Kenlyn Kolleen – The Portal to Your Field of Super-Abundance 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Kenlyn will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully access the field of super-abundance… and open up to the realm of possibility, serendipity, and magic to live with greater ease and flow.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Kenlyn and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Kenlyn’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Kenlyn. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open up to the realm of possibility, serendipity, and magic… and access the field of super-abundance.
Module 1: Entering the Field of Super-Abundance to Make Synchronicity, Flow, Delight & Magic Part of Your Daily Life (April 25)

While these powerful evolutionary times may require much from you, they also open you to new portals.
You have a choice between feeding the fear frequency or stepping into a higher frequency where synchronicity, flow, delight, and magic are a part of your daily life.
This course occurs during a powerful time between two moon eclipses, often referred to by astrologists as the “wormhole.” This season is a powerful reboot of our collective consciousness — you’ll receive new codes, and shed the skin of who you are so you can rebirth yourself anew.
You’ll begin this 7-week journey to reboot your consciousness, meet your shadow, and create your personal access points — or portals — to the subtle field of the non-ordinary where super-abundance lives.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The meaning of super-abundance — what it is, what it’s not, and where it comes from
- What’s possible inside the world of super-abundance
- The difference between super-abundance and manifesting
- What’s standing in the way of you accessing the world of super-abundance
- How super-abundance makes you prosperous — yet the state of super-abundance itself is better than having things
- Two transformative practices: “Put on and Take Off Your Glasses” and “Shoulding vs. Being”
Module 2: Release What’s Standing in the Way of the Field of Super-Abundance to Break Free From Scarcity, Fear & Lack (May 2)

In these final days of the eclipse wormhole, with a full moon fast approaching, Kenlyn will guide you to be honest with yourself about what’s really been holding you back — even though you’ve worked so hard on your personal growth.
As Kenlyn will explain, the deep root of scarcity, fear, and lack is separation — but how did that occur and what can you do about it? The world of “knowing” will only get you so far.
The completion of the eclipse wormhole is the perfect time to go deep into your matrix — the way you see life and the price you’ve paid living within that perspective. You’ll discover the paradox that represents your way out.
To ascend, you must descend. Kenlyn will guide you to release anything that’s been blocking you from accessing the field of super-abundance.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Personal patterns that keep you stuck in a fixed way of being
- The collective force of drift and shadow patterns that pull you back into a space of scarcity despite your best efforts
- How the grip of negative love has shaped you and colored your world — and what to do about it
- The paradox of living in two worlds at once while choosing super-abundance over scarcity
- A journaling practice to uncover the exact thing that took you out of the field of super-abundance
- A guided practice entitled, How Do I Get Complete?
Module 3: Become the “Zero Space” as You Access the Non-Ordinary to Restore Your Power & Confidence (May 9)

Now that you’re out of the wormhole between the eclipses and out of the full-moon energy, Kenlyn will guide you to experience non-ordinary reality, generated from your own being…
This non-ordinary, sacred place is one access point to the field of super-abundance you can co-create with your subtle bodies and the consciousness of super-abundance.
Like the dream state, this place is more vast than ordinary life and therefore can be a portal to non-causal reality… and a way of being that begins to infiltrate your existence.
You’ll experience Kenlyn’s full-moon ritual to create a comfortable, distraction-free space to lay down, listen to music, and have an eye pillow over your eyes.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- A way to step outside of the myth of your life that restores your power
- Messages and guidance from your subtle-body self that lives in the world of super-abundance
- How to access the world of non-causality… a non-linear world that makes no sense, a place of being and not trying to achieve anything at all
- A supercharged process that opens the doorway to super-abundance (no plant medicine required)
- A breathwork practice for releasing emotional wounds and patterns that unconsciously block your access to the field of super-abundance
Module 4: Live as Your Future Self Now to Generate Joy, Flow, Abundance & Miracles (May 16)

As you prepare for the New Moon in Taurus, you’ll reflect on the profound truth that becoming a powerful force — with the ability to create impact and live in super-abundance — requires ongoing practice.
Spiritual states of ascension often prompt the question, “How can I integrate this into my daily life?” In the remaining weeks of this course, Kenlyn will help you delve into this inquiry.
The second access point you’ll explore is found in a construct called the future.
The future is an imagination of the embodiment of the person you came here to be — who has consistent access to the field of super-abundance and generates joy, serendipity, flow, abundance, and miracles on a daily basis.
You’ll learn how to make contact with your future self and allow this version of yourself to inform your life now. Kenlyn will help you create a comfortable, distraction-free space to move around the room and possibly lay down, listen to music, and put an eye pillow over your eyes.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- What’s possible when you break the habit of being yourself
- The profound impact of contacting your future self
- A powerful state of being that lives in super-abundance
- How to embody the wisdom of your future self
- Kenlyn’s questions about your future self
- A practice to walk around the room as your future self
Module 5: Create Your Personal Mantra — Use Your Words to Cultivate New Worlds of Possibility (May 23)

With the waxing crescent moon now in Cancer after the new moon, you’ll move out of the new-moon frequency.
It’s often said that “your word creates your world.” Though you may not realize it, you’ve created the world you live in through language.
As you explore a third access point into the world of super-abundance — possessing a personal mantra — you’ll examine four ways to work with your words to achieve your vision. This process can satisfy your logical mind while opening you to the world of the non-ordinary.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore how being judgmental places others outside of the circle you’re in, while super-abundance ensures that everyone is included in the circle
- Transform disempowering communication — turning suffering, scarcity, and lack into a world of possibility
- Access super-abundance through a series of powerful questions
- Discover the power of inquiry and leave behind imperatives, judgments, and conclusions
- Create your own personal super-abundance mantra that serves as an access point to the field of super-abundance
Module 6: Create Your Own Soul Symbol to Bypass Your Logical Mind & Attract New Possibilities for Your Life (May 30)

With the full moon now in Sagittarius, you’ll explore how the world of symbols represents a powerful tool in the world of magic — and a fourth portal to the world of super-abundance.
Seeing the world in symbols decodes information in your reality and heightens your awareness. You can use symbols to bypass your linear, logical mind and draw new possibilities to you.
Kenlyn will guide you to create your own personal symbol that gives you direct access to the field of super-abundance.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- A new way to work with your problems, intentions, or desires — by accessing a power that’s far more effective than goal-setting or the limits of cause and effect
- How to create a customized and unique symbol that you feel reflects the world of possibility
- Practices to use your mantra from last week in tandem with your soul symbol
Module 7: Design an Embodiment Mudra to Access the World of Super-Abundance — So You Can Experience Expanded Possibilities & Magic and Live With Greater Ease & Flow (June 6)

As the final session begins, you’ll have been in the energy of the full moon in Sagittarius for three days — an ideal time to bring this journey to a close.
By now, you’ll have embraced a new way of being and discovered a variety of customized tools to keep you inside the field of super-abundance.
As you continue to feel and experience the world of super-abundance, you’ll be equipped with powerful access points to practice and use whenever you feel the need.
As the course concludes, Kenlyn will share the final access point to the field of super-abundance: a simple daily mudra (embodiment practice).
In this final session, you’ll:
- Design an embodiment mudra based on your soul symbol and mantra
- Discover why worthiness has nothing to do with the world of super-abundance
- Experience an inspired movement that reflects your unique and personal access to the field of super-abundance
- Integrate all the access points you’ve learned in this course into one practice
- Learn the way of being that generates the world of super-abundance as a possibility
- Explore practical ways to anchor your experience on a daily basis — and the importance of committing to your new practices
- Discover the spiritual muscle you’ll need to access the field of super-abundance
The Super-Abundance Bonus Offering
In addition to Kenlyn’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Death: Embodying the Ultimate Surrender
Video Dialogue With Kenlyn Kolleen and Sabrina Chaw From Shift’s Third Act Summit

In this dialogue with Kenlyn and women’s empowerment mentor Sabrina Chaw, you’ll be guided on a journey to experience your own death using a specific breath technique. This practice can have the serendipitous effect of clearing obstacles and fears that prevent you from living an authentic life. Sabrina, the CEO of A Feminine Feast, helps women discover their unique path and power through the awakening of their feminine core and spirit.
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