Dr. Deb Sandella – Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®) 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Dr. Deb will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully create an embodied space of freedom, emotional safety, and imagination for your healing.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Dr. Deb and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Deb’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Deb. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to express unfelt emotions, heal trauma, and rewrite new emotions to the old stories holding you back.
Module 1: Optimizing With Your Emotional Operating System (EOS) (February 14)

Socrates said, “Imagination is the language of the Soul.” In this first session, you’ll build a strong foundation and create a sense of direction for your 7-week journey. As you discover how Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) works through the body with imagination, you’ll also explore your Emotional Operating System (EOS), which organically dissolves negative feelings and boosts positive ones.
When you take the EOS quiz, you’ll learn how much you are using your EOS to support your health, happiness, and success. You’ll identify the particular soulful emotions that may be slowing your evolution and find ways to dissolve them through a guided RIM process.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover a new way of connecting with your soul
- Learn about your Emotional Operating System (EOS) and take the EOS quiz to help you identify emotional blind spots to transform throughout this 7-week journey
- Experience a guided RIM experience that works with your specific EOS-identified emotion
- Take away soul notes to help you connect within during the coming week
- Build a foundation for and receive guidance in creating your own personal practice
Module 2: Clearing Feelings Hidden in Your Body (February 21)

In this module, you’ll transition to connecting with your body, where neurotransmitters have keys to the emotional subconscious. Through a guided RIM experience inviting subtle sensory releases in the body, you’ll experience a soulful dialogue to ascertain the uncomfortable emotions that have gone underground — and learn how to dissolve uncovered emotional charge. You’ll leave with body notes and a personal practice of neutral witnessing that you’ll dive into through the coming week.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover a RIM way of connecting directly with your body awareness
- Have a guided RIM experience that offers you relevant health guidance from your body
- Have a soulful dialogue with your body, which resides in the nonverbal part of the brain and nervous system
- Discover what’s been hidden in your unconscious about your body and health
Module 3: Imprinting the Feel of Resilience (February 28)

Layers of emotional memory from our human experiences can masquerade as who we are. In fact, emotional memory can be regenerated. Our inherent wholeness remains intact, though sometimes forgotten and hidden under layers of living.
During this session, you’ll explore the sensory experience of your inherent resilience, the wholeness beneath all of life’s experiences. You’ll have a guided RIM experience that allows you to dissolve layers of living and dip down to feel and imprint a body memory of inherent resilience. You’ll leave with resilience notes and a personal practice that records this feeling of your essential self, so it can be revisited throughout the coming week.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discern how layers of emotional memory overlay your inherent resilience
- Explore how your human experiences influence your feelings of who you are
- Have a RIM experience of sensing and being your essential self
- Discover and dissolve what’s been clouding your vision of who you really are
- Have a direct experience and connection with your inherent resilience
Module 4: Discovering & Dissolving Hidden Blocks (March 7)

In this module, you’ll be introduced to how emotional blocks can become visible and dissolved in the RIM way. You’ll hear real-life stories to gain a deeper understanding of how it works and discover the level of outcomes that are possible. You’ll be guided to call forth the issue that wants to be worked with (from the first module) and have a RIM experience to identify and dissolve it. You’ll leave with notes and a personal practice for nightly reflection on what changed and how you moved, interacted, and made decisions following this powerful work.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how your EOS is naturally resourced and emotionally intelligent
- Discover how RIM collaborates with the EOS to dissolve blocks in an organic way
- Experience RIM to help you discover an emotional block that’s ripe for dissolution and resolution by your psyche
- Dive more deeply into a personal practice for tuning into your EOS
Module 5: Clearing What’s Slowing Your Embrace of Worthiness (March 21)

We look into the eyes of a newborn and know they are worthy, without having to earn it. As adults, we still retain the same inner innocence. This module will provide you with the experience of feeling worthy, first-hand.
You’ll be introduced to key concepts about how the soul senses worthiness, how the mind evaluates it, and how, combined, these affect outcomes. Your imagination will bring an authentic reveal of where you feel you’re operating on a 1-10 level scale of worthiness. A guided RIM experience will then reveal and dissolve what’s in your way of fully feeling your inherent worthiness. You’ll leave with boosted feelings of worthiness and a practice that facilitates living it throughout the coming week.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how your soul senses worthiness
- Open to how your mind misrepresents your worthiness and identify the level of worthiness you currently experience
- Experience a RIM journey that organically boosts your feelings of worthiness to the next level
- Leave with notes and a practice for living from this new place of worthiness
Module 6: Evoking a Feeling of Empowerment From Sharing Your Natural Gifts (March 28)

So often we think of having a purpose as pressure to accomplish something big in the world. Yet regardless of what we do or who we are, we all have special gifts to share.
In this module, you’ll come to a place of convergence among mind, body, soul, and spirit, re-envisioning your sense of personal value and purpose. You’ll become aware of your unique gifts and how it feels to purposefully express and share them in your life, moment to moment, day to day. Your guided RIM experience will record this vision in your body memory and you’ll receive a practice that anchors it through the coming week.
In this session, you’ll:
- Have a RIM experience that invites a convergence of mind, body, soul, and spirit
- Become acutely aware of your special gifts
- Gain awareness of what your life looks like when you feel confident sharing your gifts purposefully
- Receive a worksheet to record details and insights as you purposefully share your gifts during the coming week
Module 7: Sensing Body-felt Trust in Life & Yourself (April 4)

In this final module, you’ll revisit all your previous experiences to anchor a feeling of trust in your body and soul — helping you live independently of others’ opinions, while remaining open-minded to receiving useful feedback.
As in all things, there is an ongoing balancing act between opposites. Learning to be flexible enough to confidently navigate living in an unpredictable world is a messy process. Being able to access feedback is so important — yet the mind (ego) often interrupts the process and perceives it as rejection.
When this happens, the mind is leading and its job is to logically evaluate or judge. It can’t feel. In essence, it’s heartless. Remembering our emotionally felt wholeness and resilience brings us back into balance.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how to anchor a felt-sense of trust
- Take away an understanding of the balancing act between your two minds: reasoning (thinking) and creative/emotional (intuitive)
- Explore where you land on the two-minds scale and gain a personal sense of direction for how to balance them
- Welcome feedback from your heart about how you’ve transformed during this journey and how your trust in yourself and life has evolved
- Experience a RIM process that integrates these 7 weeks
- Receive a worksheet to record your personal insights and experiences
The Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) Bonus Offering
In addition to Dr. Deb’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive this special offering with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Accessing Your Core Genius for Abundance & Success
PDF Chapter Written by Dr. Deb Sandella & Jack Canfield

In this chapter from the book Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Mindful Living, Dr. Deb and Jack Canfield provide a script to guide you in the process to discover your core genius. Explore the Core Genius Meditation to help you reach your potential by connecting to subtle energy and spirit. Designed to help you own and invest in your gifts, learn how to truly trust yourself and the universe will conspire to manifest your greatest purpose.
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