Michael B. Beckwith – Tap Into Infinite Abundance by Activating Enlightened Prosperity Consciousness 2022
Discover teachings and practices to make yourself available to the universe’s infinite opportunities — and understand the true definition of “prosperity,” far beyond materialism — so you can thrive and know that all your needs are met.
These days, many of us are carrying a sense of fear, doubt, and worry.
This profound time of contraction — economically, socially, and much more — has been part of our lives for some time now.
Yet, given that the Universe wants you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous so it can emerge through you and inspire others…
… what if this moment in time is actually a powerful opportunity for you to learn how to make yourself available to the infinite opportunities and possibilities that are all around you?
These profound possibilities for your life have been there all along — they’ve just been obscured by all the misunderstandings and falsehoods about how the universe really works, and what’s truly possible for you in this life.
Join us for a new 7-part course with Michael B. Beckwith, internationally renowned spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.
Michael will walk you through the true definition of prosperity — the sense of certainty that all your needs are met.
Understanding — and feeling — this changes everything.
As you tune in at this particular moment, Michael will show you how to expand your awareness of prosperity.
As you’ll see, it’s not about materialism — not even close…
Instead, prosperity is about extracting yourself from the contracting energy that exists in the world and entering an expansion energy that comes directly from the quantum field.
As you bring this new understanding of prosperity into your life, the neurons of your brain shift as you begin to see reality differently…
This radical reprogramming of your mind results in less automatic reaction to outside events. You’re free to respond with intention to the infinite love, beauty, intelligence, and wealth the universe holds for you.
Over the course of seven weeks with Michael, you’ll come to understand that you’re a field of light and infinite potential. There’s a powerful circulation happening throughout the universe — and you’re meant to consciously participate in it.
In this life-affirming new course with renowned spiritual teacher Michael B. Beckwith, you’ll discover:
- The limits you’ve unknowingly placed on your life that keep you from harmonizing prosperity
- How to stop replanting limited perceptions in your mind so the quantum field, or infinite consciousness, can reveal that you’re an emanation of limitless love intelligence
- Why the pattern of self-sabotage is so common — and how it may have entered your subconscious
- Ways to celebrate and bless the good that’s happening somewhere else, so you can activate it for yourself
- How to examine the many “facts” you’ve been taught about yourself and the world, and understand that while they’re certainly in your mind, they have no place in your consciousness
- How, when you’re of a higher frequency, you affect the world’s vibration — far from just being a do-gooder, you can become a beneficial presence that changes the world for the better
- Why you must give up the story that the world (or someone specific) owes you something (even if it’s something seemingly positive like respect, or an apology)
- Why even if your life feels like it’s standing still, you’ll feel pushed by pain — until you feel pulled by a greater vision of possibility in your life
- The powerful truth that, if you’re not in bliss from time to time, it means you’re not in integrity with your soul
- How you can align with how the universe is unfolding — always moving, evolving, and changing
- Ways to normalize the feeling tone that everything is working together for your good
- How you can become a practical mystic — with a conscious awareness that you’re in a living field of possibility, connected consciously to something truly profound
- How to develop yourself and the structures in your life to become so strong that they’re able to hold more cosmic energy than you ever imagined
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Michael will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to tap into the field of infinite abundance and respond to life from your highest place.
Live Activation Sessions With Michael B. Beckwith
This 7-step course includes three activation sessions. Michael will invite you to join in the flow and experience an immediate, dynamic transmission as you activate everything that he’s been sharing with you.
During this series of 75-minute activation sessions, Michael will meet you right where you are, transmitting what’s most potent in the moment.
Join Michael live for this co-creative experience — or tap into this same energy when you access the recordings later, when it’s most convenient for you.
Your personal and collective vibration will rise as you ride the wave of flow and prosperity — until you’re radiating at the higher frequency you were always meant to live from.
This course will feature powerful teachings, activation sessions, and experiential practices with Michael. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to live the life you most desire by activating prosperity consciousness.
Module 1: Becoming Available to Infinite Opportunities & Possibilities
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
— Confucius
Over the years, many of Michael’s students have been surprised by the true meaning of the word prosperity.
As Michael will explain in this opening module, it’s not about materialism. Prosperity is the feeling tone of all needs met…
It’s about abundance, a field of wealth, and the limitless substance of life itself.
In this session, Michael will share the powerful truth that’s so different from what most of us have been taught about the world — that in reality, there are no limits and there is no scarcity. There is only abundance and prosperity.
When you harmonize prosperity, you’re becoming conscious and aware of the life force that’s everywhere, that every single being has equal access to.
As you bring this new understanding of prosperity into your life, your brain neurons are rewired and you begin to see reality differently…
Michael will show you how to create this radical reprogramming of your mind so there’s less automatic reaction to outside events… leaving you free to respond with intention to the infinite love, beauty, intelligence, and wealth that’s all around you.
In this first module, you’ll discover:
- The limits you’ve unknowingly placed on your life that keep you from harmonizing prosperity
- How to prepare yourself to be an instrument through which more life can flow
- How the quantum field, or infinite consciousness, reveals that — once you stop replanting limited perceptions in your mind — you’re the emanation of limitless love intelligence
- Why the pattern of self-sabotage is so common — and how it first came into your subconscious that you should flee when you get close to success
- Michael’s All Needs Met Activated Meditation where you’ll recall a moment in your life when all your needs were being met
- An exercise to help you recalibrate the neurons of your brain as you rethink your habits and patterns — and create a new subconscious tendency to look for (and to be available to) more good than you’ve ever imagined
Module 2: The “Feeling Tone” of Prosperity — Keeping What You Give Away
To receive everything, one must open one’s hands and give.
— Taisen Deshimaru
In this first of three activation sessions, Michael will be there with you — to share wisdom, offer practices, and raise the vibration.
During the last class, you learned the true meaning of prosperity.
This week, Michael will guide you to feel this powerful truth: Prosperity is here, within you.
He’ll guide you into the feeling tone of prosperity, not just an intellectual understanding of it.
You’ll discover how, just as the life essence of your heartbeat is occurring without your participation, you likely have subconscious thought patterns of scarcity that have become automatic reactions…
Feelings of fear, worry, lack, limitation, self-loathing, and even superstitious thoughts have been planted within you by others.
Without meaning to, many of us have been sending ourselves the painful messages we’ve internalized — that you’re not enough… that life is a struggle… that abundance is beyond your reach.
Once you fully realize that you live in a limitless field of good, limiting feelings like jealousy and competition melt away. You can share in the joy of others as you root for one another…
You can only keep what you give away, and Michael will show you how to give to others and lift them up — creating the same sense of joy and fulfilment for yourself along the way.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Why you can’t see anything within someone else that’s not already within you
- Ways to celebrate and bless the good that’s happening somewhere else, so you can activate it for yourself
- A guided practice to eliminate your feelings of lack — or not enoughness, as Michael describes it
- An exercise to avoid the jealous tunnel when you hear someone else’s good news — and shift your point of view to automatically celebrate on their behalf
Module 3: Your Greatest Ability — Making Yourself Available to the Truth
There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness.
— Robert Browning
In this session, Michael will explain how the insights you’re having during these sessions are actually events taking place in your consciousness — because you now know something you didn’t before.
In a similar way, you may have a belief about something, but that belief may not be fully active in your life, because you haven’t fully embodied it…
It hasn’t yet risen to the level of true insight.
Michael will explain how an insight is that aha! moment, where suddenly everything that you thought you believed comes into a deeper level of knowing, a level of profound coherence.
And it affects you forever, because now it’s a part of you.
You’ve moved far beyond the subconscious patterns you learned about in Module One, and without even thinking about it, you’re now starting to live automatically from these new insights.
And once you’re of this higher frequency, you affect the world’s vibration — far from just being a do-gooder, you become a beneficial presence that changes the world for the better.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- The ways you’re making a huge difference in the world around you as your growth and development unfolds
- How to examine the many “facts” you’ve been taught about yourself and the world, and understand that while they’re in your mind, they have no place in your consciousness
- The many ways words are energetic carriers of the transformational knowledge that’s already within you
- Why you must give up the story that the world (or someone specific) owes you something (even if it’s something seemingly positive like respect, or an apology)
- How to feel secure in what Michael calls your powerful safety zone — where you deeply believe that no one else determines your destiny
- A Forgiveness Practice to uncover the narratives that live deep within you — and how to take the next step of pulling them out and dissolving them in forgiveness
- A Self-Awareness Practice to become aware that you are consciousness — and to give yourself permission to feel it
Module 4: Normalizing the Feeling Tone That Everything Is Working Together for Your Good
Live in the nowhere that you came from, even though you have an address here.
— Rumi
At this point on your journey, you may notice some shifts in your awareness — as Michael will explain, greater attentiveness is quite common…
It’s because you now have a greater sense of dominion over your attention. You’re neutralizing the old limiting narratives and lies that had been running your mind.
During this class, Michael will continue sharing how you can be available to the truth of your being, which involves harmonizing prosperity itself so your life can consciously unfold in tandem with how the universe is unfolding… and you can be sure that everything is working together for your good.
Roses and trees have no say as their life cycles move along — but as Michael will remind you, you were created in the image and likeness of God… and so you can think independently of your circumstances…
You can choose the circumstances of your life’s unfolding.
You’re not meant to anticipate what might happen next, even if you’re anticipating something amazing. Instead, you’re here on this earth to participate in the good, making yourself available for life to flow through you with ease and grace.
Michael will show you how to live as though you’ve signed on for excellence in your life.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Why even if your life feels like it’s standing still, you’ll feel pushed by pain — until you feel pulled by a greater vision of possibility in your life
- The powerful truth that, if you’re not in bliss from time to time, it means you’re not in integrity with your soul
- How you can align with how the universe is unfolding — always moving, evolving, and changing
- Ways to normalize the feeling tone that everything is working together for your good
- Your field of awareness — and what it means that you are awareness itself
- How to move into a fresh starting point — and move into declaring the truth and embracing great possibility for your life
- A guided practice that starts with the empowering mantra I am available to more good and more prosperity than I’ve ever imagined, to help you realize your unique expression of infinite potential
Module 5: Giving Up Victimhood — Think of Yourself as a Practical Mystic
Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living in better conditions.
— Hafiz
In this session, Michael will lead you in the second of three live activation sessions — as you discover you’re a being created from eternity, the image and likeness of God…
It only makes sense, then, that you’d create the same way that the Godhead creates.
As Michael will explain this week, this means you’re nothing less than a practical mystic!
Once long ago, there wasn’t even a grain of sand to be found in the universe. Nothing existed before the proverbial big bang…
Michael will explain how the idea of the universe itself indeed came from nothing — yet from there, everything came into manifestation. God didn’t need to meet any other external conditions for it all to come into being…
And since you create the same way that the Godhead creates, you don’t need to wait for an external condition, either!
As Michael will share, when you lean on an external condition to live the life you want most, you may even delay the very thing you’re trying to bring into being.
To be a true creative force in your own life, you’ll first need to overcome the allure of victimhood. Because of the presence of fear, you may have become preoccupied with the next negative thing that can hurt you… instead of looking for the elements of life that can help you.
You’ll discover how a key part of the vibrancy of your spiritual life and community is making this shift from victim to creative…
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The ways God speaks through creative ideas
- The meaning behind metaphysical law that you can only keep what you give away, and how to bring it into your life
- How a new awareness can move through you and change your life
- Why the greatest sphere in the universe is the “ideasphere” where you can experience bursts of creative inspiration
- What it means to eliminate static from your life
- How you can become a practical mystic — awareness that you’re in a living field of possibility, connected consciously to something truly profound
- A powerful practice where you’ll notice points throughout the day where you tend to think something is happening to you or some larger power is making things happen — and instead start thinking of yourself as an in-control creative force
Module 6: Shifting Your Awareness From Problem to Possibility — Capture the Seeds of Truth So Revelations Can Bloom
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.
— Carl Jung
You’ve already learned that your greatest ability is your availability, the inner preparedness for the universe’s truth to become active within you…
During this class, you’ll discover how, when the seeds of truth are captured and begin to gestate within you, they bloom to insights and revelations — and there’s a profound shift in the neurons of your brain.
Too often though, we’re focused on life’s (apparent) problems. Michael will guide you to shift your awareness from problem to possibility…
This kind of possibility is known by many names — limitless love intelligence, beauty, God of the Universe, Mother-Father God, Life itself, or Divine Source…
Michael will explain how, whatever you call it, this presence is often categorized as the great problem solver. It’s not!
Instead, once you shift into this kind of possibility, you won’t encounter any problems at all. Only possibilities…
In this space of possibility, you’ll only find divine ideas, and as you expand your awareness into this zone, problems aren’t solved… instead, they dissolve.
Michael will explain how, once your consciousness truly shifts and your attitude infuses your character, your real destiny starts to unfold. The moment you come into alignment with your true character, based on an attitude of prosperity and connectedness with the source, your life begins to change.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How to shift into the field of infinite potential and understand the powerful truth that you have the right to be prosperous
- The importance of banishing superstitious thoughts — especially those you don’t even realize you’re holding onto
- Common misunderstandings about karma and why it can never determine destiny — and what does shape your future
- How to develop yourself and the structures in your life to become so strong, they’re able to hold more cosmic energy than you ever imagined
- The 3 models of success for those with an entrepreneurial spirit
- The power of the earth frequency — the vibration of the universal presence through the evolution of the universe, in which everything is unfolding at higher and higher levels of frequency
- Michael’s Give to Live Until You Live to Give meditation
- A guided practice to feel the Empress of the Spirit of Life
- An exercise where you’ll close your eyes and give yourself radiant permission to see not with your eyes, but with your awareness
Module 7: Making Your Prosperity Permanent
Both abundance and scarcity are inner states that manifest as your reality.
— Eckhart Tolle
In this final session — an activation session — Michael will share how the journey to true permanent prosperity involves expanding your awareness until you set yourself free.
You must first believe you have a right to be prosperous. The universe wants this for you!
Prosperity is a mandate on your soul, regardless of the apparent limitations all around you — including our immature economic system, health problems, isolation, and more…
As Michael will explain, none of those (seeming) limitations are of your concern. Instead, you’re called to pay full attention to the laws of prosperity, totally immersing yourself in your connection to the source of all creation.
Permanent prosperity brings happiness, peace of mind, serenity — and a sense of safety, security, and wellbeing that can only come from being in integrity with your soul’s call… in harmony with your gifts, talents, and capacities.
Many people’s lives are sputtering and sparking because the cosmic energy is trying to flow through them, but they haven’t yet stabilized.
Michael will explain how to hold so much energy that your cosmic energy can fully flow — and as a result, your love is radiant, your generosity is endless, and your life is luminous…
As you take what you’ve learned out into the world, you’ll understand how to deeply know and believe that all your needs are met. That as you circulate good, then good circulates back to you.
That your prosperity is permanent.
In this final module, you’ll celebrate your journey as you:
- Discover how to make your prosperity permanent by asking How can I give?
- Practice the law of radiance, letting your light shine so brightly that when people see you, they see the source that’s inspiring you to glow
- Explore ways of acting like someone who already has everything you’ll ever need
- Live out the Law of Emergence — the rule that everything already exists in terms of possibility… but the proper conditions have to arise for prosperity to emerge (and they will!)
- Believe this powerful truth that comes with permanent prosperity: I am a giver, generosity is part of who I am
- Bring generosity into your life so that giving is built into the “business model” of your life
- Rest in the deep wisdom of knowing who you are — and living in the field of always having enough
What Graduates of Michael B. Beckwith’s Courses Are Saying…
“… raises my frequency immediately and helps me transform my life step by step.”
I love Michael Bernard Beckwith!!! This course was such a gift! Just watching the videos of the course (which I do again and again) raises my frequency immediately and helps me transform my life step by step. It’s like getting myself back and remembering who I really am. Thanks from deep within.
— Claudia, Austria
“I experience him as a truly masterful teacher…”
I found Michael Bernard Beckwith’s teaching to be impeccable, in its clarity, simplicity, and profound knowledge of the human experience and the Divine. I experience him as a truly masterful teacher who is a demonstration of what he teaches. I will be going over the course materials many times to keep absorbing and applying the practices in my life until I am truly embodying the vision my life has for me. I am deeply grateful I said yes to this course.
— Wendy Webber, Marlboro, Vermont
“I have gained the recognition of myself as a healer and a leader.”
Out of this series, I have gained the recognition of myself as a healer and a leader. My work as a massage therapist gained me access to the privilege of sharing spiritual insights and new ways of thinking about ourselves and God. Now, in addition, I share series such as this, and gather women in sisters’ circles. Spirit leads the way in all my endeavors. Now I know I am on the TEAM.
— Emilie, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
“Michael’s teachings are accelerating our evolution enormously.”
Michael’s teachings are accelerating our evolution enormously. The flow of energy and the high vibrations during the entire sessions are amazing and very impressive; great experiences and expansion of consciousness of participants! I also enjoyed him mentioning the ageless wisdom teachings, as I am informing worldwide about the emergence of the spiritual hierarchy through the UN. I look forward to seeing Michael soon in Geneva and would appreciate so much to speak with him! With love and deep gratitude to Michael and all of your team!
— Roswitha, Geneva
“I have had a definite shift in my awareness…”
I have had a definite shift in my awareness of when I am falling into victim consciousness. The emotional affirmations at times of annoyance (i.e., traffic) are so powerful, and the nightly forgiveness prayer has helped so much to clear away the gunk of the day. I love the “growing through something” shift. I highly encourage anyone who is considering doing the class to do it. You will not be disappointed!
— Kathy O., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
“… it is really helping me to develop a sense of deeper inner connection…”
This course is one of the best that I have ever attended on spiritual growth. The way Michael taught it is really helping me to develop a sense of deeper inner connection with myself and people around me.
— Mary Choo, Perth, West Australia
“[This course]… helped me to redirect my energy to radiate towards the best-case scenario.”
I set a goal five years ago to retire to Costa Rica and had been working toward that goal. Out of nowhere, fears that I did not know I had started to surface and I felt intimidated by all the actions I needed to take. This course was right on time, just when I needed it, and helped me to redirect my energy to radiate towards the best-case scenario. Though life has still been doing its thing… I stand strong and resolute because I have already envisioned my new life and I have mapped out all of the steps that I need to achieve it because of this course. Ready to take on the world, single 65-year-old woman, not willing to accept the ordinary but stretching to reach the extraordinary. Thank you so much, Michael. With much love and appreciation.
— Gee Humdy, Wilmington, Delaware
“I am unfolding more light for the people I serve…”
This wonderful course with Michael Beckwith was such a gift for my soul and right on time. Right now, I’m affirming that I am unfolding more light for the people I serve the more I work with these deepening meditative practices and wisdoms. I feel ever renewed with every breath! Thank you, Michael, for the beautiful teachings from your heart! Namaste!
— Claudia A. Sanchez, Yucaipa, California
More Praise for Michael B. Beckwith…

“… leads to infinite possibilities…”
Michael Beckwith eloquently unfolds the secrets of deep inquiry for spiritual development, which leads to infinite possibilities in our lives.
— Deepak Chopra, MD, author of Super Genes

“The teachings… and the wisdom [Michael] imparts are for everyone…”
The teachings espoused by Michael Bernard Beckwith and the wisdom he imparts are for everyone, no matter what their circumstances. He welcomes us all into loving ourselves and loving one another. He has inspired me to do so many things.
— Hill Harper, actor (CSI:NY) and author of Letters to a Young Brother

“[Michael shows us] how we can meld into a Beloved Community…”
Activism and mysticism are called upon in Michael’s writings to show us how we can meld into a Beloved Community and therefore become one.
— Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now

“His writing and teaching touch a place in the soul that calls forth divinity, nobility, and joy.”
With an unparalleled depth of insight and clarity of voice, Michael Bernard Beckwith is truly a gift to the world. His writing and teaching touch a place in the soul that calls forth divinity, nobility, and joy. I for one am grateful to be a recipient of his generosity of spirit and love.
— Iyanla Vanzant, spiritual life coach and author of Tapping the Power Within
About Michael B. Beckwith

Michael B. Beckwith is the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational spiritual community with a congregation of over 9,000 members. He has appeared on Dr. Oz, The Oprah Show, Larry King Live, and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You, spreading his message to millions of people. He also participated alongside the Dalai Lama and other New Thought ministers in the Synthesis Dialogues.
Beckwith is the creator of the Life Visioning Process, which he teaches all over the globe through his seminars and books. At its core, the process is a way to fully embrace your connection to the Divine and let the universe serve the world through you.
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