Paula Moraine – Dyslexia, ADHD and Executive Functions: Interventions to Improve Literacy and Learning in Children and Adolescents
- Faculty:
- Paula Moraine
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 2 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Sep 28, 2015
- Dyslexia Simulation – from direct experience to understanding
- Hands-on experiences through simulations, games and practical applications
- Strategies to strengthen decoding, fluency, and comprehension
- Build your executive function toolbox!
- Coaching techniques for training and bolstering attention
This recording will present a lively and innovative approach to help students who read below grade level, have difficulty writing, and are terrible spellers. These are the students you see every day that struggle to regulate their attention, and have difficulty with organization, planning and time management. Watch this recording and gain insight into these challenges, and leave equipped with new strategies and skills that include ways to:
- Invigorate reading instruction
- Improve reading comprehension
- Increase focus and flexibility for ADHD
- Implement time-efficient, independent homework and study skills
- Individualize strategies for effective executive function
Through a dyslexia simulation and numerous practical examples, learn how to improve literacy and learning by using attention decisions, brain re-sets, memory strategies, and time management techniques. You will be offered a framework for effective reading instruction for dyslexia, as well as a toolbox of strategies to manage attention, organization, flexibility, decision-making, and initiative.
Additional Materials (110.7 KB) | 11 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Webcast Manual (1.7 MB) | 45 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Attention
- Memory
- Organization
- Time management
- Inhibition/initiative
- Flexibility
- Strategies to strengthen
- Decoding
- Fluency
- Comprehension
- Receptive and expressive language
- Multi-sensory strategies for reading at home and in school
- Written expression
- Practical, successful apps and computer choices
- Dyslexia simulation – from direct experience to understanding
- Hands-on experiences – simulation, games, apps
- Coach to train and increase attention
- Initiative and inhibition
- Time management
- Engagement
- Challenging sensory input and output to support attention controls
- Take home plan for implementing ADHD controls
- Tools for executive controls:
- Relationships
- Self-advocacy
- Motivation and incentive
- Synthesis and analysis
- Rhythm and routine
- Mental Images for processing memory and time
- Executive function map for individualization
- Transferring organization and time management skills from school to home

Paula Moraine, M.Ed. Related seminars and products: 1
The Attention Fix
tutor, Mentor, Coach
Paula Moraine, M.Ed., is an international author, teacher, and speaker. She has been a classroom teacher and tutor for elementary grades, high school and college students, as well as a university adjunct, mentor, coach, and adult educator in teacher training programs in the US, Germany, and Scotland. She has lectured widely in the US and abroad, led workshops on child development, education, and parenting. Paula’s book, “Helping Students Take Control of Everyday Executive Functions – The Attention Fix” has been translated into Dutch, Spanish, and Finnish. She is in private practice in Maryland as a tutor, coach, mentor, and adult educator. Paula is president of the Maryland Branch of the International Dyslexia Association.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Paula Moraine maintains a private practice. She is an author for Jessica Kinsley Publishers and receives royalties. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-Financial: Paula Moraine is the president of the International Dyslexia Association Maryland Branch.
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