- Faculty:
- Thomas W. Phelan
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 8 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Mar 08, 2019
- Raise emotionally intelligent kids
- Excellent preventive mental health
- Avoid The Dangerous Assumption about children
- Link between child discipline and marital satisfaction
- Research supporting 1-2-3 Magic
- Cognitive restructuring
- Simplicity and rapid, substantial results reinforce compliance
- The neuroscience of kids’ self-control
- Unique behavior management technology
- Automatic vs. deliberate parenting
- Three crucial components for happy, healthy kids
- The two biggest discipline mistakes
- Counting – it’s simple but not easy!
- Techniques for problem situations
- Strategies to overcome sibling rivalry, tantrums, pouting and lying
- How to get kids onboard
- Badgering
- Temper
- Threat
- Martyrdom
- Butter Up
- Physical Tactics
- Positive routines and brain pathways
- Up and out in the morning
- Cleaning up and chores
- Suppertime
- Homework
- Going to bed—and staying there!
- Sympathetic listening and emotional attachment
- The dangers of over-parenting
- Real magic: One-on-one fun
- Solve problems together
- Human bonding, human brains, and child discipline
- The No-Talking, No-Emotion rules and slipping
- Involve other caretakers
- Pre- and post-testing
- Counting start behavior
- Overfocus on counting
- Omitting relationship strengthening
- Differential diagnosis and special needs kids
Thomas W. Phelan – 1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective & Happy Parenting
“My child is out of control and never listens to anything I say”
“I’ve tried yelling, timeouts, that counting thing, and nothing works with my child”
“I’m so exhausted I don’t even know where to start with my child’s misbehavior”
How often do you hear complaints like this from a frustrated parent in your office? Stress from dealing with behavior problems related to ADHD, Autism spectrum, or ODD can aggravate depression, anxiety, impulse control disorders, marital discord, substance abuse, and a host of other psychological problems in parents. Clients wind up stuck in a cycle where ineffective parenting methods exacerbate behavior problems and the parent has no idea what to do.
Watch clinical psychologist and parenting expert, Thomas Phelan, PhD, as he teaches you how to incorporate 1-2-3 Magic (2 million copies sold) with even your most difficult families. This evidence-based, easy-to-learn method transforms difficult behavior and revolutionizes your treatment plans.
Imagine the feeling of success when that frustrated parent returns and tells you that what used to be an hour long argument with their child is now a problem solved within 30 seconds! Or that exhausted parent is now more energized because bedtime is no longer a struggle.
The formula for this success is straightforward: The plan is simple, it’s easy to learn, and it works. Don’t let the frustration, anger, and stress continue any longer for your clients – become a Certified 1-2-3 Magic Trainer® today!
Become a Certified 1-2-3 Magic Family Trainer®
By completing this 1-2-3 Magic program, you will become a Certified 1-2-3 Magic Family Trainer® and permitted to train families in this program during one-on-one clinical sessions in your office. After you have finished the program, contact ParentMagic, Inc. and register to be listed on the National Network of 1-2-3 Magic Trainers. ParentMagic, Inc. also has other training materials available, such as Leader Guides, Presentation Packages, DVDs, audios, Workbooks, books for kids, and PowerPoint or Keynote slide presentations. ParentMagic reserves the right to conduct 1-2-3 Magic seminars for small or large groups in the public or private sector.
Manual – 1-2-3 Magic (6.8 MB) | 115 Pages | Available after Purchase |
What is the 1-2-3 Magic System?
The Neuroscience Behind the Success of 1-2-3 Magic
Building a Solid Foundation for Parenting
Controlling Obnoxious Behavior
Identify & Manage the 6 Types of Testing and Manipulation
Encourage Good Behavior
Strengthening Parent/Child Relationships
Training Problems

Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 3
1-2-3 Magic!
Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D., is the author of numerous books, DVDs, and audios including 1-2-3: Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting, the 1-2-3 Magic Workbook, 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom, All About ADHD, and 1-2-3 Magic Teen. In addition to writing and producing, Dr. Phelan maintains an active schedule of international lectures, and he is a frequent guest on radio and television. His articles appear in numerous regional and national publications.
A registered clinical psychologist, Dr. Phelan has worked with children, adults and families for over 40 years. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association. He has also served on the boards of directors for both ADDA and CHADD, two national organizations for the parents of children with ADHD. Dr. Phelan was inducted into the CHADD Hall of Fame in 1997. His books have been translated into 25 languages.
Dr. Phelan has given more than 1,500 1-2-3 Magic seminars to parents, teachers, hospitals, support groups, mental health professionals, pediatricians, military installations and child psychiatrists. 1-2-3 Magic addresses child behavior management in a way that is practical, entertaining, and down-to-earth. 1-2-3 Magic is often referred to as a humorous look at parenting and a serious look at discipline.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Thomas Phelan maintains a private practice. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Thomas Phelan is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association.
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