Karen Pryor – Neuroplasticity for Children: Rewiring for Integration of Primitive Reflexes & Developmental Skills
- Faculty:
- Karen Pryor
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 24 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Mar 15, 2019
Studies show our brains can be rewired to enhance new learning. In some cases, it acts as an adaptive mechanism to compensate for lost function or maximize remaining function in the event of brain injury. As therapists, when we treat the causes and symptoms of these motor delays, we can utilize alternate brain pathways to improve the effects of therapy.
Neuroplasticity changes brain connections and hence, changes motor and cognitive functions. From congenital abnormalities to traumatic brain injuries, this course delivers new and exciting ideas on how to detour around damage and incorporate viable nervous system connections.
Learn how therapy can change the brain and how neuroplasticity can change the challenges in a child’s development. With Dr. Karen Pryor as your guide, you gain creative and evidence-based approaches to incorporate into a multisensory experience to drive home the importance of diverse and novel activities during treatment sessions.
Both high and low tones are discussed in depth. Video case studies will demonstrate changes before and after integrative neuroplasticity treatments. The therapy techniques learned in this one-day course can be easily integrated into the clinic or home the next day.
Manual – Neuroplasticity for Children (2.35 MB) | 91 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Illinois Educators Self-Study Instructions (29 KB) | Available after Purchase | |
Illinois Educators Evaluation Form (1.2 MB) | Available after Purchase | |
Instructions for ASHA Credit – SELF STUDY ONLY – 03/15/19 (38.5 KB) | Available after Purchase |
Understanding Neuroanatomy & Brain Development
- Brain stem and functions
- Occipital lobe
- Temporal lobe
- Frontal lobe
- Parietal lobe
Brain Damage & Missing Parts
- Neurodevelopmental screens
- Examples of damage
- What is working and what is not
- Where to rewire
- Therapy as infants – faster change
- Going deep into the brain, beyond the level of damage
Developmental Delays
How to Approach Treatments
- Developmental milestone review
- Sensory motor development
- Vision
- Vision and hearing
- Speech
- Sensation
- Primitive reflex patterns and influence
- Opening the hands for exploration
- Developmental delay and when to go back a step in therapy treatments
A New Perspective on the Nervous System & Guiding for Positive Change
- Lobes next door
- Videos of before and after sensory stimulation combinations
- Why vision is vitally important and how it can be stimulated
- How these concepts can be explained to parents and caregivers
- The brain is clay and how to make a model
The Primary & Secondary Results of Neuroplasticity Techniques
- Changing the way the brain connects
- Primitive reflex integration and increased active movements
- The “Team” – patient, therapist, and parent/caregiver
- Sensory stimulation to promote appropriate motor response
- Smooth movements
- Strength is not the same as tone
- Simple activities to present to parents
How to Integrate Neuroplasticity into your Therapy Program
- Sensation is 3-dimensional
- Climb through the cloth tube
- Vision exercises
- Sensory stimulation for high tone vs. low tone

Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT Related seminars and products: 12
Health Sphere Wellness Center
Karen Pryor, Ph.D., PT, DPT, has a doctorate in physical therapy and has practiced for over 40 years in the field. Dr. Pryor is the owner of Health Sphere Wellness Center, an integrative therapy clinic in Tennessee. Involved with early intervention in the birth-three population for over 30 years, she has developed neuroplasticity techniques that are used in a wide variety of settings, including homes, childcare centers, and school systems, to advance pediatric therapy programs. She is the author of Ten Fingers Ten Toes Twenty Things Everyone Needs to Know.
Dr. Pryor serves on several boards, including the Leadership Interagency Council for Early Intervention, (2014-2024), a position to which she was appointed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and Governor Bill Lee. In 2010, she received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for her contributions to the advanced treatment of children from President Barack Obama. In addition to her work with children, Dr. Pryor has served as an adjunct professor at the Tennessee State University Occupational Therapy School, and in the Volunteer State Community College Physical Therapy Assistant program. She is a clinical instructor for several universities and colleges. With her years of experience and passion for complete wellness, Dr. Pryor advances a more expansive view of how to integrate therapy throughout the lifespan by using COMPASS neuroplasticity techniques.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Karen Pryor is owner of Health Sphere Wellness Center. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Karen Pryor serves on the Leadership Interagency Council for Early Intervention board.
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