The Wisdom of the Grandmothers 3
Featuring: Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance and Ambassador Jyoti
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmother was set in motion by common visions and prophecies seeded decades ago in many people around the world. Some of those visions were held by members of the Center for Sacred Studies (CSS) who convened the Grandmothers in 2004. Some of the prophecies were held for generations by the Grandmothers’ peoples.In this opening session, Ambassador Jyoti, CSS Spiritual Director and visionary joins Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance in sharing the prophetic spiritual messages that gave birth to this global movement and share what is at the core of their work. You’ll learn how these elders see our current times and how we can answer the larger call for us to transform our relationship with each other and the earth.“We are here to let the beauty, love and joy continue so when you walk through this journey, the earth is the better for it. We can give back love, generosity and forgiveness when we ’see’ rightly. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is our gift! What part will you play today?!”
Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim

Featuring: Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance and Grandmother Julieta Casimiro
Part of the magic of the Grandmothers comes from their ability to follow guidance from the spirit world. In this session, you’ll hear not only their deepest guidance, but how they have learned to access, awaken and follow that guidance and apply it to their lives. This act of surrendering to a larger Spirit is central for the spiritual path and for being able to receive true wisdom for our lives.
“I converse with the wind. Everything is air. I call the wind as God. They sit with us and they sit on my tongue and they speak through me.”
Grandmother Aama Bombo, Nepal
Module 3: Reciprocity – Reviving Traditional Ceremony
Featuring: Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance and Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim
The Grandmothers come from lines of prayer and ceremony that restore and renew our relationship to Creation and to one another. This session will focus on truly living ceremony as a powerful way to heal relationships, create bonds of mutual trust, and access great energies that are not available on our own. From ceremony, we learn about the importance of mutuality and reciprocity.
“The Sundance is very sacred to our Oglala Lakota peoples. As you support the ceremony in a respectful way, something good will come to you and your people as well.”
Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
Module 4: Relationships: Walking in the Path of our Ancestors
Featuring: Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance and Grandmother Margaret Behan
The Grandmothers follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, and bring that wisdom to share with all of us. Indigenous traditions revere ancestors and you’ll understand from this session how to create a deeper relationship with your physical and cultural lineages. This gives a sense of place, of rooting, and grounding, as well as cultivates a state of deeper gratitude for life itself.
“Our people know that the land and the language are one. If we lose one or the other we are no longer who we say we are.”
Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance
Module 5: Responsibility: Sowing Seeds of Peace in Our Communities & Water as a Human Right
Featuring: Grandmother Mona Polacca and Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire
One of the key teachings of The Grandmothers is to take responsibility for peace in our communities and peace in our hearts. Part of this is developing a deeper relationship with the natural elements around us. By entering into this reverential relationship, we begin to know water, for instance, as the source and the mother of life. Water has ears.
Listen as the Grandmothers share about their relation to this primary element. Learn to connect more profoundly with the water inside of you and around you, which leads to a real shift in how you move through life.
“My elders said, ‘Know where your water comes from. Know your fire. Know where you are going to find your food.’”
Grandmother Mona Polacca
Module 6: Respect – Cultivating Compassion and Loving Kindness
Featuring: Grandmother Tsering Dolma Gyaltong and Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein
Compassion is one of the greatest spiritual gifts that we can nurture in ourselves. In this session, you will learn how you can access the deep forgiveness and compassion that guides the Grandmothers, and how you can bring these tremendous healing powers into your own life.
“Every morning I get up and I pray for all sentient beings…humans, animals, even birds – they all need happiness.”
Grandmother Tsering Dolma Gyaltong
Module 7: Celebration and Healing: Giving Life to the Prayer through Sacred Song
Featuring: Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire and Grandmother Julieta Casimiro
For all peoples, throughout all times, sacred songs have given voice to the deepest connections with source. Songs open hearts and heal bodies; they call on spirits and banish negativity. Grandmothers Maria Alice Campos Freire and Julieta Casimiro use sacred song and chants in their healing ceremonies. They will share their songs and the wisdom of this sacred medicine of sound.
“Everyone lightens. Each one of us is moving and vibrating as we become one as the light beings we are. All of us have been called. All of us feel the change and know the urgency of becoming One.”
Grandmother Flordemayo
BONUS SESSION: Awakening Our Memory of the Four Planetary Elements – Fire, Water, Earth and Air
Featuring: Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire
The four planetary elements – fire, water, earth and air – are the main foundations of our life. All the original peoples of the world have preserved similar knowledge about the elements, and this knowledge guides all their understanding about life: between balance and imbalance, sickness and health. Thus, these foundations are the heart of the ancient medicine system and their healing practices.
In this bonus session, Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire, a healer, educator and wisdom keeper, will introduce some of the wealth of knowledge she has gathered in a lifetime of connection with the plants and the enchanted beings of nature. As a caretaker of the patrimony of the Amazonian Traditional Medicine, her intention in this session is to help awaken your memory. With this session, you can:
- Reawaken the memory of your ancient roots
- Connect with your Flow (Water), Light (Fire), Forgiveness (Earth) and Expression (Air)
- Learn some of the ways of the original peoples to balance your life
Grandmother Mona Polacca
- Seven 90-minute class sessions with the Grandmothers, including Q&A on audio
- Unlimited access to recordings of all class sessions (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player)
- Exclusive Bonus Session with Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire
- Lifelong practices that can help you take the teachings of the Grandmothers and apply them to your life, transforming all your relations.
- PDF transcripts for each class session
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