Sherri Lassila – The Shift Leadership Training for Women
Overview of the Curriculum
Course sessions are on Thursdays at 12:00pm Pacific.
Pillar I: The Inner Game of Feminine Leadership
Unleashing Your True Purpose, Power & Flow
- Redefine success, leadership and power for yourself and our world
- Align with your higher guidance, true purpose and unique zone of genius
- Expand your authentic confidence and leadership presence
- Transcend doubt and unleash greater power in new and challenging situations
- Move beyond your inner glass ceiling and habitual patterns that hold you back
Pillar II: Fulfilling Your Vision
Taking Your Soul’s Mission From Idea to Reality
- Unleash greater power and flow as you put your purpose into action in new or bigger ways
- Design soul-aligned “action leaps” with cycles of innovation, feedback and adjustment
- Learn to be be more strategic with your time and energy, so you are working smarter, not harder
- Practice using tools for “Dynamic Steering” to navigate through uncertainty and change with greater grace and ease
- Integrate and embody a new way of living and leading that’s fully authentic, inspired and aligned with your highest potential
Pillar III: Impact, Influence & Interconnection
Building Relational Intelligence to Lead Others With Ease
- Learn authentic and soul-filled speaking skills to engage and inspire your audience
- Expand your impact and influence with others, including calling forth their genius and higher potential
- Harness the power of “Generative Communication” and “Powerful Relating” so your relationships are empowering rather than draining
- Learn to connect in the “we-space” that exists between beings, as well as harnessing the collective field
- Stay centered and hold your power in challenging situations
Pillar IV: Leading the Shift
Embodying a New Possibility for Yourself & Our World
- Expand your capacity to be a cultural change agent — helping to model a new paradigm of leadership and shape a workplace and world where we can all fully thrive
- Learn to build powerful communities and coalitions that are aligned with your vision
- Experience a developmental leap in the core capacities of inspired leadership from the inside-out
Detailed Curriculum

Pillar I: The Inner Game of Feminine Leadership
Unleashing Your True Purpose, Power & Flow

From there, you’ll need to align your leadership and your work with your deepest values and greatest gifts. You’ll need to stand in your authentic power and presence, so others will be inspired to support you. To support this unfolding, we’ll be using two proven processes to help you align more consistently with your essence and purpose.
And as you rise to the next level of leadership, you’ll find that you are continually required to evolve, expand your comfort zone and transcend your inner barriers to success. You have probably already done tremendous inner work to liberate yourself from conditioned ways of being, so you’ll continue to be supported in moving even further beyond self doubt. As a result, you’ll activate your authentic confidence, more completely recognize your full value, and realign with what matters most deeply to you.
Guest faculty Tim Kelley will play a key role in this pillar, helping you create a more consistent and reliable connection with your source of higher guidance. With that connection in place, you can ongoingly access intuitive wisdom and download “just in time” information about the next steps for unfolding your true purpose. Tim will join the program LIVE to personally coach you, and his methods will become part of our learning community and ongoing curriculum.
In this pillar, you’ll:
- Redefine success, leadership and power for yourself and our world
- Align your life’s work with your higher guidance and true purpose
- Understand your unique zones of genius, empowering you to lead from strength and confidence
- Move beyond your inner glass ceiling and breakthrough habitual patterns
- Connect to your intuitive guidance and make decisions in alignment with your deepest vision
- Align more fully with the creative forces of life to experience greater synchronicity and flow
- Enhance your authentic confidence and more fully “own your value”
- Unleash greater power and flow as you put your purpose into action
- Unhook from the voice of your inner critic and overcome self-doubt so you can unleash greater power — especially in new and challenging situations
- Transform your relationship with yourself to one of self-love, trust and confidence
Pillar I Guest Faculty:

HeatherAsh Amara, Building the Inner Strength of a Warrior Goddess, Author, Warrior Goddess, Founder, The Toltec Center of Creative Intent

Tim Kelley, Accessing Higher Guidance & Discovering Your Purpose
Global Change Agent, Founder of True Purpose Institute
Recorded Bonus Teachings:

Claire Zammit, Leading With Feminine Power
Co-creator, Feminine Power Programs, Co-founder, Evolving Wisdom

Jean Houston, Humanity’s Journey of Transformation & Your Exceptional Role
Author, PhD Scholar, Leader in the Human Potential Movement

Marianne Williamson, The Call to Feminine Leadership
Spiritual Teacher, New York Times Bestselling Author

Susanne Cook Greuter, Vertical Development & the Leadership Maturity Framework
Leading Expert in Mature Ego Development & Self-actualization

Pillar II: Fulfilling Your Vision
Taking Your Soul’s Mission From Idea to Reality

From there, step-by-step, you’ll be supported in taking action on your vision — which will require mastering practical skills to turn your dream into reality. You’ll take inspired actions to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and make meaningful progress toward manifesting your vision.
As you move into your chosen project, you’ll invariably face issues of limited time and resources, while also wanting to maintain a sense of balance in your life. So you’ll discover principles and practices for effectively managing your precious hours and finances. You’ll also learn to establish systems for optimum success.
In addition, we’ll show you a proven methodology for navigating day-to-day challenges and conflicts, as well as bigger decisions and opportunities — in a way that maintains consistent authentic alignment, and updates your “inner GPS” as you go.
This powerful process integrates best practices from mindfulness, emotional intelligence, transforming limiting beliefs, and a wide variety of healing and coaching modalities into an easy-to-use method.
In this pillar, you’ll:
- Take “Inspired Aligned Action Leaps” to bring your vision into reality
- Engage in rapid experimentation and be willing to learn from your mistakes and do things differently
- Respond effectively to feedback and emerging conditions, while staying true to yourself and your dreams
- Operationalize new integrated methods, mindsets and ways of being and doing
- Make choices that are fully aligned with your Essential Self, deeper values, inner wisdom and intuitive knowing
- Stretch into bold inspired action that expands your comfort zone and reinforces new ways of being
- Balance your wellbeing and self-care as you expand your work
- Learn to use your time more strategically and productively and balance competing commitments
- Navigate more skillfully through uncertainty and change to recover more quickly
- Partner with the unknown on a deeper level, suspending the need to know everything so you can uncover new creative solutions
Pillar II Guest Faculty:

Marcia Wieder, The Art of Enrollment: How to Inspire Others to Join You in Your Vision
Founder, Dream University

KC Baker, Clarifying Your Message, Sharing Your Voice (2 Interactive Sessions)
Founder, WomanSpeak & The Women’s Thought Leadership Speaker Agency

Stephen Dinan, Manifesting Your Vision From The Ground Up
Founder & CEO, The Shift Network
Recorded Bonus Teachings:

Lisa Nichols, Becoming the Divine Messenger You Were Born to Be
Motivational Speaker, New York Times Bestselling Author

Mari Smith, Connect With Effect: How to Reach the People That Matter Through Facebook & Beyond
Top Social Media Expert

Brett Thomas, Strategic Prioritization for Maximum Leverage
Transformational Business Coach

Lisa Sasevich, Creating Your Irresistible Offer
Founder of the Invisible Close

Pillar III: Impact, Influence & Interconnection
Building Relational Intelligence to Lead Others With Ease

That said, relationships often involve conflict. And in the face of conflict, you may lose connection with your center and then block access to your full power and flow. In these situations, you may have a tendency to over-compromise or have difficulty saying no. You may come on too strong and then find you are unable to access the full wisdom and potential of others.
So you’ll discover how you can be connected with others in a way that naturally brings forth your fullest creative potential while also calling forth the genius of others. And as you bring out the best in each other, co-creativity and synergy can thrive! You’ll begin to develop networks of highly developed people who inspire your highest potential.
You’ll also learn to stay true to yourself in the face of conflict or challenge. You’ll practice navigating emotions — your own as well as those around you. You’ll discover how to respond skillfully to what’s needed in the moment.
Finally, you’ll practice a higher order of human relating that’s possible among conscious evolutionaries. As we recognize our inherent connectedness and learn to harness the power of the relational field, we unleash greater than imagined possibilities.
In this pillar, you’ll:
- Expand your impact and influence with others, including calling forth their genius and higher potential
- Harness the power of “Generative Communication” and “Powerful Relating” so your relationships are empowering rather than draining
- Transform patterns that have held back your full leadership potential with others (including perfectionism, over-accommodating, people-pleasing, undervaluing your work and more)
- Discover powerful ways to transform disagreements using deep listening and transparent, vulnerable, authentic sharing
- Clear and prevent blame, resentment and guilt, keeping a clear relational field
- Practice setting clear boundaries with others and making clear requests
- Build relationships of higher integrity and trust
- Practice the art of inspiring and calling forth the genius, higher potential and commitment in your co-creators
- Learn to relate from your “soul essence” to find greater synergy and co-creativity with others
- Connect deeply and authentically with like-minded women, inspiring and supporting each other as you express your purpose more fully
Pillar III Guest Faculty:

Katherine Woodward Thomas, Powerful Relations & Generative Communication
New York Times Bestselling Author, Marriage & Family Therapist, Inspirational Speaker

Patricia Albere, Awakened Mutuality: Leadership Inside the New Paradigm of Unity
Founder, Evolutionary Collective
Recorded Bonus Teachings:

Daniel Goleman, Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence
New York Times Bestselling Author, Emotional Intelligence

Joan Blades, Respect in the Workplace
Co-founder, &

Chade-Meng Tan, Search Inside Yourself: Enlightened Leadership Worldwide
Google Pioneer, Bestselling Author, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Karl Steyaert, Transforming Conflict
NVC Trainer & Conflict Transformation Specialist

Pillar IV: Leading the Shift
Embodying a New Possibility for Yourself & Our World

This kind of leadership requires new ways of thinking, decision-making, action and collaboration. We need to become consistent models of the changes we want to see and consciously design “micro-cultures” — prototypes of the world we want to create. We need to harness all the resources at our disposal — our time, our talents, our financial resources, our “human networks,” our political capital — in service of our greater vision.
Given that collaboration is a key to success in today’s world, you’ll discover how to build partnerships that are truly effective — leveraging the unique genius of each player. You’ll also experience exciting and powerful breakthroughs around your vision when we explore practices together as an “evolutionary community.”
Finally, this module will give you a chance to integrate all of your learning from this program so you can expand and replicate this kind of evolutionary partnership, community and culture going forward — in your life, your workplace and the world.
In this pillar, you’ll:
- Expand your skills and capacity to be a high-impact cultural change agent — helping to model a new paradigm of leadership where we can all fully thrive
- Discover how to harness greater collaboration and community building to unleash the power of our collective field… for your individual and shared missions
- Develop collaborative practices as an evolutionary community, staying in consistent alignment with our true gifts, deepest values and fullest power
- Understand why a “field of empowered relationships” is required to become a high-impact evolutionary leader, and how to create a new level of partnership that catalyzes your higher potential and supports your vision
- Expand your network to include people who both stretch and support you, as well as those who mentor and sponsor your work in the world
- Create an upward spiral of success by forming your own personal advisory board, as well as a mastermind circle that inspires you to constantly uplevel your game
- Clarify how your vision ties into a larger “Shift” you want to catalyze on our planet, and align it with your economic, social and environmental goals
- Use appreciative inquiry skills to draw out the collective wisdom of a group and advance a shared vision
- Learn collaborative leadership methods and skills to partner more effectively with others
- Understand the best practices of higher consciousness organizations, and how you might apply them to your work
Pillar IV Guest Faculty:

Devaa Haley Mitchell, Leveraging ALL Your Resources for Maximum Impact
Co-founder, The Shift Network, Founder, Inspiring Women With Soul Programs

Amy Fox, Working Together For Collective Change
CEO, Mobius Executive Leadership
Recorded Bonus Teachings:

Bert Parlee, Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems
CEO, Spectrum, Former Chief of Staff, Integral Institute

Ocean Robbins, The Power of Partnership: Building Bridges Across Great Divides
Social Entrepreneur, CEO, Food Revolution and Founder, YES!

Frederic Laloux, Best Practices of Higher Consciousness Leaders & Organizations
Author, Reinventing Organizations

Monica Sharma, Whole Systems Transformation & Achieving Measurable Results at Scale
Former Director of Leadership and Capacity Development at the United Nations

Chris Attwood, Creating Enlightened Alliances
New York Times Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker
Two Intimate Retreats in 2017
April 10-13 & December 2-5 in Petaluma, California

During these intimate gatherings, you’ll bond with and receive deep support from like-minded evolutionaries. You’ll practice a higher consciousness way of relating that allows you to feel profoundly seen and calls you and others to the next level growth and leadership.
These retreats will combine meditation, movement, nature, experiential exercises, deep reflection, bonding, ritual and practical skills and process to expand your impact and influence in the world.
In the April Retreat, you’ll experience a deepening process to further crystallize your vision and project, and your next steps for making it real. You’ll practice articulating your gifts, what you stand for and your emerging vision and project. You’ll receive the kind of transformational feedback to improve both your project ideas and your skills in presenting them.
You’ll also experience and learn how to create a group field of high resonance and wholehearted trust — a kind of unity that also enhances and requires the unique contribution of each individual. Finally, you’ll explore how to take the practices of retreat into your daily life at home to nurture your fullest potential.
For the December Retreat, you’ll have an opportunity to focus on integration and next steps for sustaining and expanding your vision and amplifying your impact as a leader. We’ll celebrate your leadership growth and progress on your project, as well as assess and fine-tune your vision based on learning throughout the program.
You’ll give an updated presentation about your initiative, and receive feedback from your peers and core faculty about what you’ve offered.
Together, we’ll plan next steps and set up a system of support for maintaining momentum on your mission and project, and sustaining your leadership growth over time. Finally, you’ll integrate what we’ve learned about building evolutionary community and culture, and develop your plan to expand this kind of community and culture in your workplace, community or other contexts where you lead.

Location: Our retreats will be hosted at EarthRise, a beautiful, conscious retreat center located within the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) campus… just 35 minutes north of San Francisco.

This is also the office headquarters for The Shift Network, and you’ll have an opportunity to meet some of our senior leaders. Amid 194 acres of rolling hills, you’ll have time to enjoy hiking trails that meander through native live oak woodlands and the surrounding open space, which offers panoramic vistas of the Northern California landscape.
**Please note that your food, lodging and facility fees at Earthrise retreat center are NOT INCLUDED in your program tuition. See FAQ for anticipated costs.**
Individual Executive Coaching
6 Sessions With Executive Coaches Sherri Lassila & Susan Cannon
Working one-on-one with an executive coach will help you take your mission and leadership to the next level, and is key to your ability to unlock still more of your potential, fulfillment and impact.
Over 6 individual sessions with one of our master coaches, you’ll:
- Set personalized leadership development goals that build on your strengths and enhance key areas of improvement
- Develop a powerful vision for yourself, your work and the business/organization/community you lead
- Translate your vision into a project or initiative that takes your work and leadership to the next level of impact
- Receive a personalized action plan for making your project a success
- Stay true to yourself and your purpose as you integrate feedback from multiple sources on your vision and project
- Steer dynamically toward your vision — resolving challenges and responding effectively to changing conditions, setbacks and new opportunities, refining and iterating your vision and project as you go
- Be challenged to take bold, inspired action outside your comfort zone (until now!)
Dr. Susan Cannon is a certified master executive coach, professor of organizational development and leadership, and a pioneer in women’s leadership development who has shaped her more than twenty-five year career around innovation and change in individuals and organizations. Dr. Cannon is a partner at Vollett Executive Coaching where she provides integral innovation coaching primarily to C-suite clients. She is on the faculty of Fielding Graduate University as a professor of Organizational Development and Leadership. Her work was recently featured in the International Leadership Association’s book Leadership 2050, a current finalist for a 2015 Leadership Book of the Year award. She is co-author of The Way of The Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love, and Lead, due out April 2016.
Small Group Coaching Circle
8 Sessions With Sherri Lassila (2 Hours Each)

This is an intimate learning environment with 8-12 participants in which you’re supported and stretched to expand your comfort zones, debrief action-experiments and project progress, receive coaching on your development goals and challenges, share learning and best practices, and integrate and sustain new skills over time.
Group Strategy Sessions
3 Sessions With Stephen Dinan

Stephen Dinan is the founder and main driver of the growth of The Shift Network, which has served more than 900,000 participants in just six years. A profitable business, The Shift Network has a team of 48 and features courses with 55 of today’s leading teachers and more than 1000 featured pioneers in virtual Summits. The company is actively engaged in a wide variety of philanthropic causes.
Stephen is one of the most effective strategy coaches you will meet. He has a wealth of understanding about marketing, branding, Internet strategy and alliance building. He can quickly see the core of what you’re working to bring into the world — and help refine, brand, develop, launch and grow it effectively, as well as identify a roadmap for the years to come.
Each trimester, you’ll take part in a group-mentoring call with Stephen, who’ll do “laser coaching” and offer game-changing strategies and insights that support your work and growth as a leader.
The Shift Leadership Training for Women Bonus Collection
In addition to ongoing classes, group mentoring, retreats and individual coaching, you’ll receive $4747 in bonuses and exclusive discounts.
The Enlightened Business Academy
9-module Audio Business Training (Valued at $2,500.00)

A 9-month Online Business Mentorship and Training With 9 of Today’s Top Teachers of Enlightened Entrepreneurship
The Enlightened Business Academy gives you nine modules of immersion, support, teachings and concrete strategies to provide you what you need to create a sustainable and successful heart-centered business. Nowhere else can you get in-depth teachings from the premier teachers of enlightened business — including business and marketing strategies, content creation, branding, social media, sales, launch, sustainability and other resources to help you embody the shift to a conscious way of doing business.
Module 1: Becoming a Purposeful Entrepreneur & Creating a New Paradigm Business
Taught by Tim Kelley, True Purpose Institute
Module 2: Mastering the Tender Art of Niching How to Gain Intimacy, Trust & Connection With Your Best Potential Customers & Clients
Taught by Mark Silver, Heart of Business
Module 3: Creating Your Irresistible Offer
Taught by Lisa Sasevich, The Invisible Close
Module 4: Attract Customers Without Struggle
Taught by Sharla Jacobs, Thrive Academy
Module 5: Heart-based Marketing
Taught by George Kao, The Authentic Business Community
Module 6: Scalable Business Models & The Launch
Taught by Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin, California Leadership Center
Module 7: The Enlightened Entrepreneurial Mindset
Becoming the Person You Need to Be to Manifest Your Vision
Taught by Ryan Eliason, Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network
Module 8: Entrepreneurial Secrets From the Leading Edge
Taught by Stephen Dinan, The Shift Network
Module 9: Creating Enlightened Work Environments
Taught by Bharat Mitra, Organic India
Inspiring Women’s Soul Wisdom Collection 2016 (Valued at $247.00)
Complete Package of Streaming Videos, Downloadable Audio and PDF Transcripts

Women who are bringing their exquisite gifts, shining their bright lights and devoting their full hearts to healing our world. Their revolutionary wisdom and most treasured practices are just what you need to step into your most inspired life!
Featured experts include Alice Walker, Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Jean Houston, Danielle LaPorte, Shiva Rea and many more!
Access to 2 Additional Programs From The Shift Network
Examples Include: Thomas Huebl, Mark Silver, Andrew Harvey, Anodea Judith
(Valued at up to $2,000.00. All courses must be enrolled by 12/31/17)

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