Dan Brulé – The 7 Essentials of Spiritual Breathing for an Authentic, Heart-Centered, Ecstatic Life
Dive deeply into a variety of essential, wildly transformational breathing techniques to energize yourself at will, release stress, and bring balance, health, and vitality to your body, mind, and consciousness.

In moments of great surprise, profound grief, extreme stress, or vigorous activity, do you often find yourself holding your breath?
When you’re in fear or anticipation, do you notice that your breath quickens?
Every state of being — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — has a corresponding breathing pattern… and when you’re able to alter the pattern, you trigger chemical and physiological changes that can transform your experience into something more positive.
In fact, when you change the way you breathe, you shift something so primal and fundamental that the effects permeate every level of your being.
Breathwork has become one of the most popular and effective modalities for enhancing your life — helping you relieve tension and stress, generate life-force energy, increase your joy and resilience, regulate your nervous system, heighten your immunity, access ecstatic states of body, mind, and spirit, and bring your whole system into balance.
In fact, acclaimed master breathwork trainer Dan Brulé, the founder of The Breathing Festival, the International Center for Breathwork, and, calls breath “the Swiss Army knife of life”…
… because, practiced mindfully, breathing has a far-reaching impact in addressing all of life’s struggles.
Join a 7-module experiential course with Dan, in which he’ll guide you in the seven essential aspects of spiritual breathing to alleviate anxiety and let go of physical, emotional, energetic, and psychological blocks.
You’ll practice breath awareness exercises and meditations to raise and expand your consciousness… and conscious breathing to increase and regulate your breath energy (or prana, chi, or ki). These include practices of yawning, triangle breath, box breathing, breath holding, circular breathing, spiritual breathing, and much more.
Dan pulls from the best breathwork methods, styles, and schools, so, throughout his inspiring program, you’ll experience a wide variety of breathing processes.
And he’ll invite you to incorporate movement, sound, imagery, and affirmations into the practice.
Why Now & Why Dan Brulé?
— Tony Robbins

As most of us are acutely aware, we’re currently living in a landscape of immense global transformation.
To meet the challenges in our midst and learn to thrive under any circumstances, we need new ways to navigate stressful, confusing times of change, remain in optimal health, and learn how to access our inner resources — to remain clear, calm, energized, inspired, and connected to the source of life.
It’s important to build our resilience and our connection with ourselves, others, and Spirit — and embody the spiritual principles and practices that enable our strength and radiance to shine through.
Breath is a perfect tool for cultivating the necessary robustness, grace under pressure, and spiritual insight we need to survive and awaken amidst crisis.
And, Dan is undeniable, unapologetic proof that these breathing methods work.
With over 50 years of studying and practicing breathwork, he’s a master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu science of breath) and Qigong breath practices… leads the worldwide Spiritual Breathing Movement… and is considered the “Bruce Lee of breath” by the Olympic athletes and martial artists he’s trained.
But it’s not just his extensive qualifications that make him a spectacular teacher…
Within minutes in Dan’s (virtual) presence, you can feel his inspiration and full-throttle passion — not only about this work, but also for life in its totality.
He’s also fiercely and compassionately intuitive — with the almost immediate ability to see your breathing patterns, sense your blocks, feel what’s wanting to emerge in you, and have a deep knowing of what breathing practices would help you come alive into your greatest self and potential.
As this powerful 7-module course progresses, you’ll:
- Deepen your connection to your physical body and to Mother Earth, as you simultaneously embody the spirit of your Higher Self
- Discover profound heart-opening, sublime peace, and spiritual development
- Explore the true ecstasy breath that energy can stimulate, and awaken your pleasure
- Release early programming that’s caused blockages to your bliss, life-force energy, infinite love, gratitude, and endless joy
- Learn breathwork practices that help you come fully into your personal power
- Recharge your battery quickly, to meet and overcome life challenges
- Awaken your self-healing abilities, your inner teacher, and your higher self
- Develop the courage to help heal others
- Move away from survival mode and into ease and expansion
- Control and direct your energies to accomplish your life’s purpose and mission
- Learn to use sound as a healing force that connects you to your heart intelligence, authentic voice, frequency, and truth
- Recognize that the actuality of your being is far greater than you can imagine
- Energize yourself at will by infusing every cell with breath energy — to awaken and bring balance and vitality to your body, mind, and consciousness
- Open to your intuition and embody the love and infiniteness of your pure being
- And more…
This course draws on ancient Christian, Buddhist, Yogic, and Taoist wisdom, gleaned from Indian, Chinese, and Western esoteric traditions… and it has a basis in cutting-edge medical and scientific studies.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Dan will guide you through the essential, wildly transformational breathing techniques you’ll need to achieve optimal health, release stress, supercharge your energy, enhance your spiritual vision, and unleash your passion for life.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dan. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to master a wide variety of transformational breathing techniques, to achieve optimal health, release stress, supercharge your energy, enhance your spiritual vision, and unleash your passion for life.
Module 1: Connect to Mother Earth for Security, Safety & Survival

Trees are lucky. Why? Because they have roots. Their connection to the Earth is built into their very existence.
As humans without physical roots, we need to consciously connect to the Earth.
Your relationship to the Earth is a fundamental aspect of feeling safe in your body… and secure enough to allow yourself to access collective consciousness, connect with others, and explore the highest spiritual realms.
In this opening session, you’ll practice the full yogic breath, which, Dan says, is like filling a glass with water… it fills from the bottom up. In other words, you need to be able to move the breath all the way down into the floor of the pelvis to come fully into your body. Your body will not let you explore those higher realms if it doesn’t feel safe, grounded, and one with the Earth.
In this module, Dan will guide you to use your your breath to:
- Deepen your connection to your physical body and to Mother Earth
- Get out of your head and into your body
- Center and ground yourself
- Tap the power of the elements — Earth, Air, Water, and Fire
- Fully embody the spirit of your Higher Self
Module 2: Explore the Ecstatic & Transformative Nature of Breath Energy

Breathwork naturally leads us to a direct understanding and an experience of ancient Tantric principles that trigger us to raise our consciousness.
In this module, you’ll explore the ecstatic nature of breath energy and your ability to uplift and transform energy in yourself and others.
Dan asks, “Why do orgasms only last about 11 seconds? It’s because our system,” he says, “can only tolerate so much bliss!”
As humans, we’re fairly competent at handling pain. The challenge for us is opening to profound pleasure and tolerating continuous joy. But when you can relax into intensity, you can fully awaken to all that you are… and all that is.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
- Awaken natural comfort and pleasure
- Access the life force within and around you
- Unleash ecstatic energy and relax into intensity
- Release blockages to bliss and genuine pleasure
- Practice “packing” chi into your fascia to recharge your spiritual batteries
Module 3: Access Your Personal Power — Fire in the Belly

To truly accomplish anything, we need to connect to our personal power and spiritual autonomy… which enables us to channel and control our vital energy.
Throughout this session, you’ll explore breathwork practices that awaken body intelligence and personal power, and have a profound effect on your personal reality.
Most high performers come to rely on adrenalized energy as opposed to genuine energy to achieve success. It’s not sustainable, however, and inevitably leads to burnout. So, it’s important to learn how to generate genuine life-force energy, which you can begin to master by practicing diaphragmatic breathing.
In this module, Dan will show you how to:
- Awaken your chi by tapping into your dantien or hara (energy center)
- Recharge your battery quickly, to meet and overcome life challenges
- Control and direct your energies to accomplish your life’s purpose and mission
- Maintain balance and grace under pressure
Module 4: Awaken Your Emotional Intelligence — Live a Heart-Centered Life

Most people are trying to get through life and solve their problems using logic (or mind intelligence). But expressing yourself fully requires that we awaken our emotional intelligence and intuition.
It’s said that the longest journey we need to make in this life is the 12 inches from our head to our heart. Breathwork takes you on that journey.
It’s no accident that your lungs are wrapped around your heart. When you breathe consciously, you awaken your heart’s intelligence and develop the capacity to experience all the beautiful spiritual qualities of the heart — love, joy, peace, and gratitude.
In this session, you’ll engage in breathing practices to help you:
- Open and heal your heart with love, acceptance, and compassion
- Connect to yourself, others, life, and the world from your heart
- Express and reflect the qualities of the heart — and your true spiritual nature
- Experience the heart as your new root chakra
Module 5: Clear Negative Programming to Find Your Authentic Voice

It’s practically impossible to survive childhood without taking on other people’s ideas about who we are and how we’re supposed to be. For the first few years of our lives, we receive programming that limits the fullness of our Self and forms a crust around our intuition. And these programs block the free expression of our unique gifts.
In this module, you’ll explore ways to clear the negative and limiting thoughts and beliefs you’ve internalized throughout your life. How?
Notably, sound is one of the most primal expressions of life and energy. What sounds soothe and strengthen you? What are the most beautiful words anyone has ever spoken to you? What are the most nurturing and uplifting words you could speak to anyone? Dan will guide you as you answer these questions, and then speak those words to yourself when you breathe.
During this session, you’ll:
- Learn to use sound as a healing force
- Connect to your authentic voice, resonance, and frequency
- Embrace your innocence and speak your truth with courage
- Experience what it feels like to be an expression of the love that you are
Module 6: Cultivate Spiritual Clarity & Vision to See Through the Eyes of Love

The truth of our being is far greater than we can imagine. Our senses can serve to limit or liberate us. They may be filtering out more information than they’re giving us. If we’re to awaken fully and live freely, it’s important to lift the veils that keep us from seeing who we really are and what is truly real.
If you don’t look out at the world through the eyes of love, you won’t see reality. If you don’t look at others through the eyes of love, you won’t see their authentic being. And if you don’t look at yourself through the eyes of love, you won’t see the full brilliance of your being.
In this module, you’ll cultivate ways to see beyond illusions and superficial features, to let the light of spirit shine through you.
You’ll also:
- Clear away confusion and doubt and learn to see beyond them
- Learn how to infuse every cell with breath energy
- Awaken the pineal gland and work with light
- Explore how to “look without looking” and “see without seeing”
Module 7: Break Free of Limitations — Connect to Your Full Potential & Infinite Spirit

Many of us know that we’re capable of far more than we’ve been led to believe. The current pandemic and global changes are a clarion call to awaken to our full potential, which requires, now more than ever, that we reach self-realization and self-liberation.
You’ve likely heard statements like “We’re all connected. We’re all one.” These aren’t just pretty spiritual ideas. They are facts. The same energy that fills and surrounds you is the same energy that fills and surrounds everyone and everything.
And, the same pure divine intelligent energy that created your body in the womb is always available to rebuild yourself and the world. You can awaken, access, and embody that energy through breathing.
In this closing module, you’ll learn how to use your breath to:
- Transcend the limited ego
- Connect to higher intelligence
- Awaken to an experience of Advaita — oneness and nonduality
- Embody your infinite Self and pure being
What People Are Saying About Dan Brulé…
— Cora Verkuilen: “Dan Brule Is the Master of Masters”
— Sage Rader: “Dan Will Teach You to Access Your Breath in a Way That No Other Person Can”
— Heidi Baecke: “I Came Back Another Person”
— Lydia McDowell: “Dan Is So Awesome and Inspiring and Dynamic to Listen to”
— Roberto Suarez: “You’re Going to Be in the Presence of a Master”
“Dan Brulé is a true master and deeply inspiring.”
— Mark Divine, retired Navy SEAL, founder/CEO of Sealfit and New York Times bestselling author of The Way of the Seal and Unbeatable Mind
“Dan Brulé is a fascinating and practical teacher of the overlooked importance of the breath for creativity, vitality, and healing.”
— Barnet Bain, author of The Book of Doing and Being and producer of the film What Dreams May Come
“Dan Brulé opened a door for me, and on the other side was my destiny.”
Dan Brulé opened a door for me, and on the other side was my destiny. I’ll be forever grateful!
— Tom Sotis, world-class blade fighter and edged weapons instructor; trainer of U.S. military teams, law enforcement officers, and U.S. Intelligence, Special Forces, Secret Service, and FBI agents; and author of Analytical Combat and The Way of Tactics: A Manifesto of Invincibility
“Dan Brulé weaves together breathing physiology, psychology, and spirituality in uniquely practical ways that most anyone can learn…”
Dan Brulé weaves together breathing physiology, psychology, and spirituality in uniquely practical ways that most anyone can learn for improving health and performance. His work is a must not only for breathworkers, healthcare practitioners, and yoga-meditation fans, but also for virtually anyone who suspects that breathing might just be something important in their lives!
— Peter M. Litchfield, PhD, president of the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences
“Dan’s approach and infinite knowledge of breathwork are a gift to the world community.”
The Breath Mastery practitioner program and Dan’s approach and infinite knowledge of breathwork are a gift to the world community. I believe breathwork is going to have an exponential growth in the next decade, and to be able to learn from one of the best is an absolute privilege.
— Manuel Gallo, firefighter, New Zealand
“My experience of breathwork with Dan has been nothing short of transformational.”
The Breath Mastery program was an adventure for me from start to finish! After just one afternoon session, I was hooked. And after a 12-month practitioner program, I still want to hear and learn more from Dan. He has such a creative way of teaching, he does not insist on everything being done in his specific way, he encourages each participant to find their own unique way. What a refreshing approach! My experience of breathwork with Dan has been nothing short of transformational. It has literally changed my whole body, mind, and spirit. I feel more content now than I have ever felt in my whole life!
— Derval Dunford, mindfulness, breathwork, and Yoga Nidra teacher, sports coach, and consultant
“His knowledge of the breath is unmatched, and his approach to teaching is unique.”
Breathwork is the tool of our time. It’s so simple, yet can create incredible transformation in an instant. As the world wakes up to the power of the breath, there will be a great demand for skilled teachers and practitioners who can facilitate this important work. Dan Brulé is like no other breathwork master I have met. His knowledge of the breath is unmatched, and his approach to teaching is unique. While there are many teachers who are fantastic at teaching techniques, frameworks, and scenarios, Dan goes a step further to share a philosophy of the breath that can completely shift your perspective of how to see and work with the breath. Even if you have trained in other forms of breathwork, you will still gain so much from spending time with Dan.
—Richie Bostock, “The Breath Guy,” author of Exhale: 40 Breathwork Exercises to Help You Find Your Calm, Supercharge Your Health, and Perform at Your Best
“Dan’s life work draws us in, inhales us into a fresh new state of awareness…”
Dan’s life work draws us in, inhales us into a fresh new state of awareness, of seeing how, even in the small moments of each day, we can transform our experiences with conscious breathing. He breathes us out into the world with freedom from habits and limitations, with wisdom from ancient traditions and modern science, and with the knowledge that it is quite possible to heal ourselves and others using the power of our breath.
—Patricia Gerbarg, MD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, New York Medical College and coauthor of The Healing Power of the Breath
“Dan lives every single breath.”
Dan’s way of explaining with words something that is not material is simply amazing. It makes the process of learning and comprehending very helpful. He lives every single breath.”
—Carlos de la Rúa, mindset and life coach trainer, healer, and breathworker
More Praise for Dan Brulé…

“His coaching [has] made a huge impact in my life.”
Breath is the ultimate key to your wellbeing, and if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life — physical, mental, and spiritual… and Dan Brulé is the master to show you how. I love his coaching and it’s made a huge impact in my life.
— Tony Robbins, bestselling author and life coach

“He is helping people shed layers of ego identification…”
Dan is the epitome of a modern-day warrior yogi sage. The message he is teaching in many respects is a ministry. He is bringing people closer to their innate spiritual nature. He is helping people shed layers of ego identification so they can know their true, most essential self, their highest ideal. He is an amazing, amazing man. He taught me how to breathe!
— Greg Amundson, graduate of Western Theological Seminary, former U.S. Army Officer, SWAT Team leader, and drug enforcement agent

“Dan has put in years of exhaustive and thorough study of every element of breathing.”
Dan has put in years of exhaustive and thorough study of every element of breathing. I practice some of the techniques you’re going to learn about and I am an enthusiastic convert!
— Sydney Barrows, New York Times bestselling author

“It makes a huge difference in performance, and I am all in.”
I am a skeptic of nearly everything. I’ve trained with the Navy, helped an NFL player get on a team, raced Grand Prix motorcycles… all high-stress environments. What works? Train. Eat. Sleep. That’s what works. But wait a second… enter Dan Brulé and his breathwork. To me this technology is the fourth pillar of achievement. It makes a huge difference in performance, and I am all in. Welcome to the fourth pillar, and welcome Dan as your coach.
— Oren Klaff, founder of Intersection Capital and author of Pitch Anything
“I feel lighter and freer and an openness in my heart area.”
I attended two of Dan’s breathwork sessions and was amazed at how deep the process took me. I have noticed a dramatic transformation since the first session; my head is clearer and I am a lot less open to entertaining negative thought patterns. I feel lighter and freer and an openness in my heart area. Dan has immense experience and it shows. He held amazing space for us all and gently guided us on our journeys. The simple pearls of wisdom he shared with us in his unique way were invaluable… and how can we not be changed after witnessing his natural love of breathing and expression. I highly recommend this powerful work with this fascinating man!
— Faye Townsend, healthcare practitioner, Johannesburg, South Africa
About Dan Brulé

Dan Brulé is a modern-day teacher, healer, and world-renowned pioneer in the field of breathwork. He is one of the creators of Breath Therapy, and was among the original group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers. A master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu science of breath) and Qigong (Chinese medical breathing exercises), he leads the worldwide Spiritual Breathing Movement.
Dan has traveled to over 65 countries in the past 40 years, and has trained more than 250,000 people to use breath as a tool for health, growth, and change. He has trained Olympic athletes, elite warriors, martial artists, leading medical experts, corporate executives, and peak performers, including Tony Robbins. He is the author of Just Breathe: Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business, and Beyond.
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