Ginger Lapid-Bogda – The Empower Your Deeper Purpose With the Enneagram
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Ginger will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to illuminate your purpose and the path to achieve it by embracing what you love… aligning with your core values… and harnessing the wisdom of your Enneagram type.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Ginger. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to illuminate your purpose by harnessing the wisdom of your Enneagram type.
Module 1: Forge a Path to Fulfillment & Joy by Allowing What You Love & Your Type to Guide You to Your Deeper Purpose

In this opening session, you’ll explore the link between your Enneagram type and why your lights are on or off, or the feeling of being inspired and motivated by what you love.
Ginger will share how loving what you do is the fuel that empowers you to move forward, to feel fulfilled, and to stick with what you truly want.
Love is also the basis for identifying and pursuing your purpose.
While most of us know what we think we love, oftentimes this feeling isn’t rooted in love at all but rather in past patterns, ideals, and comparison judgments.
You’ll be guided through experiences that essentially light up what you truly love — to help you know in a visceral way how much you really love what you do.
Be prepared for affirmation, surprises, fun, and a new way to identify what you truly love.
In this session, you’ll:
- Gain clarity on where you are right now in your life and work in relation to what you truly love
- Deepen your understanding of what purpose is and isn’t
- Experience what you really love doing — and receive supportive feedback from the group on how what you think you really love aligns with your Enneagram type
- Develop skills to help others know what they love doing
- Identify your “liquid gold” through a guided experience into your embodied self — and a “lights on” group activity to feel into what you love and where your Enneagram type can illuminate when your lights are on or off
Module 2: Gain Clarity on Your True Talents & Cultivate a Deeper Understanding of Your Strengths & Purpose

We’ve all had successes in our lives, yet do we know what skills and qualities we brought to the situation to make them a success?
You’ll identify and explore the link between your skills and qualities and your Enneagram type.
Most of us tend to take our skills and strengths for granted, so we’re often not fully aware of what they are. We’re also inclined to spend much more time ruminating on events that did not go well in those situations instead of recognizing what we did right.
Ginger will help you shift into focusing on your successes, so you can honor yourself and build on what has worked well in the past.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience a paradigm shift of deep-seated empowerment that allows you to focus more on your strengths and successes rather than your failures
- Learn how to use your Enneagram type to identify skills, qualities, and positive attributes that contribute to your success
- Learn how to transfer strengths from one environment to future context
- Be guided through a relaxing breathing technique — and into a visualization where you’ll imagine a new skill or quality that you’d like to acquire and what it feels like to wield it
Module 3: Welcome a Vision-Based Life Filled With Love, Connection & Possibility by Mastering the Edgy Aspects of Your Enneagram Type

How easy are you to be with? Do you even know?
Ginger will share how your level of self-mastery dictates the extent to which you can be with and accept yourself and others… and live a vision-based life — from self-awareness to being open to feedback to self-responsibility.
You’ll explore the meaning of self-mastery through the lens of your Enneagram type… understanding, identifying, and working on the aspects of your type that are hindering your ability to actualize your purpose.
You’ll explore how these are related to your own life experiences, the degree of your self-reflection and self-work, your Enneagram type, and more…
… and then use the Enneagram to make yourself a person whom others want to engage with both at home and at work.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- The importance of self-mastery at home and work in relation to identifying, pursuing, and actualizing your purpose
- The multiple interrelated components of self-mastery — and how to accurately assess your level of self-mastery
- The changes you can make to enhance self-mastery and make the biggest difference in your life right now
- How the Enneagram supports the development of your self-mastery
- A guided practice to bathe yourself in self-acceptance — and discover how to work with your lowest self-mastery factor for your development within the context of your Enneagram type
Module 4: Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone to Open to New Possibilities & the Greater Plan for Your Life

How does your Enneagram type impact your desire for comfort… and quell your willingness to explore new opportunities?
You’ll learn how as you pursue your purpose, you’ll need to move beyond your comfort zone… and into your opportunity zone.
Ginger teaches that while your comfort zone instills a sense of ease and being “in control” of yourself and your environment, it’s also a zone devoid of opportunity.
Within your opportunity zone, however, lies excitement, creativity, and expansion.
You’ll explore how to ease your way into the zone of opportunity by starting small, experimenting, and learning as you go.
During this class, you’ll:
- Learn why pursuing your purpose requires that you shift out of your comfort zone and open to new possibilities
- Identify where you are currently in terms of comfort versus opportunity
- Explore the difference between control and emergence as they relate to discovering and following your purpose
- Recognize your own patterns of control — where you hold on when it’s in your best interest to let go
- Be guided through an experience to discern your comfort zone from your opportunity zone
Module 5: Live Your Core Values to Illuminate the Path Toward Your Divine Purposeful Life

How does your type illuminate your core values — and help you bring these values into the world and what you love?
Ginger will share how pursuing your purpose and experiencing the sense of meaning that it inspires requires that you align with your core values…
… otherwise, you may inadvertently create obstacles to your forward momentum.
This discovery process includes assessing how your values align with what you think, how you feel, and the actions you take.
As you become consistently aligned with your core values through Ginger’s techniques that foster values alignment, your purpose will be infused with integrity, emboldening you as you pursue the path of your purpose.
In this session, you’ll:
- Recognize the role your values play in the pursuit of your purpose
- Identify your top 3 values — and explore how they align with your Enneagram type
- Gain a deeper understanding of your values — and learn how embodying and living aligned with your values illuminates your purpose
- Explore how integrity emboldens the pursuit of your purpose
- Experience “color washing” to relax and attune yourself to your core values — and “mind-map” your values to shift from comfort to opportunity
Module 6: Discern What You Really Want & How to Get It by Harnessing the Wisdom of Your Centers of Intelligence

How does your type influence your 3 Centers of Intelligence — your Head, Heart, and Body… and your ability to discern the wisdom that they can provide?
You’ll weave together the main takeaways that you’ve learned thus far: What you love when your “lights are on”… what you’re good at, including the skills and qualities you bring to your successful experiences… how easy you are to be with and your growth in this area, including your self-mastery level and range… and the core values that are most important to you.
From this integrated understanding, the wisdom from your 3 Centers of Intelligence can be your guide for tuning in to what it is that you truly want — and what your purpose is at this point in your life.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- What you really want using your 3 Centers of Intelligence — integrating your centers with all of the insights you’ve learned about yourself thus far
- How your core purpose can be found and achieved through your inner revelations, your Enneagram type, and the 3 Centers of Intelligence
- How to successfully engage your 3 Centers of Intelligence as invaluable advisors on your journey
- The far-reaching effects of speaking your truth and honoring what you truly want
- A guided centering experience that engages your 3 Centers of Intelligence — and asks the question: What do I really want?
Module 7: Integrate Your 3 Centers of Intelligence to Activate the Power of Intention & Start Pursuing Your Purpose

How can the 3 Centers of Intelligence be integrated to support your intentions — and the fulfillment of your purpose?
In the final class, you’ll experience what Ginger calls “3 centered-integration,” or learning how to use all 3 centers in an embodied way to manifest the full power of your intention.
Even more, you’ll create a simple yet profound plan to pursue your purpose and identify the most important elements of a support system that can help you along the way.
Ginger will share that although your purpose may shift and change as you grow and move forward over the years, the processes you’ve learned throughout the course can be applied anywhere, anytime.
In the final session, you’ll:
- Have a coherent purpose to pursue that has been cultivated through your inner revelations, your Enneagram type, and the integration of your 3 Centers of Intelligence
- Learn a powerful intention practice that you can use in a variety of situations
- Explore embodiment exercises that will help you manifest your desires in many contexts
- Create a simple, powerful plan to pursue your purpose — one that includes a support system to encourage you as you move forward with your purpose
- Practice setting an intention from the 3 Centers — and embodied intention as you fully embody your purpose
The Empower Your Deeper Purpose Bonus Offering
In addition to Ginger’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Perspectives on Purpose From the 9 Enneagram Types
An Illustrated PDF by Ginger Lapid-Bogda

In this illustrated 11-page PDF, you’ll explore how each Enneagram type offers an important perspective on the pursuit of your purpose. You’ll learn the particular perspective of each type and the special quality it brings. These perspectives and qualities are valuable for all of us to integrate into our lives — and the questions included for each type will help you do exactly that.
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