Sherri Taylor – Dreamwork as Contemplative Practice
- Faculty:
- Sherri Taylor, Taylor
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 18 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Aug 12, 2020
Dreamwork as contemplative practice facilitates psychospiritual wellness through the medicines of rest and restful activity and gentle contemplation of personal embodiment and sensory experience(s).
This presentation provides practitioners with an overview of the theoretical foundations and guiding principles of contemplative dreamwork and the basic progression of contemplative dreamwork to support clients in accessing embodied awareness and increased aliveness.
Manual – Dreamwork as Contemplative Practice (904.4 KB) | 23 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Introduction to the Contemplative Dreamwork
- Dreamwork and Contemplative Practice
- Rest and Deep Embodiment
- (Restful Activity: Reverence, Joy, Imagination)
Phases of Contemplative Dreamwork
- Entry
- Engagement
- Effect

Sherri Taylor Taylor Related seminars and products: 2
Sherri Taylor, Psy.D. is a contemplative, scholar, consultant, and facilitator. She completed her undergraduate education in Feminist Studies at Stanford University and earned her master’s and doctoral degrees from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. Her scholarship and research interests include the intergenerational transmission of benevolence and resilience, psycho-spiritual trauma theories, attachment theory, human development, and processes of embodiment/incarnation. Dr. Taylor is also the founder of the soulstudiolab and Black Womxn’s Dream Lab. The soulstudiolab offers relevant and meaningful programming for individuals, groups, and organizations that integrates innovative approaches and practices from the expressive arts and psychology, with a special focus on the psycho-spiritual importance of creativity and contemplative embodiment to inspire and enact personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and social justice.
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