James Van Praagh – Cultivate Your Mediumship Skills 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational program, James will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to understand your intuitive soul language and begin your path into mediumship.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with James and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of James’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with James. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to understand your true essence as a soul, learn to read the energy all around you, and connect to your spirit team and beings who reside in the spiritual realms.
Module 1: Connect With Your Soul Self for an Increased Sense of Self-Worth (June 21)

Your soul has traversed spaces and places through eons of time. It’s time for you to connect with your soul self.
In this opening module, James will reveal the various ways you can connect with the core essence of your being. He’ll guide you through meditations so you can experience for yourself what it means to truly connect with your soul self.
The goal of this session is for you to feel more connected to the inner truth of who you are… and as a result, experience an increased sense of self-worth and confidence.
In this class, you’ll:
- Learn what the soul is… and what it’s not
- Release old fears and belief systems that inhibit your true self and keep you from living your most authentic life
- Understand the importance of centering and grounding yourself as you learn how to release unwanted and foreign energy from your auric field
- Learn how to set boundaries and honor your sacred space
- Be aware of the negative thoughts you’re fueling that may be holding you back from manifesting joy and happiness in your life
- Explore the electrical system of the body known as the chakras and recognize when they are blocked or open
- Get to know your own energy system through a series of scanning techniques
Module 2: Intuition — The Soul’s Language: Learn to Trust Your Inner Voice & Embody Certainty Through All of Life’s Choices (June 28)

Learn how to trust and harness your intuition — what James calls “the voice of the soul.” Through guided exercises, you’ll come to understand your soul’s unique language and discover how to honor and use your intuition to make the best, most bold, and clearest choices.
You’ll find how natural it is to use your innate sense of knowing and how valuable a foundation it can be in your everyday life. With this skill set, you’ll be able to sense and feel the energy of living beings, physical spaces, and objects.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand the subtle nudges of knowingness that your soul is sharing with you
- Sense the slight difference between regular cognition and natural perception
- Accurately sense, feel, and perceive your own and other people’s energy
- Adapt your own unique process of discernment by using your intuitive awareness
- Begin to “read” another person’s soul energy and their auric field
- Be guided through a meditative practice to sit in the stillness of your being
Module 3: Surrender as the Key to Mediumship — Knowing the Difference Between Your Own Mind & Spirit Guidance (July 5)

As James guides you through exercises you’ll discover how to raise your energetic vibration by sitting in the power of your soul — and begin to accurately sense and feel the space around you.
You’ll also discover the importance of attunement, and how to use the “off and on switches” of your mind when developing and using your mediumship skills.
By practicing the art of surrender, you’ll become attuned to the spaces around you. You’ll begin to gently explore the mind space and learn how to let “spirit people” activate your awareness when they’re present.
James will also show you how to discern between what’s coming from your Earthly mind and what is originating from the spirit world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how to prepare yourself in body, mind, and spirit for your work in mediumship by using various “trance-like” states
- Understand the differences between the various “clairs” — clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance
- Be guided to stretch the spaces of your mind and surrender them to the spirit world
- Accurately sense, feel, and perceive energies of various spirit people
- Learn the importance of “evidence-based” information — such as memories, personalities, names, and more — that comes from Spirit
- Begin to acquire a “reference library” to validate the type of spirit messenger that’s coming through and the information they’re offering
Module 4: Connect With Your Spirit Guides to Understand Your Earthly Lessons (July 12)

No one walks on their spiritual path alone. Each of us comes here with a unique spirit team catered to inspire, counsel, and assist us in our learning at this Earthly school.
When you create an enduring bond and a communication link with each one of them, it affords you the opportunity to work in harmony and bring about the easiest solutions to your life situations — which are opportunities for your soul to grow.
You’ll explore your spirit team’s role in your life and expand your understanding of the meaning behind your various Earthly “classes” (or lessons).
James will demonstrate to each participant what the process of tuning into their spirit guides looks like.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to recognize your individual spirit guides and each one’s specialty
- Recognize the unique energy that earmarks each of your spirit guides so you know which one to bring forth at the appropriate time
- Learn how your spirit guides work together with other realms and make themselves known to you
- Gain confidence in discerning the difference between your energy and that of a spirit guide
- Allow each guide to bring you their specific identification sign
- Become aware of how a single guided message can address multiple aspects of your Earthly life
Module 5: A Space of Healing to Restore the Body & Mind (July 19)

James will reveal that the only way to fully heal the body and mind is by healing the spirit within.
When you live in a constant current of fear, it creates an unbalanced and limited life experience. To experience true healing, you must first heal and uncover the loving light-filled spirit within — and begin to clear away old traumas and debris from the inside out.
James will guide you through several healing modalities that offer a deep sense of inner peace.
In this session, you’ll:
- Uncover the various traumas from your past that have impacted who you are today — and clear away hidden blocks to total healing
- Explore the incredible power of forgiveness and its role in the art of healing
- Unleash the profound healing power of the mind
- Masterfully unlock your unique spiritual healing abilities
- Understand how to successfully connect with your unique set of healing guides
- Learn how to channel divine healing energy into your life and the lives of others
Module 6: Experience Past Life Regression to Learn Your True Life Purpose (July 26)

Your soul has lived through eons and eons of time tracing back and forth from one world to another — learning as much as it can to continue its growth. Your soul’s path can be tumultuous at times, but whether good or bad, the memories are forever held within your soul.
In past life regression, you allow your soul to take you back to various lives by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in your subconscious mind… but always accessible.
James will guide you to another dimension — to recognize past life experiences and how they’re connected to your present life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a guided mind-journey to access various past lives
- Understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places
- Explore your past lives and current soul group and what you’re learning from one another
- Discover the various lessons you’re here to learn and the patterns you continue to repeat
- Explore unresolved emotions and habits that have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs systems you haven’t been able to explain
- Reveal the realms your soul calls “home” when it is in the spiritual world
Module 7: Automatic Writing to Reveal the Unconscious Depths of Your Mind (August 2)

There are many ways to connect with your soul self. Automatic writing, an ancient and timeless divination tool, is a doorway to a deep source of wisdom. Through this practice, you can bring the innermost aspect of your being to your conscious mind.
Every soul uses a form of this art of divination when they call on Source energy within to assist them in the creation of artistic and creative projects on this Earthly plane.
James will guide you through the process of automatic writing so you can tap into the layers of your inner mind… to reveal what subconscious beliefs you hold. This life-changing tool will support you as you explore the inner truth of who you are.
In this closing session, you’ll:
- Learn how to enter the various trance-like states in order to open up your mediumship channels
- Use automatic writing to sharpen your intuitive self and reveal various qualities of your soul
- Receive messages from your guides and from loved ones on the other side of the veil
- Allow your body to talk to you and tell you what it needs to sustain itself
- Explore how to use your guidance system whenever you need it
- Connect with the Oneness of your soul and its origin
The Mediumship Skills Bonus Offering
In addition to James’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Conversation With Spirit
Live Zoom Mediumship Demonstration With James Van Praagh

This is a rare and exciting opportunity to be present for a live mediumship experience with James. He’ll tap into the spirit world to contact the loved ones of some of the course participants — maybe yours! A handful of you will receive messages directly from Spirit.
Tapping Into Past Lives
Guided Audio Meditation With James Van Praagh

Have you ever wondered why you like or dislike a certain person or place? Do you have a sense that you’ve lived before? In this guided meditation, James brings you back through the seas of time and assists you in opening the door to your soul’s past. You’re bound to experience deep healing and insights from whatever you discover.
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