Nick Ortner – The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief
Here’s what this program consists of, and how it may be able to help you to finally release your pain…
In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program you’ll follow along with my specific process during the live, 3 day event where over 100 people with a wide variety of pain issues came together to release their pain.
Here’s the breakdown of what you’ll be taken through each day:

Overcoming The Shock Of A Brutal Diagnosis
So often, the very moment your doctor tells you of your diagnosis remains in your conscious or unconscious mind as a brutal reminder that your life will never be the same. Every cell, every fiber in your body tightens up. You’re overcome by feelings of anger, disbelief, frustration, and these feelings are still there today.
After a brief tutorial where Jessica shows you the basics of this very simple but startlingly effective technique, Nick will take you through the first step in finding relief from your pain: tapping on the emotions associated with the diagnosis.
In this first session you will learn:
- The basics of how to tap, the 9 meridian points we use, and an introduction to the most effective language patterns.
- Why it helps to start off by tapping on the emotions that you felt at the moment you were given a diagnosis.
- How to choose the right words to use when tapping, so as to ensure you get some immediate pain relief, thus allowing you to go deeper in the next sessions.

The Connection Between Your Pain and Your Emotions
Typically, we associate pain with a physical condition: you tripped and fell, so your hip hurts; you have arthritis, so your joints hurt; you were in a car crash and hurt your back, so your back hurts. And while these beliefs may be correct, and the physical conditions may be undeniable, there is another, often hidden, factor that contributes to the pain: the emotions you feel associated to the issue.
So could overcoming these emotional issues help reduce the pain? After watching Nick show you how it’s done, you will have no doubt that the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”
In this emotionally charged session, you will discover:
- Which emotion is the one most commonly found to contribute to physical pain.
- Easy ways to find the emotions underlying your particular pain, and pinpoint the causes.
- How to use Tapping to collapse that emotion and find the relief you seek for that pain.

Working With Your Emotions
If there were an emotion attached to the pain, what would it be? Would it be sadness, anger, guilt, despair, shame, fear… ? Listen to your body and your heart, and determine what that emotion may be. Now ask yourself: Where did it come from? What’s it all about? These are vital questions for which you need to find answers, as those answers will guide you on your tapping journey
In this third session, Nick will show you:
- How to track that emotion and tap on it to collapse the charge it carries.
- How to accept yourself and all your feelings, and what tremendous freedom this creates.
- How to go back to where that strong emotion originated and discover the underlying feelings so that you can tap them away.

Question and Answer Session
Watch and listen as Nick fields a number of great questions from the audience, eventually bringing one participant up on stage to work with her on her diagnosis of fibromyalgia, which was causing pain all over her body.
After a brief tutorial where Jessica shows you the basics of this very simple but startlingly effective technique, Nick will take you through the first step in finding relief from your pain: tapping on the emotions associated with the diagnosis.
In this fascinating Q & A session Nick discusses:
- Looking at pain as an equation, and how to find the various “contributors” to your pain.
- The effects of perfectionism and people-pleasing attitudes, and how to deal with them.
- The fight, flight or freeze reaction, and what it really means.
- The power of “borrowing benefits.” How to benefit in a group session while watching other people tap on their own issues.

The Upside – And The Downside – Of Pain Relief
There would obviously be many great benefits to releasing your pain, but… could there be a downside? If we had a magic wand that could immediately relieve your pain, how would your life change? Does that pain serve you in any way? Would you lose anything, maybe the attention of others? Would you have to do things that you can now get away from because the pain is your excuse? It sounds crazy, but don’t underestimate the possibility that there may be a downside to releasing your pain!
In this valuable session, Nick will show you:
- How to uncover any hidden downsides to losing your pain.
- How to work through those negative effects so that they no longer have a hold on you.
- How to discover the issues behind your pain, and how to tap through them to finally release that pain.
- And watch as members of the audience share the shifts they experienced from the first day sessions.

Where it all began – Finding the Root Cause of Your Pain
All too often the pain appears at a very specific moment. Going back to that moment in your memory will allow you to relive the event or series of events and tap on the trauma that it or they caused. Watch as Nick masterfully leads his guests through the process and guides them through the tapping sequence that will astonishingly reduce or eliminate their pain.
This is a very emotional session, especially towards the end, in which you will be guided through:
- Your personal reflection on when the pain started and what was going on in your life at that time.
- Visualizing the moment and tapping on the emotions that pop up.
- The “Tell The Story” technique, where Nick shows you how to recall the events that led to the origin of your pain, process the physical and emotional trauma they produced, and collapse the trauma – and the pain!
- You will also be amazed by the stories that the conference attendees tell of the results they experienced from the first day sessions (especially David, who has rheumatoid arthritis and is now dancing and doing laps around the hallway in the hotel!)

Sciatica Pain and Restricted Breathing
Nick asks the attendees to share any shifts they may have experienced after a day and a half, and the results are surprising. One lady comes up on stage and shares that her knee was pain-free for the first time in 25 years!
Later he moves on to work with attendees who are suffering from sciatica pain, and one who has trouble breathing, masterfully showing you the techniques he has learned to reduce or eliminate those symptoms.
In this vital and dynamic session, you will learn:
- Going in another direction: how to mentally move away from the pain and focus on other situations that may be weighing on your mind, tapping to deflate the pressure of those other issues.
- How this alone can often decrease or eliminate the pain.
- How to re-frame the pain, giving it an image and putting all your negative memories into that image.
- How to use tapping to collapse that image, and all of its negativity and associated pain.

Writing Your Story Without the Pain
What would your life be like if you didn’t have this pain? Can you picture it? Can you feel it? All too often we find it so hard to even imagine a life without pain. Just thinking about it brings up resistance. Would you walk, run, skip? Would you hike in the woods, ride a bicycle, go back to work? Would you smile more, enjoy the little things of life, meet new friends?
In this work shop-like session, Nick will guide you to:
- Tell your story of a life without pain. You can do this with a partner, or by yourself, whichever works best for you at this moment.
- Identify the points of resistance, and find the way to overcome them.
- You will also see and listen to the audience’s comments about their stories and how they envision their lives, and their struggles.
- The session ends with Jessica, as she guides you through another beautiful tapping meditation.

Digging Deeper Into Your Story
Some people find the source of their emotional pain very quickly – they tap on it, and obtain pain relief in minutes. Others, however, need to dig deeper into their past to find the origins of their issues. They need to go back and find the childhood memories that are still running their subconscious mental programs, face these painful memories and, with the assistance of tapping, collapse the strong emotional ties to these stories. You can’t change the past, but you can disconnect the emotional charge that is controlling your life, find peace with your past, and find relief from your pain.
Watch it happen in this session, jam-packed with valuable teachings:
- Learn how to “peel off the onion layers” of your memories, until you find the emotional pain that his been running the script of your subconscious mind.
- See how men too can dig deep, feel the emotions that scarred them as children, acknowledge them, and pull through to become stronger and more confident – and pain free!
- Listen to members of the audience as they share their experiences from the first two days. You have to see to believe the stories of pain relief!

DAY 3 – SESSION 2 & 3
Participant Q&A Time with Nick
In this brief session Nick chats with the audience and we learn:
- That one of the men who was on stage yesterday is off his pain medication, and his neck pain is gone!
- How do deal with the issue of being very empathetic, and absorbing emotions from other people.
- How one of the participants, who had met and worked with Nick at another event about a month earlier, was able to get total relief from a 3-year-old severe toothache!

Pulling It All Together
In this wrap-up session, Nick takes some final questions from the audience, and asks them to share their experiences. The moment is not lost, as every comment gives him the opportunity to share a new insight, a new piece of wisdom about following the path to finding the results you seek. And while the event is over, this is not the end; it is the beginning of a whole new journey for you!
In this final session you will discover:
- What to do next! What happens now that the event is over? What if it hasn’t worked for you… yet?
- How to continue your path towards health, pain relief, and a life full of joy.

author of Wishes Fulfilled
So are you ready to begin your journey of healing? Are you ready to finally be rid of the physical pain you’re dealing with and get the life back that you deserve?
I’ll be completely honest with you.
My breakthrough The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program is the most cuttting-edge program for releasing physical pain available today… that’s GUARANTEED to help you identify the root causes of your physical pain and eliminate it!
And the best part about this amazing program is that…
… you don’t have to continue wasting hundreds of dollars a month on doctor visits…
… you no longer have to rely on anti-inflammatory medicines that only provide temporary relief… .
… and you won’t have to do generic back exercises or stretches, that just aren’t effective…
Normally $197 but today it’s yours FREE with your purchase of “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” program!
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