Dr. Velma Love – Shapeshift Your Ancestral Stories to Ignite Your Divine Purpose 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Velma will guide you as you excavate the intergenerational familial and cultural stories you’re living out and receive the necessary tools to shapeshift those old narratives, so you can create a roadmap for your journey forward as a changemaker — fulfilling your life’s purpose and creating positive social impact.
The Power of Livestreaming Video
You’ll connect with Velma and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Velma’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Velma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to heal personal and cultural ancestral wounds and embark on your journey as a changemaker.
Module 1: Recognizing the Ancestral Story You Carry (August 18)

In this opening session, you’ll start to excavate the personal, ancestral, and cultural narratives you carry.
Your ancestors are not just your familial line, and your ancestral stories come from many different beings. In fact, your entire cultural history helped shape you as an individual.
Learn how to get in touch with your personal narratives and the context from which they took shape and form in your life story.
You’ll consider your origin story by asking yourself: Who are my people? How did they walk in the world? What cultural elements of their lives helped shape mine?
These inquiries will help you explore aspects of the ancestral realm you may not have considered before, and you’ll gain an expanded understanding and notion of the power that you carry within your own consciousness.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A Divine Consciousness meditation, where you’ll connect with a spirit helper and ask to align with and attune to your Ori, the sacred blueprint with which you came into the world
- The blueprint of your soul and why you came into this existence
- What it means to connect with your Ori and why it’s important
- A different way to know yourself and your ancestors, and how the ancestors that shaped your divine story are much more than your familial blood lineage
- That time is not linear, and how what you experience in this time didn’t start with you in this time — so you can recognize your ancestral past in the present
- What phantom narratives are and how to identify them in your life
Module 2: Accepting & Owning Your Full Story (August 25)

Owning your story means accepting all of it… the parts of you that you’re proud of, and those you’d rather forget about.
Explore when you were called into your story — what the setting was, who was there, and who’s part of it now.
Owning your story requires you to take time to walk around your inner landscape and see what sticks and stones are there, as well as what jewels are present… and what forgotten resources might be available to you.
You’ll have a whole new sense of connectivity, and you’ll see how you can co-create stories that are more expansive than you’ve ever realized.
You’ll come away knowing more about yourself, with a greater sense of belonging, and with wider awareness of where you are in the story that you’re living right now.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Velma’s This Is Us meditation, which takes you to the time you were called into the story you’re presently living
- Which of your ancestors are characters in your story, and what roles they play in your supporting cast
- The concept of EGBE — a heart-centered gathering of people who come together for a specific purpose — and how participating in this kind of group can impact your ancestor story
- How to own your story as an individual and as part of the collective
- The affinity groups in the spirit world you belong to
Module 3: Assessing the Intergenerational Patterns in Your Story (September 1)

In this session, you’ll make contact with a spirit guide and assess the spiritual wellbeing of your four primary ancestral lines.
You’ll gain new clarity on what it means to do ancestral lineage healing work, and why it’s incredibly valuable to offer regular ancestral reverence.
This is your opportunity to ask your ancestors when trouble began in your lineage, how it was expressed, and where it affects the current generation. Only then can you learn how to shapeshift the intergenerational narrative.
You may discover trauma you didn’t realize you’re carrying from past generations.
This session will expand your awareness and knowledge of what an ancestral healing practice can look like.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- An ancestral meditation, in which you’ll ask a well ancestor questions about the gifts, blessings, and challenges of your line
- Who is part of your 4 ancestral lines
- How to connect with an ancestor in the spirit world on your own
- What an ancestral plan looks like, and how it’s helpful
- The intergenerational patterns of your ancestors
- Your legacy gifts and blessings, as well as your burdens and challenges
- Shapeshifting medicines for healing by activating new storylines
Module 4: Choosing How to Edit Your Ancestral Story (September 8)

Why would you want to edit your ancestral story? Can you really change what happened in the past?
It’s important to remember that the past continues to live in the present, and if you don’t change the narratives of the past, you’ll recycle them in new forms.
You are your ancestors and they are you. The stories you don’t like are still a part of your legacy. It’s best to know them rather than be blindsided by them — and it’s best to shapeshift them rather than ignore them.
You’ll practice “dropping in” to connect and dialogue with wise and well ancestors for guidance on certain aspects of your life.
When you review your family stories and consider the joys and sorrows buried in your lineage, you’ll likely find parts you want to embrace and others you want to banish.
This is an important recognition for those who want to be part of the shift in consciousness. When you don’t change the core story, it will sprout up in new ways, whether personal or cultural or both.
This session will introduce you to a tried and true process you can use anytime to touch base with the wellspring of ancestral wisdom you carry.
You’ll learn to alchemize the troubling stories by unlocking the medicine in the blessings you carry.
In this module you’ll:
- Discover new insights into your alignment story
- Explore strategies for cultivating and nurturing ancestral support systems
- Learn to identify and connect with cultural ancestors
- Develop a stronger sense of trust and intuition for connecting with familial and cultural ancestors
- Become more intentional about uncovering your full ancestral story
Module 5: Mapping a New Story for Your Life (September 15)

Benefit this week from a reflective pause — the Sankofa practice of glancing backward to remember what’s valuable to bring forward into your future.
The Sankofa practice takes its name from the Sankofa bird who, with his feet planted firmly facing forward, turns his head and looks back before taking flight. It’s a moment of remembering wise sayings from family elders or those who are now in the ancestral realm.
You’ll repeat this exercise as long as you have words of wisdom coming through, thereby sharpening your capacity to hear what they have to say.
This practice is a way of honoring your ancestors… a method you can revisit time and again to serve as a resource in your life and work.
In this module you’ll:
- Participate in the Sankofa practice to map a new story for your future
- Discover which plotlines in your life you want to change
- Learn how to “ghostbust” your phantom narratives
- Seed and nurture new plotlines to carry your life forward
- Deepen your trust of your inner guidance
Module 6: Authoring Your New Story to Make a Cultural Contribution (September 22)

What’s the new story you want to create? What’s the setting? Who are the members of your supporting cast… human and otherwise? Who are the villains? Who are your allies?
Learn what it means to author a new story that will enable you to make personal contributions to the emergence of a new cultural story.
You’ll cultivate the fortitude you need to co-create the new story that you’re ready to live into.
You’ll recognize the mindset changes required and be willing to make them… and discover your strength, beauty, personal medicine, and ways to release it in the world.
You’ll practice remembering what you already know, drawing from ancient wisdoms for the Asé (capacity to make things happen) — to evolve personal and cultural stories that can help create change.
You’ll learn to craft your new story, adorn it, embellish it, and infuse it with the elemental energies that bring it to life.
And, as you craft your new story, you’ll become adept at turning your active imagination into a vision with unlimited possibilities… and become what author Jean Houston describes as “the possible human for the possible society.”
In this module you’ll:
- Be guided in a meditation to visit a spirit guide and use your imagination with journal prompts
- Gain greater clarity about your gifts and the confidence needed to release them into the world
- Develop the mindset you need to write a new story with the wisdom of your ancestors
- Come to understand where you are in your story and who your supporting cast of characters are
- Discover what your Asé power is and why it helps you remember what you already know about how to create personal and cultural change
- Explore how symbols, music, poems, and prayer can move you toward a new story and vision for yourself
Module 7: Customizing & Programming Your Personal Story (September 29)

Programming your new story requires intentionality and repetitive self-talk.
This session provides an opportunity for you to design your customized personal story-shifting ritual.
Ritualizing your story invites in the power of Spirit to hold space with you, and helps you remember you’re not alone. Without this continual support, your brain will default to your old story, and you’ll find yourself forgetting to water the garden you’ve just planted.
Your programming plan may include affirmations you repeat to yourself as part of a nighttime or morning ritual. Velma will offer instructions on meditative writing, journaling, and dream incubation.
In this closing module, you’ll receive the tools, reinforcement, inspiration, and commitment you need to move forward with the next chapter of your life.
You’ll reflect on the work you’ve completed during the past seven weeks and offer gratitude to the spirit allies and ancestral guides who’ve been part of your team.
You’ll check in with your Ori to determine your level of alignment, fine-tune your operating frequency, and listen for instructions.
You’ll leave this course feeling resourced, supported, and ready to shape your future. You’ll take the magic dust with you, toss it about, and walk in it, knowing that there’s always more where that came from.
In this session, you’ll:
- Fine-tune your personal story-shifting ritual
- Discover several phantom narrative ghost-busting strategies — ways to be alert to blindspots, hidden minefields, emotional triggers, and unseen shadows
- Further develop your personal ritual techniques — structuring your prayers, designing your active and quiet meditations, and identifying power spots that speak to you
- Create sample affirmations — short statements that help you focus your energy
- Develop tips for self-talk — ways to check yourself and pivot when you find yourself in a default thought pattern that’s not consistent with your new story
- Refine your power of intention — setting your inner guidance center to get you to your desired destination
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