Theresa Puckett – Critical Skills for the Nurse Educator
- Faculty:
- Theresa Puckett
- Duration:
- Full Day
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- May 13, 2016
- Maximize your use of available technology
- Develop challenging scenarios to facilitate learning
- Succeed with the resistant/disruptive learner
- New strategies to evaluate competencies in practice
- Cost-effective teaching tools
- BONUS: Checklists for lecture and lab/ clinical
When I first started teaching, I spent hours preparing an activity for the classroom only to have the learners blow through it in 10 minutes. As educators, I think that we all want to implement active teaching strategies but feel like we don’t have the time to execute these visions. Throughout this packed day of learning, I will be sharing with you my White Water Rafting Analogy to guide you as you design teaching strategies in the future. This analogy will revolutionize the way you think about teaching.
We will spend our day together discussing and experiencing active teaching strategies. Imagine walking away with over 100 new ideas that you can use the next day, as needed. These ideas do not require a lot of prep time or money…yet can have a huge impact on learning outcomes. Whether you work in an academic or a clinical setting, this seminar will allow you to become more proficient, successful and engaged. I hope that you’ll join me for this career-changing seminar!
Webcast Manual (1.08 MB) | 57 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Teaching Approaches for the Best Outcomes
- Transitions
- Wake-ups
- Ways to emphasize main points
- How to provide ongoing support to learners
- The “Good Lecturer” checklist
Optimize Learning through Technology
- Using the slide master function in Word
- Guided lecture
- Concept mapping
- Student response systems (ex. iClicker)
- Lecture capture
- Text messaging
- Podcasting
- Wikis
- Apps
- Virtual educational environments
- Using digital recordings to provide feedback
- Learning management systems
Must-Know Strategies for any Teaching Situation
- Activity-based
- Cooperative
- Direct instructional
- Independent learning
- Ways to foster reflection
- The resistant learner
- Teaching a multi-disciplinary group
Techniques for the Clinical and Lab Settings
- Apprenticeship model vs. conceptual learning
- Critical thinking vs. clinical reasoning
- Developing a practice database
- Strategies for teaching assessment, delegation, and specific content areas for geriatrics, pediatrics, OB, and psych
- Simulation scenarios
- Using standardized patients
- Virtual lab resources
- Remote presence faculty robot
- Incorporating IOM and QSEN competencies
- De-briefing strategies
- The “Good Instructor” checklist
Doing More with Less: Maximizing the “Free Stuff”
- Open courseware
- Open electronic health record
- Free online books/articles
- Free course management systems
- Free web conferencing sites
- Websites for cartoons, jokes, pictures, interviews, stories, poems, videos, case studies and crossword puzzle makers

Theresa Puckett, PHD, RN, CPNP, CNE, NURSE EDUCATOR Related seminars and products: 4
Nurse Educator
Cleveland State University
Theresa Puckett is a certified nurse educator who has held a variety of academic teaching appointments at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Currently, she works clinically as a nurse at The Cleveland Clinic and as an EMR Consultant for a large healthcare group. Dr. Puckett has taught lecture, clinical, and lab courses in addition to serving as a preceptor for nursing education graduate students.
Dr. Puckett is a member of the National League for Nursing and served on the first CNE Certification Commission. She also served on the Educational Leadership Advisory Council for the Ohio League for Nursing. Theresa earned a BSN from Ursuline College, MSN and PhD from University of Akron and a postmasters certificate in nursing education from the University of Toledo. She has presented at several national and state conferences and is known for her engaging presentation style and use of audience participation. She looks forward to sharing her best creative teaching/learning strategies with you!
Financial: Theresa Puckett has an employment relationship with University Hospitals Richmond Medical Center; Euclid Hospital, Lutheran Hospital Cleveland Clinic Foundation; and Stark State College. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Theresa Puckett is a member of the American Nurses Association; American Psychiatric Nurses Association; and American Psychological Association.
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