Flowing Zen – Qigong 101: The Art of Self-Healing for Busy People
Step-by-step ONLINE teachings that make it affordable, convenient, and easy for you to finally heal.
Is this Program Right for You?
Are You In Pain?
Do you have chronic pain that just won’t go away? Are painkillers the only thing that your doctors can offer? Are you looking for a better solution to your migraines, back pain, or chronic pain?

Are you Depressed or Anxious?
Are you depressed — whether it’s clinical, undiagnosed, or just a terrible case of the blues? Is there a background static of anxiety that you can’t turn off?
Are you Stressed Out?
Do you feel like stress is gradually getting the best of you? Are your shoulders getting tighter, is your breath getting shallower, and is your patience running thin?

Are You Exhausted?
Do you feel so deeply fatigued and burnt out that you can hardly manage your daily responsibilities?
Do you spend your free time recharging rather than having fun or going out?

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