Eben Alexander, MD & Karen Newell – Secrets of the Soul From Near-Death Experiences 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Eben and Karen will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to deepen your understanding and trust in the great cosmic tapestry of life that connects all beings and embody your true identity as an eternal soul — through the revelatory insights of leading-edge science and near-death experiences.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Eben and Karen and experience their teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Eben and Karen’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Eben and Karen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embody your true identity as an eternal soul through the revelatory insights of leading-edge science and near-death experiences — and the Divine promise that all is well.
Module 1: Find Soul-Affirming Assurance in the Science Behind Eternal Life (October 4)

Those who experience spiritual events related to dying discover that love is the most essential force of existence…
… regardless of whether this experience occurs through after-death communications from deceased loved ones, actual death in a hospice setting, or shared death and near-death experiences.
Paradoxically, the richest experiences of Eben’s entire life occurred when his brain was medically incapable of producing a dream or hallucination.
You’ll explore this revelation this week — that love is far more than molecular interactions in the brain.
And discover how the brain serves as a veil, or filter, that allows in a limited version of primordial consciousness.
As you begin to identify as an eternal soul, you’ll gain access to a larger aspect of self and the love of the universe — and begin a truly viable approach to living.
You’ll gain a deeper awareness that you and those you love will survive physical death — not just as a hopeful thought…
… but as a divine imperative that applies to your soul, other souls, and ultimately the whole of life.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore how filter theory explains our apparent individual minds within a unified mental field of the universe
- Learn why everything you experience is dependent on the mental connections of the universe beyond space and time
- Discover similarities between near-death, shared death, and actual death experiences — revealing that death is not the end of conscious awareness
- Learn how the binding force of love serves to keep us connected throughout all of eternity, even beyond physical bodily death
- Experience a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to know your vibrational self
Module 2: Explore Existential Awareness & Gain a Deeper Understanding of Your Current Incarnation (October 11)

The spiritual realm can be defined as a nonphysical information field, or quantum hologram, which consists of all possible events or interactions.
This week, you’ll explore how neurons are essentially quantum computers that are influenced by mental awareness…
… which can be honed through practices of mental focus such as meditation, contemplation, or mindfulness.
Access to this information occurs naturally through mental states that allow us to be less attached to mental chatter and the physical world. You’ll cultivate this connection by limiting the physical senses and tuning in to receive knowledge through identification rather than through cognitive reasoning.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How the modern science of consciousness reveals that mind can modulate the detailed activity of the brain
- The reality of an afterlife and reincarnation becomes necessary with this expanded view of mind
- The eternal nature of your soul gives you a broader understanding of your current incarnation
- How to limit your physical senses and open your awareness beyond traditional concepts of self to expand your sense of knowing
- A Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to develop an existential awareness of your soul perspective
Module 3: Develop Non-Local Aspects of Your Mind to Reveal the Pure Love of Our Shared Consciousness (October 18)

Evidence supporting the reality of psychic phenomena is overwhelming.
The data gathered on non-local consciousness seen in parapsychology, such as telepathy, strongly suggests the notion of one mind and the interrelationships we share through the mental layer of the universe.
This week, you’ll explore how these connections are experienced firsthand through after-death communications that occur in more than half of the population…
… confirming that what is often considered to be supernatural or paranormal is completely natural and normal.
These non-local aspects of mind are related to the apparent unity of consciousness within each of us (the binding problem in philosophy of mind) and beautifully support the one mind concept.
This week, you’ll:
- Discover how close relationships often result in powerful telepathic connections — including those that happen across physical and nonphysical worlds
- Explore the collaboration and cooperation that occurs across species in the animal kingdom — revealing a shared consciousness
- Explore why more than half of those who experienced an after-death communication reported that they had not told anyone for fear of ridicule
- Consider why messages received through after-death communications are often related to love and reassurance
- Experience a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to invite and trust transformative spiritual experiences
Module 4: Boost Synergistic Synchronicities to Validate Connections That Transcend Time & Space (October 25)

Near-death experiences are tailored to the individual, often providing an ongoing connection to guidance and a refreshing perspective on events in their lives.
This week, you’ll explore top-down causality and its assumption that guiding forces stemming from the spiritual realm are influencing our emerging reality.
You’ll learn how synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are clues to the reality of the spiritual realm having domain over the physical realm.
Eben will also share how experimental results in quantum physics reveal the underlying connections of events that cannot be explained through conventional understandings of space and time, as demonstrated through synchronicities, intuition, empathy, telepathy, and remote viewing.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover top-down causality — organizational principles from the one mind that influence events at the level of the individual soul
- Learn why paying attention to seemingly unrelated events in the physical world allows you to sense deeper connections transcending time and space
- Explore how in being part of a whole, you are unique in how your soul’s journey unfolds according to your individual pathway
- Learn why remote viewing offers an opportunity to prove the reality of knowledge acquisition beyond the here and now
- Experience a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to access information from an expanded perspective
Module 5: Amplify Your Heart Consciousness to Create Strength in Stress & Challenging Situations (November 1)

Quantum entanglement arises from the connection of two particles — once connected, they remain connected, even when separated by vast expanses of space and time.
This week, you’ll learn why this scientific fact validates the concept that your soul, through heart consciousness, is entangled with other souls, soul groups, and spiritual energies. .. across both the earthly and spiritual realms.
You’ll also explore these connections through the resonance principle — a strong sense of familiarity or acceptance, most fully conveyed through love and its many expressions.
Those who have encountered this loving force feel embraced by a sense of unconditional love and that all is well in the universe.
This week, you’ll discover:
- The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded scientists who proved the reality of entanglement — “spooky action at a distance” — is real
- Life reviews during near-death and related experiences reveal the importance of your interconnected soul relationships
- Tuning in to the love of the universe from within you has the potential to bring tremendous strength to stressful and challenging situations
- Intentionally infusing your system with gratitude and trust contributes to states of ecstasy and has a beneficial resonance towards soul growth
- A Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording led by Eben and Karen to invoke the love from the source of all that is
Module 6: Cultivate Lucid Dreaming to Become a Powerful Agent of Influence (November 8)

The continuum of consciousness is revealed through examination of the dream space, psychedelic plant medicine effects, hypnotic regression, prayer, spontaneous spiritual epiphanies, and more.
This week, you’ll learn how scientific research exploring these phenomena is opening the door to a grander interpretation of human experience. Eben and Karen will share how when you are released from inhabiting a body in the physical world, your awareness is what survives…
… and how maintaining this awareness creates a more confident, calm, and trusting outlook on life in the present moment — while also preparing you for the inevitable and transformational process of death.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore the fascinating research of entheogens, which reveals how nonphysical factors must be involved during extraordinary psychedelic experiences
- Delve deeper into conscious experiences to understand the major connecting principles reflective of your soul journey
- Discover lucid dreams as opportunities to recognize yourself as a willful agent of influence
- Learn how hypnotic regression of a previous lifetime to the point of death reveals the same features as near-death and actual death experiences
- Experience a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to maintain a point of lucid consciousness independent of the body
Module 7: Empower the Free Will of Your Soul to Better Face Challenges With Grace (November 15)

The evolution of all humanity naturally occurs as individuals learn and grow on the broader pathway of multiple lifetimes.
In this final module, you’ll explore how although there is an underlying structure at play, ultimately each of us has free will to make choices in our responses to life’s events.
Knowing that you’ll survive physical death and are part of one consciousness, made of love, you have a collective responsibility to care for the least, the last, and the lost.
As you become more adept at how to address solutions from a compassionate and expanded perspective, you’ll tap into a deeper capacity to resolve individual and collective challenges such as addiction, interpersonal conflict, healing, social disharmony, and issues related to the environment.
During the final class, you’ll:
- Become empowered by your free will as a soul — and understand how it correlates with a quantum-informed model of primordial consciousness
- Discover extraordinary stories of heroic strangers coming to the aid of others at the risk of their own lives as an example of the highest acts of altruism and unity that we share
- Cultivate a coherent heart field that helps you and those around you simultaneously — and serves as the Ultimate Golden Rule
- Tap into your greater capacity to face challenges with grace and make responsible decisions as a pathway to optimal soul growth
- Experience a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio recording to tune in to your future self for present day wisdom
The Secrets of the Soul From Near-Death Experiences Bonus Offering
In addition to Eben and Karen’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Sunday, October 1, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
Physics, Consciousness & the Scientific Paradigm Shift
A Video Dialogue With Eben Alexander and Brian Thomas Swimme

In this compelling exchange, Eben Alexander engages cosmologist and professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, Brian Thomas Swimme, in a discussion of shifting scientific worldviews concerning the nature of the mind-brain relationship — and our interconnections through the mental layer of the universe. Influenced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, author of The Phenomenon of Man, they discuss the evolutionary aspects of consciousness itself and how this is critical to those pursuing a spiritual pathway. Awakening to these understandings will catalyze your individual evolution, say Eben and Brian Thomas — and assist with humanity’s growth into true wisdom as homo sapiens as we expand our stewardship of a flourishing Earth.
Register by October 1 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
Exploring End of Life Dreams & Visions
Video Dialogue With Karen Newell and Dr. Christopher Kerr

In this insightful 42-minute video exchange, Karen Newell speaks with Dr. Christopher Kerr, author of Death Is But a Dream and Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer at Hospice and Palliative Care Buffalo, on what motivated his interest in the natural death process and the fascinating events that take place at the end of life — dreams and visions with themes of love, meaning, connection, closure, and continuation. They also share how research of actively dying hospice patients validates what is reported during near-death experiences. These deeply personal and transformative experiences are described as “lived events” that are “more real than real” and bring tremendous comfort to the dying and their loved ones.
NDEs: Integrating Personal Experience With Scientific Theories
PDF Excerpt From Eben Alexander & Karen Newell’s Book Living in a Mindful Universe

In chapter 6 of Eben and Karen’s book, Living in a Mindful Universe, you’ll explore how a modern, rational society tends to dismiss or ignore the anomalous events of near-death experiences with seemingly no way to explain them. Spiritual experiences are more common than we realize, including a potential after-death communication Eben experienced 14 years prior to his NDE, but did not share with anyone due to a sense of professional vulnerability. He shares why broader scientific theories are necessary to fully integrate these natural occurrences into a sensible worldview, one that acknowledges direct, personal experience as integral to understanding the nature of reality and our place within it.
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