Paul Levy – Dreaming Yourself Awake
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Paul will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to recognize reality as a “dream,” freeing you to create a mindful, joyous, and fulfilling life.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Paul. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to dream yourself into awakening.
Module 1: Awakening to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality (February 22)

In this opening session, Paul will introduce the uniquely incredible way he came to discover his work.
He’ll guide you to contemplate this dreamlike nature of reality — including how you can see this truth for yourself, what it means, and what you can do about it.
Using your dreams at night as a template to understand the dreamlike nature of your waking dream, you’ll deepen your fluency of the symbolic language of both your night and waking dreams. You’ll learn how to decipher the messages you receive from the dreamlike dimension of reality.
You’ll discover that, like a dream, our universe is a continually unfolding revelation — an oracle — that’s continually speaking to you with symbols.
Once you consciously realize how you’re actively participating in your own dreaming process, you’ll access the creative source within you — which expands the realm of possibilities to previously unimaginable degrees.
As you’ll see, this realization becomes particularly life-transforming when you connect with other people who are also becoming lucid in your shared waking dream… in a way that helps everyone.
In this first module, you’ll discover:
- The dreamlike nature of reality
- How to extract the gifts from your night dreams
- Ways to develop symbolic awareness (the language of dreaming) which can be helpful not only for interpreting your night dreams, but for seeing the deeper dreaming dimensions of your waking dream as well
- The universe as an oracle that’s always speaking to you through symbols, the language of dreams
- Why sometimes people who are seemingly having psychotic breaks might actually be in the middle of spiritual awakenings
- A guided meditation where you envision the current global pandemic and social unrest as a dream — then interpret what it’s revealing about your life
Module 2: Synchronicities & Hidden Treasures (March 1)

A very powerful way of realizing life’s dreamlike nature is to contemplate the experience of synchronicity.
In this session, you’ll discover the power of synchronicities, those moments of “meaningful coincidence” when the boundary dissolves between the inner and the outer — between psyche and matter…
Synchronicities are themselves a revelation, the vehicle through which we can wake up to the dreamlike nature of the universe.
To deepen and understand the dreamlike and synchronistic universe we live in, Paul will guide you to inquire into the Tibetan Buddhist idea of terma (hidden treasures) that are encoded within the multidimensional fabric of the universe… both within the physical world and within our minds.
This ancient idea has great modern-day relevance — there are sacred spiritual treasures hidden in our world and within our psyches. They’re waiting to be brought forth for the benefit of us all, when the time is right.
These hidden treasures, long buried in the dreamlike fabric of our world and dormant in the collective unconscious of our species from time immemorial — are typically rediscovered in times of great need.
Living expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality, these treasures can potentially help us become lucid in the waking dream of life.
The most profound hidden treasure, the great revelation hidden within us — also referred to mythically as “The Treasure Hard to Attain” — is the creative spirit itself… a spirit that can help us recreate the world and ourselves.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how to erxperience more synchronicities in your life
- Recognize how the synchronicities in your daily life can help you see the dreamlike nature of reality
- Learn how more synchronicities give your life a deeper sense of meaning and inspire in you a feeling that you’re right where you’re supposed to be
- Understand that the universe is overflowing with sacred treasures — whose purpose is to help us wake up, dispel fear, and give us a sense that we live in an abundant universe.
- Learn how these sacred treasures can inspire you toclearly see the magic-filled universe you’re living in, which can inspire hope and expand your consciousness
- Move through a guided meditation to think back on events from your life that were actually hidden treasures — and bring this powerful experience into the present moment
Module 3: The Topic of Topics — The Wetiko Mind-Virus (March 8)

Many individuals and groups have discovered what the Native Americans call wetiko — a contagious, psychospiritual disease of the soul, being acted out via a collective psychosis…
And they all have the same response. They consider it the most important topic — it’s even been called the topic of topics — that we need to understand if we are to make sense of our world.
As Paul will explain, wetiko is at the very root of every crisis we face — climate change (and our lack of response and confusion around the issue), the threat of nuclear war, social injustice, political malfeasance, financial corruption, endless war, and more…
Wetiko is the overarching umbrella over every form of self-and-other destruction that our species is acting out in our world on every scale.
If we don’t come to terms with what wetiko is revealing to us, however, nothing else will matter — as there will be no more human species.
And yet, wetiko secretly contains its own cure.
Once you see how wetiko covertly operates, both out in the world and within your own mind, you’ll not only take away its power over you, but unlock the vast creative power that is intrinsic to human nature.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Why there’s something within you that’s impersonating you, tricking you into identifying with a limited version of yourself
- The deeper madness that’s playing out in the world through a new lens — that helps you recontextualize and make sense of it
- How the source of the madness and evil that’s playing out in the world can be traced back to its very source, within us
- How to shed light on the darkness that’s both playing out in the world and within all people
- The correlation between what’s happening in the outer world and your inner reactions
- A meditation based on a beautiful teaching in Buddhism called the “Lion’s Gaze” — you’ll imagine an experience or person who triggers you… then do the practice to transform it
Module 4: The Wounded Healer & the Shaman (March 15)

The archetype of the wounded healer reveals that your wounding is a spiritual event, making you a participant in a divine happening.
You’ll discover how your wounding is an initiatory event that becomes a portal to a deeper level of your being, which will help you find what you’re here to do in the world.
By consciously taking on the mindset of the wounded healer, you’ll access your creative and healing gifts.
As Paul will explain, everyone is being called to be potential wounded healers and shamanic healers-in-training.
Shamanism is the oldest form of healing known in our world. Shamans were the first physicians, psychotherapists, creative artists, spiritual emissaries, prophets, translators, mediums, magicians, entertainers, cultural heroes, and storytellers.
Both collectively and individually, we’re making a shamanic descent into the darkness of the underworld — into the netherworld of the unconscious shadow side of our psyche, where we’re demanded to shed light on our own dark side.
Shamanism is an archetypal form of behavior that spontaneously emerges within us when we’re faced with seemingly unsolvable problems — on both the individual and collective levels.
The multiple converging world crises confronting humanity are catalyzing the shamanic archetype to become activated deep within the collective unconscious — the core of our very being.
When you’re called to shamanism — and we’re all being called — there’s no external shaman who can heal you. You have to find your inner creative resources and discover the shamanic figure within yourself.
In this module, you’ll:
- See that, instead of being mistakes, your wounds are events that are part of your initiatory ordeal — helping you find your true vocation in life, which will help you become who you truly are
- Realize that you don’t have to identify with your wounds
- Recognize that your wounds are actually portals to connecting with your gifts
- Connect with your natural shamanic abilities
- Move through a meditation to shed light on the part of you that reflects what’s playing out in the greater collective
Module 5: Quantum Physics — The Physics of Dreaming (March 22)

Quantum physics is widely considered the greatest discovery in the history of science.
During this class, you’ll explore how the revelations emerging from quantum physics are so mind-blowing, physicists are still in the beginning stages of wrapping their mind around what quantum physics reveals.
In essence, quantum physics has empirically proven that we’re having a collectively shared dream.
Paul will share how quantum physics is a modern-day analogue to a hidden treasure that emerged — both in our world and within our minds — about a century ago.
Before the advent of quantum physics, classical physicists thought of themselves as passive observers trying to understand an objective universe that was separate from themselves.
Quantum physics reveals the notion of an objective universe to be a nonsensical idea — it only exists in our minds, and has no correlation in reality.
Quantum physics also shows us that you’re influencing the universe just by observing it — a precise description of a dream…
Just like a dream, our moment-by-moment act of observation is creative.
By openly revealing the dreamlike nature of our universe, quantum physics unlocked previously unimaginable creativity.
In shedding light on the illusory nature of the separate subjective self, quantum physics has become its own spiritual path.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How you’re playing a key, participatory role in creating your experience of yourself and your experience of the world
- The dreamlike nature of reality, and why it isn’t some sort of new-agey, magical-thinking type of idea — instead, it’s validated by the hardest of the hard science
- How to shed more light on who you truly are — and the role you play in creating your experience
- Ways to snap out of the mainstream scientific materialist spell, which is severely limiting both your creative genius and your natural compassion
- How to make a true difference in the world when you connect with other people who are also plugging into their creativity
- A powerful meditation to imagine how a quantum leap would feel — and how it’s possible to create your own quantum leap… simply by changing how you’re thinking, interpreting, and placing meaning on your experience
Module 6: Your Creative Spirit — Oxygen for Your Soul (March 29)

Your spirit, the sentient presence that animates you, is creative by its very nature.
During this session, you’ll discover how the creative spirit is an essential part of your being, the life-giving oxygen for your soul.
In their own unique ways, every wisdom tradition throughout history points out that humans are creators.
These wisdom traditions consider your creative power your greatest gift, both to the world and yourself. Your creativity isn’t a mere hobby, a sideline, or something you should just indulge in on your days off.
The very center of your being is an unknown creative energy that forges us in its likeness, one way or another (with our cooperation or not).
A creative person — and we’re all creative people — must create! Nothing is more poisonous to your psyche than an unexpressed creative impulse.
Creativity without a suitable form of expression is an obstructing shadow that veils the light of divinity within us.
You’ll see how creatively expressing what’s moving you — as well as what’s stopping you from moving — is the very act that liberates you from unconsciously recreating your unhealed abuse, wounds, and trauma.
Paul will explain how the root of the collective madness that our species suffers from is the fact that we’re not connecting with, mobilizing, and expressing our creative natures.
The mysterious secret of your being can only be realized via participating in the creative act itself. You must create in order to know yourself…
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how profoundly important your creativity is
- Explore how being creative is not just an aspect of your nature, it’s essential for revealing your true nature
- Recognize how your unexpressed creativity can cause illness — emotional, psychological, spiritual, even physical
- Get in touch with what’s inside of you that’s preventing you from expressing yourself creatively
- Learn how you’re using your creativity every moment of your life — and how you can plug into your creative nature in a way that serves your awakening
- Participate in a guided meditation where you’ll gain insight into how your intrinsic creative agency is always at work — and can be harnessed to either imprison or liberate you
Module 7: Dreaming Ourselves Awake (April 5)

This final class will be the synthesis and culmination of all you’ve learned.
You’ll also discover how to connect with others, reflecting upon your shared experience in each other’s dreams, which can help you deepen your awareness of the dreamlike nature of reality.
As you deepen your realization of reality’s dreamlike nature, you’ll connect with your intrinsic power to create your experience of yourself and your experience of the world…
Your guiding question will then become, Once I become lucid in the dream, how do I dream it?
You’ll learn to alchemically transmute your projective tendencies (which tend to separate you from the world) into a process that helps you connect with your true nature…
In this final module, you’ll discover:
- How to creatively participate in your own awakening process
- How to get in touch with your inner guide and ally — who is always with you, but easy to either ignore or marginalize
- How the darker, shadowy forces (both in the world and within your mind) that seem to obscure the light are actually revealing it
- Why joining together with others to create an alchemical container can help everyone deepen their awakening… as you’ll discover, this is the true sangha of the Buddha, the mystical Body of Christ
- How to amplify the immense creative power within you (individually) when you connect with other people (other dream characters) who are also accessing their creative agency
- How to move through a powerful meditation to imagine you’ve become lucid in the waking dream of life — and how a deeper, more whole and healed part of yourself would envision dreaming the dream you’ve found yourself in
The Dreaming Yourself Awake Bonus Collection
In addition to Paul’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father
Ebook Chapter Excerpt From Paul Levy’s Book

This chapter from Paul’s memoir, Awakened by Darkness, is based on the archetype of the wounded healer. It’s grounded in his own experience of realizing that he has become a wounded healer, and sheds light on how this deeper archetype is relevant for all of us in today’s world. When Paul was 24, the emotional abuse he had suffered as a youth catalyzed a life-transforming spiritual awakening. Awakened by Darkness is the story of how Paul eventually freed himself from both his dysfunctional family and from the toxicity of psychiatry — and how, in a dream come true, he now has psychiatrists consulting with him. Paul shares how we can all shed light on and creatively bring forth our hidden gifts encoded in life’s darkness.
Awakening in the Dream Groups
Video Panel Discussion With Paul Levy and Senior Students

What if you took the idea that life is really a dream — and stepped into the reality that we’re all characters in each other’s dreams too? Paul invites you to watch this video recording and experience a session from one of his “Awakening in the Dream” groups — a ritual he’s been leading for 25 years, where members gather to co-create the dream of this community. This panel discussion will feature some of Paul’s students sharing their journeys and experiences, which might spark some aha! moments for you along the way.
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