Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific.
In this 7-week program, Dr. Margaret Paul will teach you how to transform your life through a self-healing process that creates a shift into true self-love and establishes a daily personal connection and dialogue with a loving source of higher guidance.
Each weekly teaching, inquiry, and practice session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to truly love yourself and share your love with others.
Module 1: Beginning Your Inner Journey (January 31)

In this first session, we’ll explore how, at the deepest level, only two paths in life are available to us: “the path of fear” and “the path of courage and love.” Underlying the choice between these two paths is the moment-by-moment choice of one of two intentions.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Four different aspects of yourself that need to be understood and eventually integrated
- The intent to learn about loving yourself and the intent to avoid pain through some form of controlling behavior
- How to heal various forms of controlling behavior that stem from self-rejection and self-abandonment
- How to integrate your essence, ego-wounded self, loving adult, and higher Self
- The 6 Steps of Inner Bonding
- A practice to make you aware of the consequences of each intention
Module 2: Getting to Know & Compassionately Accept Your Wounded Self (February 7)

In this session, we’ll go deeply into your survival mechanism — the part of you that got you through difficult times as you were growing up. You’ll become aware of the role of modeling in the formation of your wounded self, which you can then heal and transform into a creative ally.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand the false beliefs of your wounded self
- Become aware of the source of your false beliefs and controlling, addictive behaviors
- Discover the ways you protect against pain that actually create more pain
- Recognize how we develop into takers and caretakers — two sides of the wounded self
- See how shame has affected you and your life choices
Module 3: Connecting With Your Higher Guidance & Discovering Your True, Core Self (February 14)

In this session, you’ll discover the beauty of who you really are, and begin to develop your loving adult self, who can take loving action on your own and others’ behalf. Through visualization, you’ll connect with your personal source of spiritual guidance, which will become the role model for loving yourself and seeing who you really are.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to define your true, core self
- Practices for connecting with your loving source of spiritual guidance
- The difference between operating from your wounded self and from your loving adult self
- Access to your role model for loving action
Module 4: Becoming Fully Connected to Yourself in This Moment
Step 1 of Inner Bonding (February 21)

Are you able to reconnect with your authentic Self at any given moment, especially when you feel anxious or afraid? Many of us never learned this valuable practice. The first step of Inner Bonding is being willing to become mindful of your physical and emotional feelings. Dr. Margaret will guide you to discover how to be fully present in this moment, and find the place within you that wants to evolve from your feelings rather than avoid them.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover what it means to be “willing,” and the false beliefs that stand in the way of your willingness to feel your feelings and learn from them
- Identify the wounded feelings that you create and how to open to them
- Understand the core, painful feelings of life that come from others and situations
- Receive a unique mindfulness practice — to move from your head into your body — and reconnect with your feelings
- Explore false beliefs about pain and discern the difference between pain and suffering
Module 5: Intent & the Loving Adult
Step 2 of Inner Bonding (February 28)

In this session, we’ll go deeply into the intent to learn, rather than the intent to control. We’ll explore various means of opening to learning and what to do if anger, blame, and resentment are in the way of opening your heart to learning and becoming a loving adult.
In this module, you’ll:
- Enter a deep process of inquiry about the intent to learn about love
- Learn how to raise your frequency to connect with your spiritual guidance
- Discover and apply the power of compassion
- Connect with guidance to become a loving adult
- Go through the “Inner Bonding Anger Process”
Module 6: Your Feelings, False Beliefs & Accessing the Truth
Steps 3 & 4 of Inner Bonding (March 7)

In this session, you’ll discover a process for dialoguing with your core self, your wounded self, and your spiritual guidance. You’ll engage in a deep internal dialogue process with your feelings and belief system — and uncover false beliefs that may be causing your pain.
In this module, you’ll:
- Uncover layers of exploration that enable you to access your unconscious beliefs
- Ask key questions of your core self and your wounded self
- Dialogue with your spiritual guidance to heal your false beliefs and resulting pain
Module 7: The Power of Loving Action & Evaluating the Action
Steps 5 & 6 of Inner Bonding (March 14)

In this session, you’ll explore various kinds of loving actions — actions for yourself alone, and actions in relationships with others. Taking loving action can tap into deep fears, and these will be explored in precise depth. Then, you will learn how to evaluate whether or not the action you took was loving to you.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The exact nature of truly loving actions, which help redefine your worth
- Loving actions in relationships and in conflict with others
- The 2 healthy choices in conflict
- The results of loving action — relief from guilt, anger, shame, anxiety, and depression — and instead, feeling whole, expansive, and spacious
The Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Bonus Collection
(Exclusive Bonus Collection Value: $395!)
In addition to Dr. Margaret’s transformational 7-week virtual training, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. Valued at $395, this exclusive collection is free with your registration in the course — and will take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Conscious Uncoupling Through Inner Bonding
Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Katherine Woodward Thomas

Dr. Margaret Paul and bestselling author Katherine Woodward Thomas share how the practice of Inner Bonding gives people the strength and spiritual support necessary for lovingly moving through separation or divorce.
Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA, MFT, is author of The New York Times bestseller, Conscious Uncoupling, and the national bestseller,Calling in “The One.” A licensed psychotherapist, she has taught hundreds of thousands to find greater happiness in love. Her work is devoted to discovering inspired, innovative and evolving pathways toward the creation of more wholehearted, honorable and harmonious relations.
Co-creator and co-leader of the Feminine Power transformative courses, she is creator of the Conscious Uncoupling five week program, and cohost of the Women on the Edge of Evolution teleseries. She also is lead trainer of the Certified Calling in “The One” Coaches Training Program.
Two Secrets for Divine Connection
Audio Teaching From Margaret Paul

Discover the two incredible secrets to attaining at-will connection with the Divine. Having at-will spiritual connection is easier than you think!
Individual Process & Creativity
Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Alanis Morissette

In this candid 1-hour dialogue, singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette shares how practicing the principles of Inner Bonding helped her shift her relationships with partners, producers, and herself — to become a more fully realized person, mother, and performer. Alanis also reveals that when she bonds with her own inner parents through inner conversations, she becomes more responsible and functional in all of her relationships. And, when she nurtures herself — in the same way that she cares for her own son — she thrives, as does her career.
Alanis Morissette is a singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actress. She has won 16 Juno Awards and seven Grammy Awards, and was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards. Alanis began her career in Canada, and as a teenager recorded two dance-pop albums, Alanis and Now Is the Time, under MCA Records Canada. Her first international album was the rock-influenced Jagged Little Pill, released in 1995. Jagged has sold more than 33 million units globally.
Alanis took up producing duties for her subsequent albums. She has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. She has written articles on parenting and relationships for Huffington Post and
Handling Relationship Challenges
Podcast Series From Margaret Paul Hosted by Dr. Anita Archer

In this podcast series — which includes three hours of content — Dr. Anita Archer asks Dr. Margaret questions that have been submitted by members of the Inner Bonding Village.
Dr. Margaret answers many questions about the importance of connection, bringing clarity to interactions, and understanding when you are controlling and when you are learning. Also covered is how to distinguish loving actions from wounded reactions in different life and relationship situations. Dr. Margaret also addresses the power and control issues that often challenge relationships, as well as the control issues that frequently emerge regarding our own feelings and needs.
You’ll receive:
- Connection, Clarity, Control
- Actions & Reactions
- Power & Control Issues
Inner Bonding Teaching Series

This special audio package consists of four 1-hour sessions, with Dr. Margaret Paul answering questions from those engaged in the work of Inner Bonding. Margaret goes into considerable depth exploring many aspects of the journey, the challenges that arise, and how to overcome them. These in-depth sessions will be powerful additions to your healing process!
You’ll receive:
- The ONE Cause of Relationship Problems: Dr. Margaret talks about the underlying secret of relationship problems and what you can do to create a loving relationship.
- Defining Your Own Worth: Dr. Margaret discusses what creates high and low self-worth and how to define your own self-worth.
- Beyond Neediness: Dr. Margaret explains that we become needy when we expect another person to give us what we aren’t giving ourselves.
- Fear of Intimacy: Dr. Margaret explains the underlying fears that cause the fear of intimacy, and how to heal the fear of intimacy.
Inner Bonding Workshop Workbook

In this special workbook, which used in Dr. Margaret’s Inner Bonding workshops, you’ll receive charts, exercises, and other helpful sheets to support you in your learning and healing process throughout the course journey.
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