The Futur Course Collection 2021
The Futur is an education platform where creative professionals learn business principles. From freelancers to creative entrepreneurs, we have tools, courses, and content designed specifically for you.
Are Courses from The Futur Worth It?
Around this time, we had discovered a major gap in creative education. We realized that across the board, there was a serious lack of business acumen. Creatives didn’t know how to sell their work—or even price it for that matter—among many other crucial skills.
From that point, our mission was clear: teach creatives of all levels about the business side of things so they can make money doing what they love. We made our classroom global, online, and accessible to everyone.
Now, we know the Internet is a pretty busy place. There are plenty of platforms to choose from if you’re looking to learn a new skill. Practically anywhere you look, it seems like a new digital course pops up.
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