- Faculty:
- Linda Curran | Betsy Polatin
- Duration:
- 7 Hours 59 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Jul 12, 2018
- Allowing Our Bodies to Complete a Response
- Understanding Our Patterns
- Letting Go of a “Character”
- The Importance of Support
- 3 Dimensional Breathing
- Can You Do Less?
- Toned But Not Tense
- Internal Resources
- External Resources
- Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Reset Breath
- Living in the Present vs. the Past
- Experiential Exercise: “Orienting”
- Orienting Demonstration
- Differentiating
- Stephen Porges: Polyvagal Theory
- Tend/Befriend
- Fight/Fright/Freeze
- Collapse (Dorsal Vagal Response)
- The Levels of Physiological Arousal
- Experiential Exercise: “Tracking”
- Reptilian Brain (Sensations)
- Limbic (Feelings)
- Cognitive (Thinking)
- Containment & Support
- Tracking Demonstration
- Stress Event/Reaction
- Discharge Energy
- Equilibrium/Baseline
- Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic
- Defense Cascade
- Tonic Immobility
- Robert Scaer M.D. Interview
- Interpersonal Regulation
- Self-Regulation
- Support
- Suspension
- Shift Self-Awareness in the Body
- Effect on Nervous System
- Neglect & Attachment
- Importance of Touch
- Asking Permission Before Touching
- Practitioner Hands on “to fix”
- Non-Fixing Touch
- Merging Touch
- Barely Touching
- Agency Touch
- Support
- Skin Hunger
- Letters to Body Workers Regarding Touch
- Compression System (Building Blocks)
- Suspension System (Expansion)
- Proper Breathing Requires Attention
- Breathing Coordination Used to Reverse Emphysema
- Diaphragm Breathing
- Belly Breathing
- 3 Dimensional Breathing
- Sideways
- Up & Down
- Front to Back
- Helping Clients be Aware of their Stance
- Helping Clients be Aware of their Emotions
- Volitional Control
- Goal: Become Embodied & Present
- Four Reactions to Trauma
- Fight
- Flight
- Freeze
- Find a Friend (Basic Human Instinct)
- We’re Traumatized Because We Don’t Believe we Can Get Help
- 50% Awareness in on the Inside
- 50% Awareness in on the Outside
- Experiential Exercise: “Can I Do Less?” & Discussion
- Knowing our Own Patterns
- Being Able to Shift Your Patterns
- Dance
- Vocal Coach
- Movement, Trauma & Experience
- Working with Peter Levine
Linda Curran, Betsy Polatin – Touch & Movement in Trauma Therapy
When you think about your most traumatized clients, do you ask yourself “why are my clients stuck?” or “why aren’t they getting better?”
Trauma affects the mind, brain and body. Successful therapy requires interventions that address all three – interventions that heal the autonomic nervous system and those that address the body and internal organs as well. How many of these are you using with your clients?
Join movement specialist and author of The Actor’s Secret, Betsy Polatin MFA, SEP, and trauma specialist Linda Curran BCPC, LPC, CACD, CCDPD, and learn to address trauma in a bottom-up fashion. You will gain techniques and resources that address sensory, motoric and somatic issues and encourage clients to turn their attention towards the internal sensations of position and movement, bodily pain, and sensing one’s internal state. You will be able to implement sensorimotor and somatic interventions, including those adapted from the Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Method, Gestalt therapy, Yoga, sensory integration methods, therapeutic touch and breathwork.
This workshop teaches a plethora of relatively simple, yet theoretically sound, body-based techniques for healing simple, complex, and developmental trauma.
Are you ready to take your trauma intervention toolbox to the next level? Register today and start on your journey to more positive outcomes for your most traumatized clients.
Manual – Touch & Movement in Trauma Therapy (3.5 MB) | 27 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Introduction to Betsy Polatin & Performance Training
Do Our Intentions Match the Results?
Entrenched Patterns
Performance & Trauma
Somatic Experiencing
The Actor’s Secret: A New Approach to Performance Training
The Alexander Technique
Breathing Coordination
Somatic Experiencing
The Importance of Movement
How Do We “Use” Ourselves
Effort & Energy
Client Demonstration
Touch & Movement
The Roles We Play
Changing Habitual Patterns through Touch & Movement
Experiential Exercise: “Resources” & Discussion
Trauma 101
“What Happened to You” vs. “What is Wrong With You”
Peter Levine’s View of Trauma
The Brain in the Palm of Your Hand (Dan Siegel)
Overwhelm/Shutting Down
Gestalt Therapy
The Arousal Cycle
Experiential Exercise: “Startle Exercise”
Orienting: Betsy Polatin
The Autonomic Nervous System: Linda Curran
Stress Response
Freeze Response
Experiential Exercise: Interoceptors & Discussion
Use of Self
“How” vs. “What” You Do
Definition of “Use”
Two Concepts
Demonstration: “Support”
Wrap Up & Conclusion
Awareness through Movement Feldenkrais Method
Hands on Method
Awareness through Movement Lessons
Human Brains Organized Towards Efficiency, Healing, and Functional Organization
Trauma & Awareness through Movement
Experiential Exercise
Touch “When & Why”
Harry Harlow Study
Touch & Resonance
Experiential Exercise: “Energetic Boundaries” & Discussion
Two Types of Touch
3 Ways of Approaching Touch
Experiential Exercise: “Hands On” & Discussion
Touch & Trauma Treatment
Communication about Touch
Experiential Exercise: “Get a Pen” & Ethical Decision Making Worksheet & Explanation
How to Communicate When We Don’t Want to be Touched
How Essential Touch is to Our Well-Being
Suspended From Above
Two Systems
Body Alignment: Suspension System
Experiential Exercise: “Suspension” & Discussion
Review of Ethical Decision-Making Worksheet
Follow-up: Letter to Body Workers
Working with Flashbacks
Guided Imagery is the Opposite of Flashbacks
Experiential Exercise: Guided Imagery: “Lemon Experiment” & Discussion
Review of Suspension & Support
Carl Stough “Breathing Coordination”
Different Models of Breathing
Experiential Exercise: “3 Dimensional Breathing” & Discussion
Collapsed vs. Empowered Stance
Experiential Exercise: “Collapsed vs. Empowered Stance”
Dual Awareness
Autonomic Nervous System
Mentor: Mary Lou Schack, Ph.D.
Problems Have a Traumatic Base
Experiential Psychotherapy Session with Dr. Schack
Processing the Session
Awareness & Alexander Technique: Betsy Polatin
Experiential Exercise: “50/50 Awareness”
Experiential Exercise: “The Chair” with Betsy Polatin
Alexander Technique
Embodied Self: Linda Curran
More about Betsy Polatin’s Background
Wrap Up & Conclusion
Relationships before Touch
The Language of Trauma is Sensor

Linda Curran, BCPC, LPC, CACD, CCDPD Related seminars and products: 14
Linda A. Curran, BCPC, LPC, CACD, CCDPD, EMDR Level II Trained, is president of Integrative Trauma Treatment, LLC in Havertown, PA. She provides clients an integrative approach to trauma, and treats PTSD in adolescent and adult populations, including clients with eating disorders, sexual trauma, and self-injury. An international speaker on the treatment of trauma, Linda has developed, produced, and presents multi-media workshops on all aspects of psychological trauma.
Linda is the author of the best-selling Trauma Competency: A Clinician’s Guide (PESI, 2010) and 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions: Activities, Exercises and Assignments to Move the Client and Therapy Forward (PESI, 2013). She is the producer of the best-selling Interview Trauma DVD series in which she collaborated with the world’s leaders in Trauma: Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.; Peter Levine, Ph.D.; Babette Rothschild, MSW, LCS; Stephen Porges, Ph.D.; Janina Fisher, Ph.D.; and many more.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Linda Curran maintains a private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Linda Curran has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.
Betsy Polatin Related seminars and products: 1
Betsy Polatin maintains private practices in Brookline, Massachusetts and the Berkshires, and often teaches in New York and London.
She pioneered a four-year Alexander Technique curriculum for the acting conservatory students at Boston University’s College of Fine Arts, where she continues to teach today.
In addition to Boston University, Betsy is on the faculty at the Opera Institute of Boston. She has also taught at: The Tanglewood Summer Music Program, Berklee College of Music, The Muscular Therapy Institute, New Hampshire Music Teachers Association, The Kushi Institute, and Boston Ballet through the Dance and Sports Medicine Clinic at Children’s Hospital run by renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lyle Micheli, M.D.
Betsy has taught master classes to The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Children’s Hospital Physical Therapists, Cambridge Choir of England, Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy, The American Red Cross, Saint Francis Friary and Yoga and Meditation centers. She has taught throughout the U.S., and the world, including India, Japan, England, Germany, Spain, and Korea.
Articles that Betsy has written about the technique have been published in Direction Magazine, and in 2009, she presented her work at the 7th International Conference for the Alexander Technique at Oxford University.
Betsy recently did Alexander Technique and vocal coaching for jazz singer and saxophonist Grace Kelly on her new CD, “Man with the Hat”, recorded with Phil Woods.
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