the goddess of spring and rejuvenation
- Heal deeply through your meeting with the Celtic goddess of fire, Brighid, who’ll invite you to give birth to new life by melting the ice around your heart and igniting your inner fire
- Tap into the powerful medicine held in the third chamber of your heart — where you receive the light from the Divine, allowing yourself to be nourished and sustained by it
- Go on a shamanic journey where Freyja will help you step into your power and magic, Brighid will ignite your inner fire — and Idun will show you the light-filled essence of your soul, revealing to you your highest destiny
Module 6: Transformation & Rebirth (September 7)

Cissi will guide you to transform and heal all the ways you might be stopping yourself from receiving the light.
If you don’t allow yourself to receive the light, you won’t be able to awaken the Wise Woman within. Just as Mother Earth needs both the darkness and the light, you need both the sacred darkness and the magical light for your inner Wise Woman to awaken.
You’ll examine and understand what’s been blocking you from receiving the light that’s meant to nurture you.
These blocks are often linked to deeply held fears, ancestral wounding, and collective programming that must be healed and transformed.
As you experience healing on this journey, you’ll move through your own rebirth so you can emerge as the Wise Woman, ready to take your place and help birth a new consciousness into being.
In this module, you’ll:
- Connect with the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light — so they can help you heal, transform, and awaken your inner magic and power
- Discern what’s stopping you from fully showing up, shining your light, and sharing your soul gifts with the world
- Grow your spiritual wings so you can fly out into the world in balance and with great power — these spiritual wings symbolize your ability to take powerful action while being guided by Spirit
- Go on a shamanic journey to release the old ways you’ve kept yourself bound to a small perception of who you truly are — so you can be free to become who you’re meant to be
Module 7: Bringing Your Visions & Dreams Into the World (September 14)

As your journey through this course comes to a close, you’ll create a map for the steps needed to bring your visions, dreams, and soul gifts into your community.
Cissi will share a process for tuning in to your soul so you can intuitively feel the dreams and visions you’re meant to birth into being. You’ll also discover how to structure your life to cultivate the energy you’ll need to make this happen.
Cissi will guide you on a final shamanic journey to connect with the medicine of the sacred darkness and the magical light. You’ll awaken the Wise Woman within you — so she can emerge, bringing her magic, power, wisdom, and healing medicine into the world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Receive guidance from the Divine Mothers so you can best embody their loving wisdom and share it with others
- Discover how you can let your dreams and visions be infused with power, magic, and wisdom
- Identify the changes you need to make and actions you must take to manifest these dreams and visions
- Tap into the powerful medicine of the fourth chamber of the heart, where you’ll bring all your spirit-filled visions and dreams into your community — just as the fourth chamber delivers oxygen-rich blood to your whole body
- Go on a final shamanic journey that will weave the whole course together, where you’ll meet the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light, connect with the Spirit Weavers, and become the Tree of Life, awakening the witch in the wood — the Wise Woman who lives inside your core — so you can embody the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and help serve the world
The Energy Healing Bonus Collection
In addition to Cissi’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Three Powerful Daily Prayers
Audio Recordings from Cissi Williams

Begin and end your day with Cissi’s soothing voice reading these divine prayers to the Sacred Feminine. You’ll acknowledge both the darkness and light, reaffirming a powerful truth — that there’s a very Wise Woman within you. She’s your intuition, your knowledge, and your clarity. She helps you see, think, and feel what you need so you can heal, grow, and feel more alive.
Discover the Gifts of the Dark Mother
Audio Recording from Cissi Williams

Enjoy this brief introduction to the Dark Goddesses, followed by a shamanic journey of deep healing. You’ll journey into the sacred darkness to meet the Dark Divine Feminine, the loving wisdom that knows how to guide you to let go of the hold the past has had on you. You’ll move through your own rebirth, expanding into something new.
A Practice for Scanning Your Tree of Life
PDF Download

In this guide, Cissi shares an exercise for scanning your own Tree of Life as well as a meditation to cleanse and balance it. You can scan your Tree of Life in connection to a specific life area, such as a relationship, a business issue, a project, or any other life area — then get a quick glimpse of how your nervous system is functioning in connection to this specific part of your life. Or you can scan the Tree of Life as an overview of how your body and nervous system are currently functioning.
Shamanic Journey to Meet the Dark Goddess Hel & Her Sisters
Audio Recording from Cissi Williams

On this guided audio journey, you’ll meet the Norse Dark Goddess Hel, as well as her sisters: Cerridwen, Hecate, Persephone, Kali, Isis, and the Black Madonna. They’ll help you step into your power, your truth, and your light, awakening the ancient wisdom within your bones — the wisdom of the Wise Woman — so her healing medicine can be expressed through you, and out into the world.
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